Wetting eczema in the ears: treatment, symptoms, causes

Ear eczema is an inflammatory disease. Usually appears on the top layer in the form of a rash. The disease is observed in the same degree in children and adults. Quite often, the disease becomes chronic. Therefore it is important to get a doctor's consultation at the first sign of ailment.

Etiology of the disease

The prerequisites for the onset of the disease are general ailments - diabetes, rickets, gout. Acute eczema often affects the uppermost layer of the skin. But over time, there may be a transition to a chronic form.

Symptoms of eczema of the ear

Causes of

Eczema occurs for various reasons. For example, its appearance may be due to leakage of purulent contents from the ear or the appearance of scuffs when using special clothing. A prerequisite is contact with various irritants.

Common causes include endocrine gland disease, various psychogenic and neurogenic factors, as well as allergic manifestations. The causes include:

  • inflammation in the ear,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • abrasions.
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Symptoms of

Eczema of the ear is acute and chronic. The first type mainly affects only the outer layer of the skin of the lobe or auditory canal. In chronic lesions, all layers are involved. Symptoms depend on the stage of the disease.

  • Erythematous condition. A person can see the redness and tightness of the skin area. Often in the place of contact with the stimulus.
  • Rashes. Small bubbles appear. The main symptom is a severe itching, which does not even allow you to sleep.
  • The stage of wetting. The vesicles are opened, so the itching subsides.
  • Creation of crusts. Occurs after about 2-3 days. After a while, the crusts fall off. Under them is a modified skin, perhaps with small cracks.

The diagnosis is based on anamnesis and the symptoms described.

Types of

There are four types of the disease:

  • abortive( eczematid),
  • true,
  • professional,
  • microbial.


For this form, multiple, sometimes single, itchy, scaly patches are characteristic. They can be oval or round. When the spot becomes irritated, it begins to moss. Rashes may appear with angina, respiratory diseases. In children this form manifests itself with more pronounced exudation and severe itching.


In an acute period, microvesicles appear. They quickly open up, forming a huge number of small erosions. Gradually, some of the vesicles dry out without opening. This leads to the formation of crusts and new bubbles. Therefore, we can say that the true eczema is characterized by the polymorphism of the rashes. On one skin site you can meet several different elements at once.


This species is usually associated with ear contact with substances in the manufacturing process. Over time, under the influence of various factors, sensitivity to various substances may develop. Sometimes this variety is called contact. Occupational eczema often develops in adults, whose work is related to interaction with various chemical reagents.


It appears in the event that patients constantly comb their eruptions and enter a microbial infection. This causes secondary purulent inflammation. Therefore, for any manifestation of eczema of the ear, it is important not to comb, and also to observe hygiene.

Types of eczema in the ear


The diagnosis is based on history and clinical symptoms. The acute form of the disease must be differentiated from:

  • erysipelas,
  • diffuse otitis externa,
  • fungal lesions.

In the first case, there is no itching, but there is a sharp pain in the palpation of the affected area. Otitis is accompanied by hyperemia and infiltration.

Clinical picture of

For eczema, a characteristic manifestation is redness, thickening of the skin, appearance of crusts and peeling. The main feature is also the numerous vesicles that turn into serous sores. They form crusts or wet foci. The acute form is characterized by pronounced erythema, swelling of the tissues.

Itching in the ears is one of the symptoms of eczema. More on this in our video:

Necessary tests and other methods

Basically, a doctor can diagnose a clinical picture. The work of organs and systems is necessarily checked, as their diseases can lead to such pathology. Diagnosis is carried out using microbiological methods. Taking a smear in a laboratory allows you to identify pathogens and determine its sensitivity to various drugs.

Treatment of eczema in the ears of

With eczema, it is necessary to regularly hold the ear toilet, to deal with the skin to prevent the attachment of a bacterial infection. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease. If there are wet wounds, then daily treatment with hydrocortisone or oxytetracycline is necessary.

For the treatment of peeling, anti-inflammatory ointments that have vasoconstrictive and antipruritic action are used. They are applied 2 times a day for at least 3-4 weeks.

If there is a crust, then first they are softened with the help of vegetable oil or Vaseline. After that anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ointments are applied.

Drug therapy

To obtain a rapid therapeutic effect, a physician can prescribe a course of systemic action. To do this:

  • injections of calcium gluconate or calcium chloride,
  • is injected with sodium thiosulfate,
  • is prescribed antiallergic treatment with Suprastin, Tavegil.

In some situations, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. Immunity is supported with the help of vitamin therapy and biostimulators.

Folk remedies

With rashes, 15-20% propolis extract is good. After this treatment, a propolis ointment is applied from above. If you need to dry the bubbles, then use potato juice. Additionally can be used:

  1. Compresses from herbal decoctions. They have an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect.
  2. Carrot juice. Possesses healing properties.
  3. Tincture of walnut shell.

The latter is prepared as follows: the unripened walnut is taken. The shell is thoroughly crushed and filled with vodka. Insisted such seven seven days. Then the tincture is filtered, to it is added in the same amount of propolis.

About the treatment of eczema and other diseases in simple ways in our video:

Possible complications of

Eczema of the ear in the absence of treatment can become chronic. In this case, the remission lasts only a short time. When attaching bacterial infection, purulent lesions may appear. Then without connecting antibacterial ointments can not do. It is also possible to spread the infection to any other areas of the dermis.


For life, the forecast is favorable. Recovery depends on the reasons that led to a change in the skin. If the cause is eliminated in time, to begin treatment, then it is possible to restore protective and homeostatic properties.


The main method of prevention is the elimination of common causes. You should not worry much, you need to drink vitamins and protect yourself from allergic reactions. It is recommended to conduct thorough hygiene of the auricle and external auditory canal. With the development of infectious diseases, timely treatment will help to avoid the appearance of eczema of the ear.

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