Recipes of traditional medicine for rapid relief from headaches

1 Means for external use

Many folk remedies for the head are based on external application, which is safer for humans.

  1. Lavender, mint or lemon essential oil should be rubbed into a whiskey or simply inhaled for several minutes. This remedy especially helps if the headache is due to overexertion, severe fatigue or stress.
  2. Essential oils of ylang-ylang, mint, rosemary, eucalyptus, pine, orange, lavender can be added to a warm bath. Aromatic oils can be combined with each other, and can be used one at a time. Such a measure will well relax, soothe and relieve pain.
  3. Warm baths are a well-known folk remedy that helps with its relaxing effect in pain pains characterized by bilateral pain sensations. It will be useful to take a bath, dissolving in it 200 g of sea salt and 3 tablespoons of needle extract or add the appropriate aromatic oil.
  4. Fresh cabbage leaves to attach to the head, and its juice to lubricate the area of ​​the wrists and skin behind the ears.
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  6. Apply lemon wedges to the temples without skin. Sometimes a lemon crust, used in the same way, helps.
  7. Dissolve a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in a glass of water, moisten the tissue in the resulting solution and apply it to the temples.
  8. Apply garlic paste to the skin of the temples.
  9. Attach grass to the head.
  10. Lubricate ears and whiskey with fresh beet juice.
  11. Cut a fresh, moist bulb in half and attach pain to the places.
  12. Crush raw potatoes into a slurry or cut into rings and attach to diseased areas.
  13. The cold compress relieves pain painfully. It is necessary to moisten a cold cloth with a cotton napkin or a small towel and keep in place the pain until it disappears. Instead of compresses, you can simply use ice cubes.
  14. If the headache is concentrated in the occiput, compress it better to make it hot and put on the back of the head.
  15. Put on the eye circles of fresh cucumber( help if the head hurts because of high blood pressure).
  16. In a small cotton bag pour salt, place it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes, then attach it to the source of pain.
  17. Breathe hot water with salt or apple cider vinegar for 5-7 minutes.
  18. Frequent pain can be reduced if in the bedroom to spread twigs or shavings of spruce and juniper, as well as lavender. To enhance the effect, you can put them in the pillow on which the person is sleeping.
  19. One effective means is massage, based on the impact on certain points of the body. With pain in the temples, pressing the fingers should be performed on the points of pain concentration. Sometimes it is enough to perform the procedure for 3-5 minutes, so that discomforts become weaker. During the day, you can carry out this effect several times. The common headache is eliminated by massaging movements from the forehead to the nape and from the crown to the ears. Finish should be soft strokes in the same directions, including the neck. Effective will be an intensive massage, which is carried out in the forehead and temples. It is carried out by the thumb and forefinger.

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2 Compositions for internal use

Folk recipes for headache, based on internal effects, can be combined with external methods of treatment, then the effect of recovery will be achieved quickly.

  1. Pour a teaspoon of cinnamon and the same amount of sugar with a glass of boiling water and drink the resulting medicinal drink.
  2. Add a tincture of propolis to a piece of black bread and eat.
  3. During the day, drink warm tea with chamomile, sage, lime, melissa or peppermint. A simple warm tea with honey helps, especially if the pain is due to overwork, fatigue. With pain in the occipital region will help hot tea. The same tool will cope with the pain that has arisen because of low blood pressure.
  4. If the headache occurs with dizziness, then a drink with hawthorn will help with it. To do this, brew 4 tablespoons of berries with a glass of boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes, then drink the resulting broth.
  5. Pour boiling water on the husk of onions and leave for 30 minutes, then strain and take in a warm form inside.
  6. With migraine, you need to brew 2 teaspoons of valerian roots 200 ml of boiling water, insist 8 hours and then drink a little( 2-3 tablespoons) several times during the day.
  7. If the headache comes from the occipital part, then a mixture of raspberries with sugar or honey will help get rid of it.
  8. Eat 2-3 tablespoons of bee honey.
  9. If the time allows, you need to drink a glass of freshly squeezed slightly diluted black currant juice.


A simple but effective way to get rid of the Headache! The result will not be long in coming! Our readers have confirmed that they successfully use this method. After carefully studying it we decided to share it with you.

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3 Benefits or harms from folk methods

Is it so safe for people to treat how they seem? After all, a headache can result from various causes, the most common of which is an increase in blood pressure, overwork, weather change, and others. But there may be much more serious reasons, so you need to take this symptom very seriously, especially if it occurs often enough.

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The option of treating headaches with folk remedies can be treated positively, but on condition that their cause is established by the doctor. If this is a serious illness, then it is necessary to treat it, otherwise the pain as its symptom will be manifested constantly, and the disease itself will progress. If headaches are a rarity and arise, for example, because of weather changes, then folk remedies will be very useful. Many of them are safer and more effective than medications, as well as cheaper or at all cost free. Of course, some unusual folk methods of treatment are quite harmless, for example, applying a copper coin to your head or wearing a green shawl and yellow amber for pain. Such methods can both help and have no effect. When treating the same, for example, herbs, the approach should be more cautious.

It should be remembered that with headache you need to stop using tobacco products and alcohol, as they only aggravate the situation.

The conclusion from this can be done the following: treating headaches with folk remedies will help to quickly and effectively get rid of a headache. However, if they are repeated often and are strong enough, then you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, it can only be a symptom of high or low blood pressure, a violation of the brain or any other internal organs that need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor with the help of medications.

It is important to remember that only having got rid of the main root cause of a headache, you can forget about it for yourself forever.

Especially cautious should be when treating folk remedies for pregnant and breastfeeding women. And if the head hurts the child, it is by no means possible to risk treating it with such methods, since the children's organism is still weak and sensitive. In this case, you should immediately seek help from doctors.

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