Treatment of food poisoning at home: first aid, folk remedies, diet

Food poisoning does not always occur in severe form, sometimes limited to minor digestive disorders. Therefore, many patients decide to treat such a disease at home on their own. Is it dangerous and is it possible to cure food intoxication at home?

Developmental factors and types of toxic infections

Foodborne toxic infections are a group of acute pathological conditions of infectious origin caused by poisoning of the patient with food products.

Among the most common causes are shigella and E. coli, salmonella and enterostaphylococcus, botulic bacilli and other pathogens.

Typically, the sources of foodborne infections are animals or sick patients. Infection is fecal-oral, while the factors of transmission can serve as products of fermented milk and milk origin, confectionery creams and their products containing.

People are highly susceptible to such toxic infections, which reaches 80-100%.

For them, the seasonal character is typical, which is caused by the deterioration of the conditions under which the proper preservation of food products is not ensured. Usually, foodborne diseases are epidemic and sporadic.

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There are no continental features of foodborne toxicity, they are equally common in economically disadvantaged and developed countries.

Treatment of food poisoning at home

The question of treating food poisoning at home in patients usually arises in the case of such a clinical picture:

  • The patient has an obsessive nausea syndrome and persistent emetic symptoms;
  • The complexion of the patient noticeably pales, it is troubled by weakness and general malaise;
  • The patient complains of frequent chills, cold sweats or pressure drops, he is concerned about hyperthermia;
  • There is severe diarrhea.

Food poisoning usually has a short period of absence of symptoms, after a couple of hours, the victim begins to show signs of poisoning, which are of a progressive nature.

First aid

So, the person showed the first signs of poisoning like a nausea-vomiting symptomatology, diarrhea and spasms in various departments of the gastrointestinal tract. How to help the patient in a similar situation?

  1. First of all, a patient with signs of food poisoning should wash his stomach. For this, it is necessary to dilute a weak manganese solution, but it is necessary to take precautions, making sure that all the manganese crystals are dissolved in water, otherwise a mucous membrane can be burned.
  2. Also, the first aid can be provided with a solution of 5 drops of iodine and a liter of boiled water with the addition of baking soda( 2 large spoons). This solution is equally effective with manganese, however, it does not have the risk of a burn, as it is safe for internal reception. The person who is intoxicated needs to drink as much as possible of this remedy, then press the root of the tongue to call for vomiting. Such manipulations must be carried out repeatedly until the emetic masses are clear and clean.
  3. When the victim's stomach is rinsed, give him the vegetable oil ( a couple of spoons) or any laxative drug.
  4. If diarrhea has already started, then activated charcoal is required.
  5. Then the patient needs to provide heat to the , wrap it in a blanket, give hot tea and put a heating pad at his feet.

Then, when the ambulance arrives, you need to tell about all the symptoms and medications that were present to the patient. Further treatment of the injured person entrust specialist.

Folk remedies

If food intoxication is not of an acute nature, then it is possible to cope with such poisoning and domestic methods. These tools include:

  • Every quarter of an hour after the first symptomatology, 3-5 g of coal or special clay should be taken;
  • Once a hour you have to drink ascorbic acid three times;
  • Also, with food intoxication, a dill broth with honey helps well, which must be taken at ½ cup before each intake;
  • Decoction of althea rhizomes with honey is also considered one of the popular means against poisoning, it should be taken on a large spoon four times a day;
  • The natural adsorptive and antispasmodic is cinnamon infusion;
  • When food poisoning with fish is effective chamomile broth( a dessert spoon of chamomile is brewed on a glass of boiling water), which is used to enema;
  • When poisoning with meat products, yarrows and wormwood are effective. For infusion, brew in a half-liter jar on a dessert spoon of these herbs, stand an hour, then drink for five meals during the day.

All these drugs are relevant for light intoxications without dangerous symptoms such as rampant vomiting and diarrhea, loss of consciousness, etc.

Diet before and after

With already begun symptoms of intoxication, patients usually do not want anything to eat, because against the background of poisoning they are disturbed by a sickening-emetic syndrome.

But after removing the symptoms of poisoning, the body should be given a breather, because it is in a weakened state. A couple of days a patient will have to spend in bed, an unlimited amount of drinking is allowed, but food is contraindicated.

Fasting in this situation is necessary, because the gastric walls are irritated and inflamed, any food can cause a relapsing inflammatory symptomatology.

On the third day after stopping the poisoning, the patient can diversify the ration with breadcrumbs, but without sugar. From the food it is allowed to use oat-flakes on water, mashed potatoes or boiled vegetables.


It is always better to warn the pathology in advance, rather than then painfully long to treat it and recover from its complications. So with food intoxication.

To prevent food poisoning, it is recommended to wash your hands more often, especially before meals and after animals. In addition, it is necessary to comply with the rules of processing products, refuse to drink water from the tap, as well as carefully monitor the technology and cooking processes.

Fruits and vegetable crops must be thoroughly washed, yesterday's food should be boiled. Carefully follow the expiration date of the consumed products, and keep the kitchen in proper order and clean.

Video about popular recipes for food poisoning:

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