List of Migraines

1 Types of medication

Migraine( hemicrania) is a disease of a neurological nature, which can be accompanied by frequent pains, usually in one part of the head, and the attacks can constantly or periodically recur. To combat this disease, various drugs are prescribed for migraines, which are recommended to be used depending on the symptomatology. Before using a particular drug, you need to contact a specialist who will perform the diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate and effective medication for migraine.

Treatment of the disease under consideration is carried out by various drugs that can be grouped according to the direction of exposure:

  • painkillers( abortive);
  • symptomatic;
  • preventive( preventive).

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Abortion pills for migraine are aimed directly at saving the patient from a characteristic pain. This is achieved due to the presence of anesthetic components in this group of drugs.

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These include various analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their effect is based on the elimination of edema, which is formed in the brain around the vessels and acts on the receptors.

Along with a severe headache with migraine, there may be: nausea, vomiting, weakness, impaired coordination of movements. With these signs help to cope with symptomatic drugs.

Prophylactic pills for migraines are prescribed by specialists in case the patient has infrequent headaches( about 4 times a month).Their action is directed against a gradual increase in the number of seizures. Treatment with these medications means taking the medication regularly for a certain time, even if the pain does not bother. Such preventive measures prevent the possibility of abuse of the more severe tablets from the abortifacient group. However, the drugs considered for migraine have a drawback in the form of possible side effects.

2 Abortifacients

Treatment of abortifacients with migraine is quite effective, as their effect is directed against inflammatory edema that directly causes an attack. The most common are:

  • Amigrenin;
  • Analgin;
  • Aspirin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Relpax;
  • Excerdine.

Abortion preparations can be presented not simply in the form of tablets, but in capsules. This allows you to take medicine for patients who have stomach problems( eg, an ulcer).In addition, the product is used as a tablet, which must be kept in the language until completely dissolved or dissolved in a glass of water, and then you need to drink the resulting liquid.

Analginum is able to relieve severe headaches, however, it is not recommended to take it, as this drug can cause various side effects.

Aspirin is an anesthetic, which in all cases can not effectively remove the attack of pain. It is not recommended for use if the patient has stomach problems.

Amigrenin is a pill with migraine, which contains a special compound( sumatriptan), which can have a beneficial effect on the vessels. The patient can feel considerable relief in half an hour after taking. It is often not recommended to resort to such medications, as they are addictive and can not effectively combat the disease.

Diclofenac - a pill with migraine analgesic character. Unlike other drugs from this group, it is characterized by a faster result. It is not recommended to take with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, bowel diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating.

Treatment with paracetamol in its pure form is not effective enough, since this medicine allows to favorably affect only a weak or medium intensity headache. With frequent use, it can be addictive.


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Relpaks are tablets from migraine, which relieve inflammatory edema, because they act directly on the vessels of the brain. In addition, it is possible to fight other symptoms in this disease( nausea, vomiting).Relieve the patient from an attack 30 minutes after ingestion.

Excerdine is a preparation for migraine, which includes Paracetamol and Acetylsalicylic Acid. This combination can significantly reduce the pain or even remove it at the expense of toning the vessels of the brain. It is recommended to take in cases when the seizures are infrequent and not strong.

3 Symptomatic drugs

Symptomatic drugs are used against symptoms associated with a headache. The most effective are:

  • Compazin;
  • Thorazine;
  • Fenergan.

Compazin - a pill against migraine, which have a fairly positive effect on the nervous system of the patient. Treatment is aimed at eliminating nausea and vomiting. Thorazine is a medicine for migraine of rapid action. Thanks to the influence on the central nervous system, it allows you to get rid of negative symptoms in a short period of time. In some cases, there may be side effects in the form of sleep disorders, gastrointestinal disturbances, dizziness.

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Fenergang - is prescribed against the possible for migraine vomiting and coordination disorders. Valid during the first 30 minutes after taking the pill.

Treatment of migraine can be based on the implementation of preventive measures that require the patient to take certain medications, among which are the so-called blocking pills for migraines and antidepressants. The first include:

  • Anaprilin;
  • Inderal;
  • Cardid;
  • Obsidan;
  • Topral.

