Tubular lichen

Tubular lichen is an infectious disease of the skin without affecting the hair follicles. The peak of the disease occurs during the summer period and is most typical for regions with a humid hot climate.

The fungus itself does not carry a great danger and appears periodically, but because of the danger of relapse it is still necessary to treat it. As a rule, young people are at risk.

Causes of

The main causative agent of tuberculosis is the fungi of the family Pityrosporum orbiculare, Malassezia furfur, Pityrosporum ovale. Under normal conditions, spores of fungi do not harm the skin of a person.

Still, there are a number of causes of the onset of the disease:

  • the immune system is weakened;
  • for supercooling;
  • skin poorly cope with the barrier function;
  • frequent use of bactericidal agents;
  • sweating is enhanced;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • synthetics;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a change in the chemical composition of sweat glands;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • stress.
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Studies of dermatologists have shown that often tubular lichen occurs most often in people with pulmonary tuberculosis of lung lymphogranulomatosis.

Symptoms of tuberculosis

The spots that appear on the background of tubular lichen are of a different color - from dark brown to light pink. Yellow spots are the most common.

The disease begins with the appearance on any part of the body of round light spots with uneven edges. The size of these formations initially does not exceed 1 cm, then they begin to increase and merge into one large spot occupying a large surface area of ​​the skin.

The main place of occurrence of the first symptoms of tubal lichen are the chest, back, stomach, sides. The spots that form on the skin tend to peel off over time. This process may be accompanied by a slight burning or itching.

Peeling is usually caused by ultraviolet irradiation of the skin affected by the fungus during prolonged stay of the patient in the sun. Interestingly, the effect of the sun on the fungus is also able to completely cure this disease.

How to treat tubal lice

Now a few words about how to treat tubal lice. The standard program includes the administration of local and systemic antifungal agents. Allowed treatment at home, especially if it comes to a small area of ​​skin damage( up to 15%).

In this case, it is sufficient to use the antifungal agents externally and observe the basic rules:

  1. Daily change clothes and clothes.
  2. Not only to wash, but also iron things with a hot iron.
  3. Refuse to synthetics.
  4. Wash twice a day, but without the use of antibacterial agents.
  5. Enrich the diet with vitamins and minerals.
  6. Get enough sleep.

In addition, patients are strongly advised to avoid heavy physical and psychoemotional stresses, stressful situations, prolonged stay in cool and too hot premises, refuse to wear synthetic clothes and carefully monitor body hygiene.

Than treated as tuberculosis

Traditional local remedies for combating colorful lichen are salicylic acid, resorcinol alcohol, and sulfuric ointment. In addition, modern medicine offers many effective antifungal drugs:

  1. Antifungal and antiseptic drugs with imidazole content are widely used: Clotrimazole, Mycospores, Travogen, Ecodance, Bifonazole. The active substance of these antimicrobial agents destroys the cells of the fungus, changing its structure and causing irreversible death of the fungus.
  2. The medicines of the allylamines group: Lamisil, Terbinafine, Atifan, Lamikon, Mikosil and others are also effective in treating tubal deprivation. They have a fungicidal and fungistatic action, preventing the biosynthesis of stearins in the cells of the fungus.

Affected areas are first wiped with 2-5% salicylic alcohol solution to soften the coarse skin layer, and then apply antifungal ointments. Treatment with ointments usually lasts no more than 6-7 days. In complex cases, when large areas of the skin are affected, tableted antimicrobials are used.

Prophylactic actions of

To prevent the appearance of fungal tubular fungus will help:

  • treatment in the hot season of sweating skin areas with acidifying agents, since the alkaline environment is most favorable for pathogens;
  • compliance with a set of hygiene rules for skin care;
  • preference in clothing of natural materials;
  • frequent enough change of linen;
  • use of sun protection products;
  • after illness disinfection of personal belongings and bed-clothes.
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