Inflammation and enlarged lymph nodes under the mouse

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm occurs more often as a result of an infectious disease, fungus or cancer cells.

The inflammatory process in the lymph nodes of the armpits is especially dangerous for women - this may be the first sign of breast cancer.

In some people, inflammation is caused by frequent shaving, using deodorants( it can clog pores with bacteria).

Note, if there was inflammation, it means that the number of viruses, bacteria has increased. As a result, lymph nodes under the arms begin to increase in size, this leads to painful sensations.

Causes of inflammation

Lymph nodes that are located in the inner part of the humeral fold, consist of connective tissue. It prevents the ingress of viruses into the lymph. If the number of bacteria and harmful microorganisms has increased, then the lymph node becomes inflamed. It is important not to despair and remember that most often this symptom is just an effect of a cold transferred.

However, the exact cause of this condition can only be established by a specialist, so you can not ignore the increase in lymph nodes and engage in self-medication. To the reasons

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calling this state of , are:

  1. Postponed infectious or catarrhal disease of the throat, nose, or ear.
  2. Inflammation of the hair follicles, which are located exactly in the armpit.
  3. Intoxication of the body due to complications that occurred after the flu.
  4. Inflammation of the mammary glands.
  5. Plentiful sweating, which provokes the multiplication of bacteria and viruses.
  6. Allergic reactions are different. Typically, this reaction to deodorant, which prevents sweating.
  7. Oncological disease of lymph nodes - lymphoma. During breast cancer or any other chest organs, the inflammatory process of the lymph nodes is not often painful. Basically, inflammation is only detected by their significant increase.

The main pathogens of the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes are staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, etc. Infection with bacteria occurs 3 ways: through blood, lymph, and also when bacteria contact with damaged skin.

Symptoms of

It is possible to determine the development of the disease by such signs( see photo):

  • first of all there is a reddening of the skin area covering the lymph node;
  • palpation of the affected area is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort;
  • with severe inflammation, pain occurs;
  • increased body temperature;
  • sharp weakness when working with hands;
  • nausea;
  • gradually, when the lymph nodes are felt, their pulsation is observed.

The signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the mouse in the purulent stage most clearly manifest themselves. First, the temperature rises slightly. Then, as the lymph nodes increase, temperature increases, chills and fever occur. The danger in this case is that purulent foci may appear in other organs.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm

Any treatment for this ailment is to block the inflammatory process as quickly as possible, which caused an increase in the lymph nodes under the armpits. As soon as the infection goes away, the lymph nodes return to their normal state.

Therefore, the main direction of treatment for inflammation of the lymph nodes should always be the prompt removal of its cause.

  1. In the early stages of inflammation, try to load as little as possible the affected lymph nodes.
  2. Strengthen the effect of the treatment of physiotherapy with ultrasound, electrophoresis, the use of compresses and ointments that contribute to the elimination of inflammatory processes.
  3. Spraying with chloroethyl, which is combined with compresses of Vaseline, troxevasin and heparin emulsion, promotes rapid resorption.

Treatment with antibiotics and other serious medications should be done under the supervision of a physician, based on a survey and a refined diagnosis.

There are cases when the lymph nodes in the armpits are overfilled with abnormal cancer cells, and the body can not cope with their safe induction. In this case, a cancerous disease of the lymph node may develop, it requires a long and complex treatment in a medical institution.

Folk remedies

Wat some folk recipes that you can use at home.

  1. Echinacea is a good antiseptic. It is possible to effectively remove inflammatory changes in the armpits by taking ½ teaspoon per ¼ cup of water.
  2. Vitamin C is found in large quantities in the composition of citrus products, as well as in cabbage. This chemical compound is necessary for increasing the rate of biochemical reactions of the body, since they are a cofactor of many diseases.

Treatment in each case individually and depends on the cause of the disease. At the same time, antibiotics, immunostimulants, vitamins can be used.

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