Ointment Vishnevsky with hemorrhoids, how to apply in treatment, does it help, whether it is possible to smear( use), instructions for use, how to cure?

The emergence of hemorrhoids, according to experts, is due to sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, leading to frequent constipation, and other factors of our time. The disease manifests itself by symptoms such as dilated veins of the anus and knot formation, pain and itching, bleeding, and the like.

In order to successfully cure diseases of rectum, the pharmacological industry currently offers a wide range of medicines. Of these, rectal suppositories, ointments, creams and gels are most in demand. It should be noted that such a popular and very common remedy, like Vishnevsky ointment with hemorrhoids, also has an effective curative effect.

Does Vishnevsky's ointment help against hemorrhoids?

It should immediately be understood that this remedy was not created as a special remedy for this disease, but nevertheless, Vishnevsky's ointment in the treatment of hemorrhoids has been successfully applied. This contributes to its constituent components, the useful properties of which can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

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Treatment of inflammations of rectum with this drug helps to remove swelling and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues, as well as reduce pain during an exacerbation of an anorectal disease. Thanks to the active ingredients that make up the composition, Vishnevsky's ointment helps with hemorrhoids, as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Using linen balsamic according to Vishnevsky from hemorrhoids, it is possible to speed up the cleansing of microcracks and wounds from purulent contents and activate regeneration of tissues. Instruction for the use of the drug says that this drug has no contraindications, no side effects.

Are hemorrhoids treated with Vishnevsky ointment?

Today a wide variety of products are available that have a wide or narrow spectrum of effects on the symptoms of the disease. But the time-tested drug is still in demand. How to treat hemorrhoids with Vishnevsky ointment? One of the remarkable features, thanks to which, the Vishnev ointment with hemorrhoids is so effective, is its property when applied to the surface to create a thin airtight layer. Such a film is an excellent protection of inflamed and damaged tissues from infections.

In addition, the preparation, providing a warming effect, stimulates blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation. After applying to the inflamed tissues of Vishnevsky's ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids, it turns out to be a cleansing and drying effect. Treatment of hemorrhoids with Vyshnevsky balm is especially effective if you use this remedy on pathologies that are outside. Vishnevskaya ointment from hemorrhoids, like any medicine, should be applied to a clean surface, so external hemorrhoids and inflamed skin should be thoroughly cleaned.

Get detailed information about the medicinal properties of the drug will help, composed on the ointment of Vishnevsky with hemorrhoids instruction. According to the information contained in it, the tool under consideration includes the main three parts:

  1. Xereroform, acting as an antiseptic, combines the salts of bismuth, bromine and phenol. It looks like a powder of yellow color and has a characteristic aroma. Xerobes disinfects, dries, heals and regenerates tissues. It also has an astringent effect, destroys harmful microorganisms.
  2. Castor oil is of vegetable origin, as it is made from castor oil seeds. Thanks to castor oil, other active substances that make up Vishnevsky's ointment can penetrate quickly and deeply into the tissues of affected areas.
  3. Birch tar is a natural, environmentally friendly material obtained by distillation using special technology birch bark. More than 10 thousand useful components, which are part of tar, give it unique disinfecting, antiseptic and antipollution properties. Also, birch tar helps reduce cones, normalize blood circulation.

We treat hemorrhoids with Vishnevsky ointment

The use of the drug has its own distinctive nuances. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to undergo a preparatory stage. To do this, 3 days must be applied lotions from the solution of potassium permanganate.

The next step is to directly use Vishnevsky's ointment:

  • Apply a layer of the agent to the cotton swab.
  • The received form is placed in the gauze shell.
  • Compress applied to the site of inflammation and aged for at least 2 days. Every 12 hours, you need to change the gauze strips with cotton and ointment. As practice shows, hemorrhoidal cones subside, and the existing inflammation almost disappears.

Ointment helps with hemorrhoids not only when used in compresses, it can be applied by spreading affected areas.

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