After tooth extraction is it possible a severe headache?

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Wherever an adult removes a tooth, he should remember that after removal, the new one will no longer grow. The exception is unless the wisdom teeth, which, however, can bring a lot of inconvenience and problems with their appearance. This is why removal is an extreme measure that can not be tolerated by promptly contacting specialists for treatment.

Pains after tooth extraction - this is quite normal phenomenon even for a very healthy person. Any removal is inherently a surgical intervention, even if it is small. The main errors in the occurrence of pain after tooth extraction - panic or, conversely, a resigned expectation that discomfort will go away by itself, coupled with the use of a large number of painkillers.


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Whatever doctors remove teeth, bone and soft tissues are damaged. Full recovery process can be up to 4 months. Ideally, after tooth extraction, pain and other unpleasant sensations will be felt for 1-3 days. However, if a patient has been diagnosed with periostitis( which people call a flux), then after tooth extraction the pain can last for 2 weeks. Important and anatomical features of the roots of the tooth, in some cases this is an additional factor of injury to the oral cavity.

The type of anesthesia is of great importance for the development of pain after tooth extraction. Modern painkillers, used in dentistry, have minimal side effects, but this does not mean that they can be completely excluded.

So, the factor of development of dental and headaches is directly affected not only by the operation itself, but also by the individual reactions of the organism to a particular drug.

If a person knows for sure that he is allergic to a specific analgesic, this should be reported to the doctor right away. With today's rich nomenklatura of painkillers, finding the right remedy will not be difficult.

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Other factors are of great importance for the development of pain in the head area after tooth extraction, namely:

  • the number and types of teeth to be removed;
  • their general condition before immediate removal;
  • presence of other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • presence( absence) of chronic diseases;
  • the age of the patient;
  • presence( absence) of bad habits.

Why is this important? Yes, because the same dental diseases in humans can occur in different ways. Accordingly, and the healing and recovery processes after tooth extraction, too. For example, the older a person, the ability of his body to regenerate tissues is steadily falling. The presence of some other disease can also negatively affect the sensations and recovery of a person. Patients with diabetes are advised to remove their teeth in the morning and only after injecting with insulin. Of course, the attending physician must be informed in advance of the presence of this serious illness. Otherwise, even after treatment or removal of the tooth, there is a great chance of developing inflammatory processes, which can make you aware of yourself with rather sharp pains.

Separately, we should focus on the process of removing wisdom teeth. The fact is that the wisdom teeth of people grow in different ways. In some cases, it is possible that such a tooth will cut completely healthy and will not cause harm to others, but often the wisdom teeth come out already dilapidated. In Western dentistry, regardless of the status of such teeth, it is customary to remove them, domestic doctors are not so categorical. Whatever it was, the removal of wisdom teeth is considered the most difficult for dentists. Such teeth often cause inflammation, the symptoms of which are manifested by headaches and general malaise. Patients often note the shooting and harsh nature of these pains.

Ear and parotid localization of pain is noted. Usually, a timely call to a doctor ensures a successful outcome of such operations, but in some cases, if the pain does not subside from day to day, then one should think about complications. First of all, these complications are associated with the possible defeat of the nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve. The pain with such a lesion is very burning, impulsive and has a paroxysmal character.

1 Interrelation of bodies

The matter is that in a human body all is interconnected, and internal bodies mutually influence each other. One organ can hurt, and pain can be given entirely to another. It is the teeth - the original "champions" in the number of receptors. The square centimeter of the tooth is up to 30 thousand painful receptors, and the distance between enamel and dentin is 75 thousand. For example, the skin of a man in the same area has only 200 receptors. That is why various dental diseases or other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity can create many problems for other organs. As practice shows, patients often complain of temporal, frontal and occipital pain in the head. An experienced dentist already in terms of the types and location of such pain can determine which teeth need treatment.

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Depending on which tooth is troubled, pain can occur in different parts of the head. Pain of the molar tooth gives to the crown or back of the head, the fangs make themselves felt by the pain in the temporal part. If a person thinks that the "whole head" hurts, then he should pay attention to the condition of his lower jaw. In some cases, toothache can provoke even migraine attacks.

Of course, the pain can be healed by the use of strong analgesic drugs, but, as practice shows, it will necessarily return again, sometimes even in a stronger form.

2 Why this happens

People often say: "It hurts a tooth," but do not think about the root cause. Dentists state the fact that the greatest number of toothaches is associated with tooth decay. With such a disease, teeth become inflamed, this process is constantly progressing. Gradually, the integrity of the hard tooth tissue begins to deteriorate. The holes that form in this case are a good environment for the inhabitation of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Later they penetrate into the cavity of the affected tooth and cause inflammation of the pulp. There is a large number of nerve endings and vessels, as a result, there is a strong pain that also pushes into the head.

A head often hurts if a person's bite is broken. Such a disorder is a change in the ratio of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw. Such a person can be bothered by pain in the back of the head and the head, and ear and parotid pains are not uncommon.

It should be added that the neglected state of the oral cavity, refusals from visits to the dentist, an attempt to treat toothaches alone can cause irreparable damage to the body as a whole. For example, because of the sick teeth, often the organs of the digestive tract suffer. This is not surprising, because badly chewed food is an extra burden for the stomach. Paradoxically, different gastroenterological problems can also have a negative effect on the condition of the teeth. Patients suffering from heartburn often have a lot of problems with the state of tooth enamel. Even after treatment or after removal of the tooth( teeth), these problems are not solved. Scientists have convincingly proved that such people simply need to undergo gastroenterological research.

4 What to do after the procedure

After tooth extraction, doctors recommend that the patient be at rest. For a while you need to refrain from eating and drinking. To relieve pain in the mouth and head, you can take spasmolytic, not exceeding the specified dosage.

You can gently rinse the mouth with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or soda. However, it is impossible to abuse such procedures, so as not to rinse out the blood clot, which protects the formed hole from inflammation. In addition, the first day you can not brush your teeth, use to rinse with balsams and elixirs. Refusal from smoking and alcohol significantly increases the chances of painless and rapid healing of the wound.

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