Deciphering the analysis of feces for intestinal dysbiosis is an indicator of the norm, what does the result of bacteriological research show?

In the intestine cavity a large number of various microorganisms, whose activity affects the process of digestion of nutrients, conduct their vital activity. Mostly, it is required to pass tests of feces for dysbacteriosis to those with signs of impaired microflora that are clearly symptomatic, that is, there is diarrhea, flatulence, pain in the abdominal cavity, and after a therapeutic antibiotic course has been prescribed. However, the most important aspect is the interpretation of stool analysis for dysbiosis.

Pathogenic enterobacteria, mainly, can act as a cause of the development of many pathological processes. They can influence the development of acute infectious diseases. These include salmonella and shigella - dysenteric microorganisms. If the analysis of feces contains enterobacteria, then this indicates that there is a serious enough infection. In the norm this indicator of dysbacteriosis should be absent.

E. coli is the norm or a dysbacteriosis?

Such microorganisms are constituents of the gastrointestinal flora. They fmogut act as an obstacle, the spread of pathogenic bacteria, and also affect the production of B vitamins, support the absorption of calcium and iron into the blood.

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If, as a result of the analysis on dysbacteriosis, the average indicator of the content of these bacteria decreases, then the organism is populated with dangerous parasites. In addition, there may be other reasons:

  • Course of antibiotics.
  • Incorrect power mode.
  • The presence of infection.

It is often enough to be found in the decoding of a decrease in its activity in enzymatic processes. In this case, the E. coli is considered to be inferior, that is, it will not carry a harmful effect on the body, but no benefit from it. If as a result of bacteriological examination its quantity is higher than the norm, that is, 107 to 108, then this is evidence of the development of dysbacteriosis.

The index of lactose-negative enterobacteria in the dysbacteriosis

This group is referred to opportunistic bacteria that interfere with the normal course of the digestion process, and also have the property of provoking dyspeptic manifestations: eructation, heartburn, a feeling of raspiraniya or squeezing of the stomach. Normally, when deciphering the analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis, they should not be more than 5%.

Lactobacillus as a result of analysis for the dysbacteriosis

This bacterial group is one of the main types in the lactic acid group. Their 4-6% in the total bacterial mass of the intestine. Lactobacilli break down lactose, so there is no development of lactose deficiency. In addition, their work is to maintain normal acidity in the colonic cavity.

If the number of bacteria in this group is reduced in deciphering the analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis, this may be a consequence of:

  • Carrying out medications with antibiotic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Incorrect power mode.
  • Infection.
  • Presence of a chronic form of the disease that occurs in the digestive tract.
  • Stress.

When analyzing the stool for dysbacteriosis, the number of lactobacilli should normally be observed:

  • for children under 1 year of age is 106-107.
  • for children after 1 year is 107-108.
  • for adults is 106-108.

Bifidobacteria are normal andwith dysbacteriosis

This group occupies a rather serious position in the intestinal microflora. The main area of ​​activity of bifidobacteria is the oppression of pathogenic microorganisms. In the intestinal cavity they are not less than 95%.Deficiency of them is the cause, which causes a violation in the microflora. When deciphering the analysis for dysbiosis, a decrease in the level of bifidobacteria is observed.

What does the presence of enterococci in the analysis for dysbiosis show?

Bacterial group of this type is a part of the gastrointestinal microflora. In this case, enterococci can act as causative agents of various infections in the pelvic organs and the urinary system. The content index for decoding the analysis of enterococci is not higher than the content of E. coli.

If their number is higher than 105 - 108 in deciphering the analysis of stool, then this is evidence of the development of dysbacteriosis.

Clostridia also refers to normal inhabitants of the intestinal microflora. They help in protein processing. The increased number of them in deciphering the bacteriological analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis is evidence of the consumption of many foods rich in protein. Their norm is:

  • For infants not more than 103.
  • For children over 1 year and adults not more than 105.

Proteus is also a part of the intestinal microflora. Proteas are also called sanitary-indicative. If they are detected as a result of examination of feces for dysbiosis, then this can act as evidence of violation of hygiene rules. Infection with a bacterial group of this type is possible, if personal hygiene is not observed, or in contact with an already infected person.

Klebsiella also acts as a representative of opportunistic bacteria that belong to the family of enterobacteria. If they are found when deciphering the analysis for dysbacteriosis, then their number should not exceed 104.

Bacteroides have an effect on the process of digestion of food. Mostly, when deciphering a stool analysis in a six-month-old children, this group is not detected. For children older than 7 months and adults, their number as a result of deciphering the test for dysbiosis should not be higher than 108. It should be noted that their role in the human body has not been fully studied.

Peptostreptococci inhabit the cavity of the colon, have an effect on the processing of milk protein and carbohydrates. However, if their rate in the body increases when deciphering the analysis for dysbiosis, and also if they are available in other organs, this is evidence of inflammatory processes.

When deciphering tests for dysbacteriosis, they should normally not be more:

  • In children under one year of age, 103-105.
  • In children older than one year and adults, 105-106.

Staphylococci are divided into two types: pathogenic and non-pathogenic. Staphylococcus enters the body together with food from the external environment. In norm at inspection on a dysbacteriosis they should not be. The proved fact is that if in the deciphering of the bacteriological analysis of feces there is a golden staphylococcus, then an immediate hospitalization is required.

With the increase in the number of yeast-like fungi that belong to the genus Candida, in the results of the study of stool one can speak of the development of dysbacteriosis due to the intake of antibiotics. In norm this indicator does not exceed 107.

It is worth saying that the presented interpretation of the analysis for dysbacteriosis is not reliable in every individual case and not for every age. Even in the norm the indicators can be different from each other.

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