Inderal is a remedy that works to improve the functioning of the heart. Effectively fights against high blood pressure. Cardizem favorably affects the patient's well-being due to the normalization of the cardiovascular system. Topral - has a calming effect.

In turn, antidepressants make it possible to improve the patient's condition by returning him a good sleep, appetite, mood. The most popular are Amitriptyline and Cyproheptadine.

Amitriptyline - tablets with migraine, which have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Cyproheptadine is a drug that helps to achieve improvement in the patient's condition in a fairly short period of time. When appointing a drug against migraine of preventive nature, the specialist takes into account the presence of other diseases. Also, in parallel with taking medications of this group to achieve the most favorable effect, it is recommended to eat right, get rid of bad habits and play sports.

4 Tryptans in solving the

problem The most effective medications are those for migraine of rapid action - Tryptans, which need to be separated into a separate group. They have a strong effect on the source of pain in the brain, characterized by the ability for a short period of time to relieve the patient of an attack. Therefore, it surpasses other means. Assigned by a specialist after a survey in strictly defined doses.

Triptans are not only tablets with migraines, which normalize the condition of the vessels, but they also have a beneficial effect on the trigeminal nerve. In addition to pain in the head, the drug effectively fights against nausea, vomiting and other concomitant disease symptoms. Also, the drug can reduce the possibility of frequent repetition of attacks, their aggravation.

After the first administration of the drug in question, the pain can return in 2-3 days. Then it is worth to drink a pill again. Some types of drugs from the group of triptans may not be effective with respect to a particular patient. In this case, the doctor prescribes another, more suitable remedy for migraine from this group.

Drugs that effectively relieve a migraine attack are widely spread, the list is as follows:

  • Sumygamren;
  • sumatriptan;
  • Zomig.

One of the best anti-migraine drugs is Sumamigren. Has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain, removing inflammatory swelling. Most often it is prescribed to patients who suffer from seizures with a gradual increase in pain. To get rid of ailment is possible in the first 30 minutes after taking the pill.

Tablets with migraine Sumatriptan are prescribed often enough, because they allow you to perform effective treatment due to rapid removal of an attack of headache. Zomig is characterized by an effective fight against the disease both at the initial stage and during exacerbation. It can cause heart problems, so it requires some control from the specialist at the first stages of use.

Triptans can be taken no more than 10 times a month, otherwise negative consequences may occur. Among the side effects are: weakness, drowsiness, dizziness;disruption of the digestive tract;defeat of the cardiovascular system.

Migraine tablets should not be used if the patient is diagnosed with:

  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • high blood pressure;
  • abnormal circulation;
  • the possibility of an allergic reaction to one of the components that make up the drug;
  • liver or kidney disease.

In addition, do not take the drug of this group of pregnant or lactating women. It is not recommended to take Triptans in parallel with certain types of medicines. These include the following drugs: antiviral drugs, drugs designed to fight fungi, antidepressants.

5 General recommendations

Take these or other tablets only if prescribed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that virtually all drugs aimed at fighting migraine affect the cardiovascular system of the patient. In addition, it is necessary to take the drug correctly in order for the treatment to be correct and not to harm the central nervous system.

As a result of an overdose, there may be problems with the operation of the stomach and intestines. It is necessary to take into account the presence of other diseases in which the intake of certain tablets is prohibited. It is not recommended to abuse medicines, as many of them cause rapid addiction.

If a particular drug has been prescribed to a relative or friend who has similar symptoms, this does not mean that it can be taken. In order not to harm the health even more, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive diagnostics, so that the right treatment is prescribed.

In parallel with taking prescribed tablets, the patient must take other measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the fight against the disease. Thus, it is necessary: ​​to avoid stressful situations and excessive physical exertion, to get out of the depressive state, spend enough time a day to sleep and rest. It is necessary to eat right, give up alcohol and smoking, play sports, while physical exertion is only moderate.

Treatment of migraine should be safe for other organs of the patient, so what tablets must be taken to effectively overcome the ailment, in each case, the specialist should decide. Otherwise, the patient is at great risk of worsening his state of health.

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