Treatment with chemotherapy for stomach cancer, after and before surgery, the effectiveness of the course

Chemotherapy is an effective way to fight stomach cancer, which is based on medication. Along with radiotherapy and surgical intervention, chemotherapy is an important method of influencing the tumor.

What is chemotherapy?

The first experience of chemotherapy occurred in 1946, when the first anti-tumor drug embichin was used, based on the poison gas of the First World War - yperite. Embihin initiated the main group of antitumor drugs - cytostatics, which block and slow down the division and growth of cancer cells.

After almost 70 years, the drugs began to be divided into the following groups:

  • Cytostatics
  • Alkylating chemicals
  • Antimetabolites
  • Antibiotics
  • Hormones

Only a qualified oncologist doctor determines for the patient one or another specially designed scheme for the use of antitumor drugs, and independentlychange course is unacceptable.

The course of chemotherapy for stomach cancer is divided into two main types and is prescribed by a physician:

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  1. Nonadjuvant. Such chemotherapy is performed before surgery and allows to reduce the size of the tumor, slow its growth and prevent metastases.
  2. Adjuvant. This type of chemotherapy is used after the operation, helping to destroy the remnants of the tumor to prevent recurrence. It can also be just ancillary, to improve the general condition of the patient.

Side effects of

Perhaps, this is the most unpleasant part. We will analyze the main side effects that arise during treatment, and measures that can be taken. But the main thing is to remember that no trouble does not affect the effectiveness of therapy and, moreover, is not an excuse to stop treatment.

Hair loss. Usually, hair begins to fall after two weeks from the start of chemotherapy, but in some cases they can just become thinner and not fall out. In this case, you can take the following measures:

  • Cut short. For weakened hair it will do good.
  • Wash your head with a mild shampoo and wipe it with a gentle towel.
  • Protect your head from frost and scorching sun with headdresses.

If you still have hair loss, you can start wearing a wig. It is worth noting that in 2-3 months new hair will appear, and, perhaps, of a different color and even shape.

Nausea and vomiting. Since drugs affect not only the stomach, but the entire gastrointestinal tract, the patient will be able to appear nausea and vomiting. In this case, the doctor prescribes special medicines. The patient should follow the rules of food intake:

  • There is only natural and fresh food.
  • Do not abuse fatty, fried, salty, spicy and sweet foods.
  • Eating 6 times a day, but little by little.

Fatigue and fatigue. Most patients will feel fatigue only when doing certain tasks, and some - all the time. This is due to a decrease in red blood cells in the blood, which causes chemotherapy for stomach cancer. With these symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor, and follow a few rules yourself:

  • Eat right as described above.
  • Go in for sports. Physical load, even if not large, will give strength and restore tone.
  • To spend more time on rest.

Duration of treatment

The length of the course of chemotherapy treatment for stomach cancer basically depends on the stage and size of the tumor, but all cases are different. The patient can take medication daily, weekly, monthly. But there is an approximate framework: the duration of chemotherapy varies from 1-2 months to six months.

Approximately 500,000 per year undergo chemotherapy in Russia. For many people, despite the stage and severity of stomach cancer, treatment prolongs life, and sometimes contributes to a complete cure.

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