Treatment of tinnitus

1 Medication

Treatment of unpleasant symptoms directly depends on what exactly caused their appearance. So, for example, if ringing in the ears appeared due to the development of such a serious ailment as Meniere's disease, doctors prescribe medications that improve the microcirculation of the internal ear structures and contribute to a decrease in the permeability of the capillaries. A very popular drug is a drug, like Vazobral. Vazobral also helps to cope with vomiting and dizziness, which often appear in the above described disease.

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If the cause of unpleasant symptoms are clonic contractions of the muscles of the soft palate or middle ear, doctors prescribe anticonvulsants. Well-proven drugs such as Tegretol, Difenin and Depakin have proven successful. To treat ringing in the organs of hearing with these medications is necessary under the close attention of doctors.

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In extreme cases, when other drugs do not produce the desired result, physicians can prescribe psychotropic medications to the patient. Such drugs are prescribed only after consultation with a psychoneurologist. The thing is that despite the high effectiveness of psychotropic medications, it is not always safe to treat tinnitus with their help. Such drugs can cause a number of side effects( constipation, drowsiness, dry mouth, tachycardia and difficulty urinating).

As mentioned above, ringing in the ears may appear due to the development of allergies. In the presence of an allergic reaction, fluid stagnation occurs in the organs of hearing. In this case, doctors prescribe antihistamines. Most often, the patient is assigned to Atarax and Pipolphen.

To treat the above-described painful condition, medics prescribe drugs that improve cerebral circulation( Cavinton, Betagistin), antihypoxic agents( Preductal, Rimecor) and nootropic drugs( Omaron, Fezam).

If there is a noise in the ears due to cervical osteochondrosis, what should I do? This is a frequently asked question. In fact, with the development of cervical osteochondrosis, there are often problems with hearing organs. In case of unpleasant symptoms, doctors advise to do neck-and-neck neck massage every day. Self-massage is quite easy. You just have to massage the area of ​​your neck and the base of your neck with both ends of your fingers for 2 months. All movements must be smooth. Finger pads should be lightly pressed on the skin, performing movements in a circle. If everything is done correctly, then very soon the ringing in the ears will start to appear much less often.

2 Phytotherapy

To treat the above-described painful condition, you can not only medication, but also recipes of traditional medicine. Well-established home recipes, the main ingredient of which are medicinal herbs and plants. Due to the rich composition of medicinal plants, ringing in the ears after their intake will be held in the shortest possible time.

Self-made tincture of lemon balm can not only eliminate noise in the ear, but also restore hearing: 50 g of crushed dried lemon balm should be poured into 150 ml of vodka. The resulting consistency should be placed in a darkened place for a week. The finished product is filtered and buried in the ears for 3 drops daily. Before use tincture should be slightly warmed. Immediately after this procedure in the ears, you need to insert cotton swabs and wrap the head with a woolen shawl. Treated tincture of melissa is necessary until the full recovery of the ears.

From melissa at home, you can cook an equally useful tincture on the water. Such a liquid will help to cope not only with noise in the ear, but also with increased tear. To prepare a medicinal product, 4 tablespoons of finely chopped melissa leaves should be brewed in 1 liter of hot water for 60 minutes. In the finished drug, you need to add a little honey and drink it in the form of tea throughout the day.


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Ringing in the ears can be treated with the following collection: in equal amounts, it is necessary to mix chopped currant leaves, lilac flowers and black elderberry leaves.2 tablespoons of raw material should be poured in 700 ml of water and keep under closed lid for at least 20 minutes. The product should be stirred constantly. After this, the liquid should be allowed to infuse for about a quarter of an hour and drain. Three times a day you need to take 70 ml of medicinal medicine.

Pain in the ear can be treated with a tincture of red clover - 1 teaspoon of dry heads of red clover should be filled with 3 tablespoons of vodka. The resulting consistency should be postponed the room, which does not get sunlight, for 10 days. Ready tincture is necessary to strain and drink 2 spoons 1 time per day for 3 months.

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No less popular is the following collection: 40 g of pink meadow cornflower should be mixed with 40 g of thyme and 20 g of lilac flowers.100 g of raw materials should be brewed in 400 ml of boiling water for 60 minutes. The finished product should be filtered and divided into 2 equal parts. Drug needs to be drunk in 2 divided doses at intervals of 30 minutes.

