What are the causes of vomiting bile, what should I do?

Vomiting is an extremely unpleasant condition, but in this way the brain signals of some kind of malfunction or serious illness requiring treatment. More often than not, vomiting is a protective reaction of the body, with which he tries to get rid of irritating or toxic substances, and at the same time a man often rips his bile.

Bile is a digestive fluid that forms in the baking and accumulates in the gallbladder, is used to break down fats in the process of digestion. When expelled, it can be yellow or green, so it is very easy to recognize in the vomit.

There are many reasons why a person may get vomiting of bile, including the lack of anything else that would be suitable for cleaning after numerous episodes of vomiting left the stomach empty. Other causes range from irritation to obstruction and surgery.

Causes of vomiting of bile

Many pathological conditions and diseases can be manifested by vomiting with bile. In adults, the cause of this condition can be as follows:

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  1. Intestinal obstruction with a number of pathologies( cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peritonitis, intestinal adhesions, strangulated hernia, inversion of the bowels, Crohn's disease) is accompanied by vomiting of bile.
  2. Poisoning and intoxication .In such situations, the body tries to get rid of unnecessary substances and to vomit them out with the help of vomiting. It also arises under the influence of other processes that develop during intoxication.
  3. may be a provoking factor when is pregnant while vomiting comes from unpleasant and sharp odors, from certain foods and many other causes of toxicosis.
  4. Vomiting of bile after alcohol is a very common condition of a person who regularly drinks. First there is nausea, then there is a natural purification of the stomach, while in the vomit masses can detect particles of unsplit food. The human body tries to get rid of toxic substances in this way. Then there is vomiting in the absence of food in the stomach.
  5. Neurogenic factors .These include a number of psychosomatic illnesses, acute emotional disorders, cerebral circulation disorders, brain diseases.
  6. Taking certain medicines .In this case, vomiting with bile is a side effect of the drug. If you have a symptom on the background of treatment with medications, you should immediately stop taking them and see a doctor.
  7. Diseases of the kidney, gallbladder, intestine and liver cause such disorders quite often.

Cyclic vomiting

This is a condition characterized by episodes of vomiting that starts under different circumstances. In some situations, it can last for more than a month, then the patient needs hospitalization. At the given status it is possible to assume a stenosis of the gatekeeper - an output part of a stomach. At the same time, food can not go from the stomach to the intestine and goes outside.

Vomiting with an admixture of bile can be a dangerous symptom, so treatment should be performed by a doctor. You can not rely on folk methods until the causes of the disease are identified.

Treatment of vomiting with bile, what to do in this situation?

What if an adult suffers from vomiting, but does not have the opportunity to contact the doctor right away? The following recommendations will help you to ease your well-being:

  1. First you need to allow the stomach to get rid of unnecessary food, that is, the one that provoked the vomiting reflexes.
  2. First of all, it is necessary to wash the stomach. For this, the patient is given a drink in the sitting position two liters of warm water. You need to drink quickly, without big breaks between sips. It should be remembered that this procedure is possible only if the patient has no contraindications.
  3. After this, when the urge will pass, take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. A smaller dose will be ineffective.
  4. Within a few hours after vomiting, refrain from eating. But water should be drunk as much as possible. Prefer mineral water without gas. It is also useful to take a decoction of chamomile medicinal throughout the day.

With a single bout of bile vomiting, it is not necessary to stop it, the body usually manages itself in this case. If this is repeated, you should immediately seek help from a specialist, since in this case, vomiting can be a symptom of serious functional disorders in the body.

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