Congenital ear fistula on the sink in a child: treatment, histology, photo

Education in the ear of fistula is an unpleasant condition, which can lead to negative consequences. Various factors contribute to the appearance of fistulas. In some cases, this problem is inherent in nature. To cope with the pathology, you need to contact a specialist. After a thorough diagnosis, the ENT doctor will choose medication or surgical treatment.

Ear fistula: pathogenesis

This term is understood as a narrow and long canal, which in most cases opens up in the area of ​​the tragus. A thin move is characterized by a twisty structure and can have different sizes.

Reasons for

Various factors can lead to the occurrence of a problem. All of them are divided into two broad groups - congenital and acquired. Fistulas in the ear can be present from birth, which is associated with abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Also often lead to pathological processes during pregnancy and hereditary predisposition. The appearance of a parotid fistula in a baby can be associated with the transmission of pathology by a recessive type. This factor plays a role in 20-25% of cases of the disease.

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Acquired fistulas can appear in children and adults. The provoking factors include the following:

  • wound suppuration;
  • negative consequences of the operation;
  • infection;
  • complication of otitis and other pathologies of the ears.

The size of the fistulous passage directly depends on the severity of the purulent process. With the formation of wide openings, the risk of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the ear is significantly increased. As a result, permanent inflammation can develop. This is especially true when there is an outlet to another part of the ear.

Symptoms of

It can be difficult to detect fistula, because in some cases it does not cause any symptoms. Formations of small size do not pose a danger. In fact, they are small holes that serve as an entrance to the subcutaneous and interstitial areas.

It is possible to detect a fistula during a patient's examination of the ear or performing cosmetic procedures. When there are dangerous disorders, there are more obvious symptoms:

  • formation of a hole inside or near the ear;
  • appearance of purulent secretions or white secretion;
  • painful sensations;
  • on the skin;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling;
  • inflammatory tissue damage.

As a rule, such manifestations indicate infection in the ear aperture. In this situation, you should urgently contact LOR, who will choose the optimal treatment.

Sometimes fistulas are formed on the goat or ear curl. Such fistulas have a small diameter and can be located in the vicinity of the facial facial nerve. This significantly complicates the treatment process.


To identify this disorder, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. The specialist should conduct a superficial examination. As additional methods, a pressor test is often used, which helps to diagnose fistulas.

The doctor must then determine the depth and extent of the internal stroke. To this end, he appoints fistulography. In some cases, the branching of the course is revealed.

Photo of the ear fistula in children of varying severity

Treatment of

This pathology not only causes aesthetic problems, but also requires careful therapy. An exception is the shallow fistula, which is not accompanied by inflammatory processes. In this situation, treatment is not prescribed.


At the onset of inflammation, fistula should be opened to release them from purulent contents. To ease the patient's condition, antibacterial and antiseptic agents are used. For the treatment of fistulas, drugs such as chlorhexidine and levomecol are used.

After suppression of inflammation from the fistula, suppurative discharge stops. In this case, the fistula closes itself until the next exacerbation.

If the formations are located in a remote place, a course of antibacterial drugs is shown. Thanks to this, it is possible to stop the inflammatory process, which allows to cope with the problem without surgical intervention .

If such measures do not yield results, an operation is performed. Currently, traditional approaches are being used. In addition, laser exposure or galvanocaustic surgery can be used.

Through the intervention, the problem area is cleaved, and then the capsule is excised. This avoids subsequent relapse of the disease.

Folk remedies

As a supplement to traditional methods of therapy, folk remedies are often used. The most effective recipes include the following:

  • mix vodka and olive oil, treat the resulting fistula composition, then attach a leaf of cabbage to it and leave it overnight;
  • dissolve the mummy in water and make lotions to the affected area;
  • prepare a strong broth of St. John's wort and use this remedy for compresses.


Effective methods for the prevention of a congenital form of the disease are not currently available. The appearance of acquired varieties of fistulas can be prevented due to the timely treatment of ear diseases. It is very important not to bring such pathologies to the chronic stage. Also, experts advise to respond in a timely manner to any complications after surgical interventions on the organs of hearing.

Congenital parotid fistula, operative excision:

Ear fistula is considered quite an unpleasant disease that can have a recurring course and significantly reduce the quality of life of a person. To cope with this problem, you need to contact the otolaryngologist in time. After carrying out a detailed diagnosis, the doctor will choose medical or surgical methods of treatment.

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