3 What else helps?

If there is often a noise in the ears, what should I do? The answer to this question is quite simple. You can try to get rid of unpleasant symptoms with the help of viburnum and honey: 50 g of fruit of the viburnum should be grinded with the same amount of natural honey. The resulting mixture should be wrapped in a gauze bandage and insert it overnight into the sore ear. This procedure should be carried out every evening for 3 weeks. This tool will help to get rid of noise in the ear and restore hearing.

Few people know, but you can remove the ringing with the help of ordinary potatoes. Medium-sized potatoes must be peeled and cut into small pieces. After that, 2 pieces of potatoes should be moistened with natural honey and inserted into the ears. Next, the head should be tied with a woolen handkerchief. To conduct such a procedure is necessary until complete recovery.

No less popular is the rice decoction, with which you can treat the noise in the left ear and right.120 grams of rice should be filled with 800 ml of hot water and leave it untill morning. In the morning, the liquid must be drained, and the same amount of boiling water should be added to the rice. The resulting consistency should be cooked on the stove for no more than 3 minutes. In the finished rice, you need to add 3 large cloves of garlic and eat the medicine in a hot form. As practice shows, a sense of relief appears after 5-7 days. But despite this, the course of treatment with rice decoction should last at least 30 days.

If the noise in the ears appears very often, then you can try to cope with unpleasant symptoms with the help of onions and cumin.

1 large bulb must be peeled and stuffed with cumin seeds. After that, it should be baked in the oven. From the finished bulb it is necessary to squeeze out the juice and bury it 3 drops in each ear 2 times a day. To stop treatment is not necessary even after the noise in the ears completely passes. To fix the effect, treatment should continue for several days after recovery.

No less effective is ammonia in the fight against the above-described painful condition. In 200 ml of pure water should dissolve 1 spoon of ammonia. In the resulting consistency, moisten the gauze bandage and apply it to the forehead. It is possible to remove such a compress only after 40 minutes. To conduct such procedures need daily for 1 week. As practice shows, positive results can appear much earlier.

4 Recommendations

Than to treat tinnitus so that hearing and vision are simultaneously improved? Experts argue that the combination of products such as lemon and garlic can positively affect not only the hearing organs, but also the organs of vision.1 medium-sized lemon must be crushed with the peel and mixed with 1 finely chopped garlic head. The resulting consistency should be filled with half a liter of boiling water and put in a dark warm place for 2-3 days. Ready tincture should be filtered and taken inside by 40 ml on an empty stomach. It is necessary to be treated with such a remedy for a fairly long period of time( at least 90 days).After this, you should take a break for 30 days and repeat the treatment.

Get rid of noise in the head will help pea flour. A small amount of green pea pods must be ground in a coffee grinder.1 spoonful of powder should be poured into 1 glass of hot water and put aside for half an hour. The received liquid should be taken orally 1 spoonful three times a day.

How to get rid of ringing in the ears with apples? A question that interests everyone who has encountered this unpleasant ailment. Doctors warn that only with the help of apples you can not get rid of noise. With the help of this fruit, it is possible to prevent this disease state. A few apples should be grated on a fine grater( with a peel) and eat throughout the day.

3 peeled garlic cloves should be poured with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, mix with 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar and dry grape wine. The resulting mixture should be set aside for the whole night.1 spoon of the drug should be diluted in 1 tbsp.warm water and drink several times a day. In most cases, the desired results appear in a few weeks.

And what if the noise is caused by atherosclerosis? In this case, doctors recommend taking the following medicine: 100 g of chopped garlic should be mixed with 50 g of propolis tincture, 50 g of honey and 200 ml of vodka. The resulting consistency should be poured into a glass jar and put in a dark place for 10 days. Ready mix should be taken orally 50 ml three times a day before meals. This tool will also help to normalize blood circulation.

5 A few words in conclusion

How to treat tinnitus correctly can only tell the attending physician. That is why self-medication is not the best way out of the situation. Some home remedies often cause strong allergic reactions. If there are signs of an allergy in the ears, treatment should begin as soon as possible. This will help to avoid even greater complications.

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