Buckthorn: useful properties and contraindications

Krushina is a shrub whose bark has medicinal properties that allows using it in folk medicine. It is worth knowing about the beneficial properties and contraindications of the buckthorn bark, from what diseases this remedy can help, what means on its basis exist.

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What is buckthorn and how it looks

Krushina- a high shrub with small green leaves and red-black berries, which are often called a wolfberry in the people, flowers and fruits usually gather in small bunches. The plant is widespread in the middle zone of Russia, almost all residents of this part of the country are familiar with the buckthorn.

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You should not try to collect berries or harvest bush yourself, this plant can be confused with others. Ensuring the safety of raw materials can be quite difficult, so dried bark and other products based on buckthorn should be purchased exclusively in pharmacies and specialized stores.

Apply the plant for various purposes, with almost all parts of the bush being used. The buckthorn can be used for decorative purposes, the shrub itself and its wood. Oil is also extracted from the plant, which is used in various industries. In medicine, bark and some other parts of the buckthorn are used, however, somewhat less frequently.

In the oil extracted from the buckthorn, its bark contains a huge number of useful elements that can positively influence health in a number of pathologies. Krushin is used not only in folk medicine, it is used to prepare drugs for conservative treatment.

Important! In case of serious pathologies, before starting treatment with the buckthorn bark, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

How useful is

Different parts of this plant contain many useful substances, components that can positively affect your health. However, it is worth remembering that most of these substances can be damaged by improper application, so use the buckthorn with caution.

This plant contains substances that have a laxative effect on the body, which can cause vomiting. In addition, it contains many alkaloids, tannins. Also in the buckthorn and products based on the plant there are many vitamins C, sugars, essential oil of the bush.

Usually the buckthorn is used with the following purposes:

  1. As a laxative, it is used against constipation. In severe cases, buckthorn bark quickly helps restore normal stools, it is often used for chronic constipation. Buckthorn bark is one of the most effective means of plant origin.
  2. For weight loss. Sometimes this plant is used to get rid of excess weight, but it should be remembered that without a proper diet and exercise, there will not really be any effect. The bark only helps to remove harmful substances from the body and improve the functioning of the intestine, it helps to lose weight faster.
  3. Also find application of buckthorn leaves, tea on their basis helps to restore normal blood circulation, has a tonic effect on the body. It is recommended to drink to restore energy, leaves buckthorn positively affect the body when used in the morning.
  4. The useful properties of buckthorn honey are known. The flowers of the bush are extremely honey-bearing, on the basis of them, honey is obtained, saturated with various useful components, it contains a lot of vitamins, it has a pronounced effect of restoring the digestive tract. It is useful to children, honey on the basis of this plant positively affects the state of immunity.
  5. Useful properties of the root of the buckthorn are choleretic, but they are rarely used because there are more effective and simple means to achieve this result.

These are the main useful properties of the bark and other parts of the plant. In this case, do not forget that you should not use the treatment with this bush in the presence of contraindications.

It is also worth mentioning that fresh bark is never used to prepare medicines and traditional medicine. In the fresh bark the content of substances that are capable of provoking vomiting is raised, so the raw material should be long enough before it becomes safe. Therefore, you should not procure the bark yourself, it should be purchased at the pharmacy.

Important! In case of severe pathologies it is impossible to cope only using bark and other folk remedies, it is necessary to consult with a doctor and choose a conservative treatment.


This plant has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which, from the use of funds based on it, it is necessary to refuse. First of all, you should not use the plant in the presence of individual intolerance, the occurrence of allergies. If there are rashes or other signs of an allergic reaction, stop using the medication.

Also, do not use buckthorn in pregnancy. Since it has a pronounced tonic effect, the cortex can provoke a strong flow of blood to the pelvic organs and provoke miscarriages and other unpleasant consequences. When lactating, use the buckthorn with caution.

In addition, it is better not to be treated with the cortex for serious diseases of the circulatory system, if they are accompanied by increased blood pressure, increased heart rate. Due to the tonic properties of the plant, these symptoms may worsen, the condition may worsen. Also, do not use the bark for severe digestive tract diseases, severe intestinal disorders. It is worth remembering that the constant excessive consumption of buckthorn can lead to diarrhea.

How to brew

There are several simple recipes of folk medicine based on the buckthorn bark, they are all effective with the right rational application. It is worth noting that in the pharmacy, in addition to dried raw materials, you can buy ready-made syrups and tinctures. They are best used when possible, since ready-made pharmacy products are the most safe for health.

At home, on the basis of a plant, various preparations can be prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. You can simply brew the bark, the therapeutic composition of the remedy is most effective for constipation. Take one tablespoon of bark and brew in two hundred milliliters of hot water. Apply usually half a glass a day at night.
  2. Twenty grams of dried buckthorn bark can be poured with two glasses of water and cook over low heat for 20 to 30 minutes, then strain and cool. The resulting broth is also used as a laxative, take one spoonful at night.
  3. You can prepare an alcohol tincture based on buckthorn, for this the bark needs to be poured with vodka or forty-degree alcohol in a proportion of 1 to 1, then insist in a dark cool place for several weeks. Ready tincture must be filtered.

These are the main recipes based on the buckthorn bark. It is worth remembering that such folk remedies can not replace a full-fledged conservative treatment, so for serious diseases one must necessarily take therapy with a doctor, consult about the use of folk remedies. Also it is worth remembering about possible adverse reactions and the presence of contraindications.

If you feel worse during treatment, you should urgently consult a doctor and stop using a folk remedy.

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