Chronic intestinal dysbacteriosis( persistent) symptoms and treatment

Calling dysbacteriosis chronic is incorrect, because in fact it is not a disease, but is a violation of the relationship between "useful" and opportunistic microorganisms. Predominantly, dysbiosis itself is a symptom of some kind of GIT disease in chronic form.

Symptoms of chronic intestinal dysbiosis will depend on the degree of its severity. So, in the case of the first degree of disturbances in the microflora, the body can independently cope with a violation in the cavity of digestion, which is caused by insufficient volume of useful microflora. Therefore, in such a case, a chronic dysbacteriosis will proceed without symptoms, due to what this form was called compensated.

In the case of the second degree of permanent dysbacteriosis, the signs will already have a more pronounced characteristic, and manifest in the absence of appetite, the presence of metallic taste in the mouth, a periodic swelling that will be accompanied by spasms and attacks of acute pain, nausea, sometimes vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or theircombination. Such a violation of microflora refers to a subcompensated type of pathology.

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In the case of chronic dysbacteriosis of the third degree, the development of inflammatory processes on the surface of the intestinal wall is possible. This stage of permanent disruption of the microflora causes discomfort in the whole body, and will manifest itself in the form of symptoms of general malaise, headaches, irritability, weakness, sleep disturbances, and sometimes a subfebrile temperature. Such a disturbance of the microflora is of the de-type type.

Children up to one year are characterized by symptoms of chronic dysbiosis in the form of attacks of intestinal colic, which develop approximately 1.5 hours after ingestion. The child can turn blue from crying, pinch his legs and calms down only when the gases have passed away. It is worth noting that if a permanent infringement of microflora occurs in children long enough, it will lead to a child's lag in relation to physical and neuropsychological development.

Treatment of chronic intestinal dysbiosis

Therapy of chronic dysbacteriosis is made in accordance with complex and individual characteristics. It will depend on what the results of the laboratory tests were obtained, the signs of the microflora disorder, the general condition of the patient and his age category.

In case of an accidentally detected compensated infringement of microflora in an adult who has no manifestations, treatment of a permanent intestinal dysbacteriosis will not be carried out. However, if such a violation was noticed in the baby, it should be cured, because due to insignificant external and internal factors, it is possible to activate the conditionally pathogenic state of microflora and the development of intestinal infection.

If there is a second and third degree of severity of chronic dysbiosis, therapy primarily begins with the fact that the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed. For this purpose, a therapeutic course is prescribed when using bacteriophages or antibacterial drugs that are active against the microflora, whose vital activity is required to be suppressed.

Bacteriophages are special viruses that have the ability to affect different bacteria. To date, in the pharmaceutical sale can be found staphylococcal, polyvalent, coliprotein and other drugs. Of the antibiotics, those who exert their influence only in the intestinal cavity and are not absorbed into the blood will be predominantly appointed.

The scheme of complex therapy of permanent dysbacteriosis also includes prebiotics and probiotics, preparations with enzymatic activity, vitamins and minerals, as well as agents that normalize the motility of the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract.

By prebiotics means drugs that create in the intestinal cavity environment, which is favorable for the development of beneficial microorganisms. To them it is possible to carry, Hilak Forte, Laktusan and others.

Probiotics contain colonies of beneficial microorganisms. These drugs include Probiophore, Acylactus, Bifidumbacterin, Colibacterin and others.

For local therapy of permanent dysbiosis, microclysters with solutions of medicinal herbs, sedentary baths with decoctions or infusions from them, as well as compresses and ointments with anti-inflammatory effect on the anorectal area can be used.

Chronic dysbacteriosis will require careful diagnosis of the patient and the correct choice of complex treatment.

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