Naltrexone in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction: instruction, principle of action, feedback

Drug Naltrexone is produced in Russia, used for the treatment of opium addiction, alcoholism.

Treatment of alcoholism Naltrexone

Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist, a drug for the treatment of substance abuse, drug addiction. The drug is used for behavioral disorders caused by drug addiction.

Dosage forms

  • Gelatin capsules, white with a blue cap. The price is 800-900 rubles.
  • White tablets with a risk, 10 tablets in a contour cell.the price is 700-760 rubles.
  • Powder for injection.
  • Syringe in a sterile package containing gel used for implantation when filing.

Composition of

In capsules of Naltrexone medication, a powder is found comprising:

  • of the active compound naltrexone - 50 mg;
  • auxiliary components - lactose - 96 mg, magnesium stearate - 4 mg.

Pharmacological action of

Naltrexone binds to opiate receptors, has the greatest affinity for mu receptors. Reception of the drug does not contribute to the emergence of addiction, does not lead to drug dependence.

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Naltrexone is able to competitively bind all types of opioid receptors, blocks the effect of opioids produced in the body, and narcotic opioids that come exogenously.

The mechanism of action is such that naltrexone blocks opioid receptors, the action of Naltrexone is manifested by pupil narrowing.

Admission 50 mg of the drug blocks during the day the effect of 25 mg of heroin.100 mg of Naltrexone prolongs the duration of blocking the effect of heroin up to 2 days.


The drug begins to work on the body 1-2 hours after ingestion. Naltrexone is well absorbed, cleaved in the liver, forming metabolites under the action of enzymes. Metabolites of the active substance also possess the properties of opioid antagonists.


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The drug is used in the treatment of opioid addiction, alcoholism. Naltrexone is administered after elimination of abstinence.

Instructions for Use

Naltrexone Capsules, tablets are taken orally. Injections of the drug are made intramuscularly.

Treatment of opioid dependence

The conditions necessary to start treatment are absence of withdrawal syndrome, complete abstinence from using opioid-containing drugs for 10 days.

Treatment is started after a provocative test with Naltrexone will show a negative result.

The initial therapeutic dose of the drug should not exceed 50 mg per day. The narcologist appoints the drug plan individually.

The following treatment regimens are most commonly used:

  • 50 mg × 5 days, 100 mg × 1 day, then break 1 day;
  • 100 mg in 2 days, 150 mg every 3 days;
  • 100 mg × 2 days, followed by a 2-day break, 150 mg × 1 day, then a 2-day break.

The duration of the usual course of treatment is 6 months. The minimum duration of treatment for heroin and opium addiction is 3 months.

Photo of the drug Naltrexone

Treatment of alcoholism

With alcoholism, Naltroxen is administered at a dose of 50 mg per day, taken daily for 3-6 months.

When encoding

Naltrexone is used as an implant in ampoules in the treatment of heroin, alcohol dependence by coding. The preparation of the preparation is carried out for up to 6 months. During this time, Naltrexone is slowly released from the capsules, allowing the patient to control cravings for taking the drug.
The video procedure for the introduction of Naltrexone:


The effect of the drug in children under 18 years of age, over 65 years of age, during pregnancy, lactation is not investigated. Naltrexone safety for persons belonging to these categories has not been studied.

The drug is contraindicated:

  • when tested positive for opioids in urine;
  • with hepatitis;
  • for kidney disease;
  • lactose intolerance.

Side effects of

When used in therapeutic doses, the drug is safe, does not cause side effects associated with serious lesions of internal organs. Admission of more than 200 mg of Naltrexone negatively affects liver function.

Drug administration in therapeutic doses is able to influence the systems of organs:

  • digestive system - causes vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, sometimes - an upset of appetite, stools, flatulence;
  • nervous system - accompanied by the appearance of weakness, sleep disturbance, headache, dreams with nightmares, visual impairment, dizziness;
  • respiratory system - provokes coughing, sneezing, runny nose, perspiration, dry mouth;
  • cardiovascular system - causes rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure;
  • genitourinary system - leads to increased frequency of urination, edema of the lower limbs, face, decreased potency.

Special instructions

Naltrexone cancellation syndrome shows increased nervousness, irritability, decreased efficiency. The patient may experience diarrhea, excessive sweating, joint pain, lack of appetite, weakness, tremor, nausea.

Treatment may cause darkening of the urine, yellowing of the eye sclera caused by a violation of the liver. In this case, the drug is immediately canceled, refer to the doctor.

In case of an overdose of the drug, it is necessary to seek medical help, opioids can not be taken additionally because of the high risk of stopping breathing, stopping the work of the heart.


According to reviews of consumers who have been treated with Naltrexone, taking the drug concomitantly with alcohol does not eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, but deprives a person who drinks alcohol-containing drinks from enjoying the process of drinking.

According to drug addicts and alcoholics, the drug works and when used in the form of capsules, and when filing. Of the negative effects of the drug is hepatotoxicity.

Narcologists note the effectiveness of Naltrexone as a means to enable a patient with heroin, alcohol addiction to adapt to a sober life, to adapt in society.

Analogues of

Analgesic preparations of Naltrexone are Antakson, Vivitrol, Revia, Naltrexone FV, Prodetoxone, Naltrel, Naltrexone Hydrochloride, Depade, Depotrex.

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