Increased acidity of the stomach and cancer

The acidity of the stomach is an indicator of the concentration of acid that is found in the gastric juice. Any deviation of this pH from the norm can become signals that the person is sick with any diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. But sometimes this way you can diagnose cancer. Naturally, only one level of acidity can not be determined, but this indicator can cause other tests.

Causes of the appearance of increased acidity

Hydrochloric acid, which affects the pH level in the stomach, is produced with the help of the fundal glands. In the normal state, acid production occurs continuously and with equal intensity. Often, the causes of increased acidity are disturbances caused by nutrition. This is served by spicy, fried and fatty foods. The use of hot food and constant overeating can lead to gastritis on the background of increased acidity. Often, gastritis becomes chronic, so it is highly undesirable to admit its appearance, because then you will have to be constantly examined for the presence of cancer tumors that can form with time.

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Gastritis with increased acidity is more common in young people than in the elderly. As internal causes can be identified metabolic disorders, endocrine system diseases, genetic predisposition and lack of oxygen for the internal supply of organs. If the syndromes of acute chronic gastritis begin, then experts recommend passing the test for cancer.

Signs of stomach cancer

Of course, not everyone can be constantly examined, but there are several signs on which it is possible to calculate the occurrence of stomach cancer. Acute forms of gastritis are direct precursors, so that any seasonal exacerbation can be accompanied by the same symptoms as in cancer. Thus, a person can not attach importance to this. Among them: discomfort in the epigastric region, stable pain in the pit of stomach, malaise, severe sensations in the stomach after eating, increased acidity. There may also be a decrease in appetite and weight loss. Late stages of stomach cancer are characterized by more vivid manifestations, such as persistent vomiting, swollen lymph nodes, obstruction, yellowing of the skin, enlarged abdomen and so on.

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