Effective drops and vitamins to treat vision with short-sightedness

1 Operation, special exercises or drops?

The most radical method of getting rid of vision problems is a surgical operation, but due to the high cost it is not available to all patients, and children are not recommended for adulthood. Therefore, the most common method of treating myopia is considered medicated. Doctors in most cases prescribe drops to improve vision.

You can correct vision with contact lenses or glasses, which the doctor or optometrist will write out. Special exercises for the eyes will help to improve the situation. In this case, additional medication is also desirable, as in the postoperative period for the care of eyeballs. Substances that make up special drops help restore the state of eyeballs and return them to the position necessary for normal functioning. The medication can be adjusted by the doctor depending on whether the drops are administered as treatment by themselves or just as support after the operation of .

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2 Kinds of medications for myopia

Eye drops for myopia are divided into several groups according to their action and chemical composition:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drops, including non-steroidal and hormonal substances, the latter being much more active than the first ones.
  2. Antibacterial drops, used both for the suppression of diseases caused by bacteria, and for the therapy of the eyes after surgery or getting rid of viral diseases of the visual organs.
  3. Vitamins for the eyes in drops, normalizing metabolic processes in tissues, are prescribed most often to improve the condition of visual organs with advanced dystrophy or subject to age-related changes.
  4. Moisturizing drops that relieve the feeling of "sand" in the eyes with increased fatigue.
  5. Eye drops that act on the intraocular fluid( regulation of its production and outflow).
  6. Vasoconstrictive drops, which reduce the clearance between the vessels.
  7. Antiallergenic drops used to treat the symptoms of allergies to cosmetics, flowering and other environmental factors.

If it concerns hormonal means, then to accept them at will is strictly forbidden because of the possibility of violation of dosage and reception rules. Usually the course of using any means is a month, after which a break is mandatory. Renewal treatment only after consulting a doctor.

3 Popular drugs

To maintain the visual organs in maximum healthy condition and improve eyesight, it is important to choose the correct drops for the eyes. This should be done by a professional ophthalmologist, since many of them are dispensed strictly by prescription or have a complex chemical composition, which necessitates close monitoring of dosage and frequency of use.


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  1. Ujjala is a popular remedy for myopia. It is also used for the prevention of cataracts, affects the lens, cleaning it and providing the effect that is achieved after a surgical operation. Ujala helps to ease the condition of the eyes after heavy and prolonged exertion, relieving tension and general fatigue. It helps to eliminate redness and irritation, cleans the blood vessels of the visual organ. It is used not only for treatment, but also for preventing the development of myopia. Contains vegetable components that act as an anti-inflammatory agent, helps restore metabolism, anesthetize and eliminate harmful microbes.
  2. Emoxipine is an artificial antioxidant that strengthens blood vessels and has the property of a protector against the harmful effects of the external world on the retina. Normalizes the blood supply to the eyes, resolves hemorrhages and increases the stability of the visual organ to external stimuli. Used for both myopia and hyperopia.
  3. Irifrin is used to constrict vessels, stabilize the outflow of intraocular fluid, dilate the pupil for a quarter of an hour after application. The duration of action depends on the saturation of the solution and the amount of the active substance. It is important to remember that such drops have serious contraindications, and they can not be used in case of presence of such diseases as diabetes, tachycardia or pancreatic disorders.
  4. Taufon is prescribed in the initial stages of myopia. The drug contains taurine, which stimulates cell renewal. In its composition is an amino acid with a sulfur content and metabolic means. Strengthens metabolic processes, helps oxygen to better feed the tissues of eyeballs, increases the amino acid content, which is poorly produced in myopia. A special feature of these drops is a short shelf life. More than 2 weeks to keep the bottle in the clear can not.
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The use of an overdue means contributes to the development of infectious eye diseases.

4 Vita-Yodourol and Kvinaks

Vita-Yodurol is a broad-acting medicinal product that can be used by people with nearsightedness, farsightedness or cataract, and it is prescribed for prevention. Vita-Yodurol allows to restore metabolic processes in the lens, feeding it with microelements and various useful substances. Use drops with increased caution should be pregnant or lactating women. For children this drug is prohibited. If there is a suspicion of a particular sensitivity to substances from its composition, it is better to ask the doctor to choose another remedy.

Quinax is designed to dissolve a variety of protein compounds that grow in the lens. The drug is necessary for the prevention and control of cataracts, myopia and farsightedness. Has antioxidant effect. Stabilizes the basic processes of vital activity of visual organs and normalizes the outflow of intraocular fluid.

Qualified medical workers will help each patient to choose the drops that are most suitable for correction and stabilization of vision. In case of noticeable deterioration in looking at long distances, you need to contact specialists as soon as possible in order to be able to help your eyes to recover at the first signs of myopia. Drops to improve vision will be an important factor on the way to restore visual function, help protect the eyes from microbes and harmful external influences, improve cell nutrition and metabolic processes.

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