Red rash in the hands of an adult: photo description

For the first time with a rash on the hands, most people encounter during early childhood. Perhaps, many remember how they did not listen to their mother, did not wear gloves or mittens in cold weather.

As a result, they had a small red rash on their hands in the form of red dots, which itched and ached. People called this rash "pimples", the medical name - simple dermatitis. And everyone knows that if you take a few minutes to keep your hands warm, dry, lubricate them with baby cream, then the symptoms of this ailment quickly passed.

Adults are also able to face rashes due to dermatitis. The two most common are atopic and contact. Both these dermatitis can cause a rash on the hands in the form of red dots which itches( see photo).

Causes of rash on the hands

Many causes can cause a rash on the hands. The most common of these are:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • bacterial infections;
  • allergic diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • dermatitis;
  • scabies;
  • after insect bites;
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  • chronic depression and stress;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • fungal infection, in this case, additional symptoms may indicate a problem: cracks and blisters between the fingers, severe itching.

The most common skin diseases are atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis, a description of which can be read below. Both these conditions are characterized by the appearance of a rash on the hands.


A rash in the form of red dots on the fingers and hands may indicate a lack of vitamins and, above all, ascorbic acid, the lack of which leads to increased fragility of the capillaries.

The problem is easily solved - add to the daily diet: fresh herbs, linseed oil, fish and drink vitamin-mineral complex for the complete elimination of vitamin deficiency.

Insect bites

Bites of ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, ants, bed bugs and some other insects leave behind a rash in the form of red dots, which itches and can be painful.

In people prone to allergies, such rashes can persist for a long time, delivering uncomfortable sensations, and when combing these elements, there is a risk of infection.

Infectious diseases

The red dots on the hands that are itchy can be the cause of any infectious disease. Typical pathologies leading to the appearance of rash include:

  • typhus;
  • measles;Scarlet fever
  • ;
  • rubella;
  • chicken pox.

Therefore, if the hands are covered with red dots and there are other symptoms of the disease, then you should immediately consult a doctor - infectionist.

Contact dermatitis

The occurrence of contact dermatitis is associated with skin contact with an irritant( allergen).One of its varieties is contact with aggressive household chemicals, which is used without the use of gloves.

The main symptom of contact dermatitis is the appearance of a rash on the hands. To avoid the appearance of irritation from rubber, it is recommended to put on cotton gloves under rubber gloves. Anti-allergic preparations of local action( for example, fenistil-gel), hormonal ointments( loratadine) help to get rid of the rash.

Atopic dermatitis

When allergies to certain products or medicines, skin manifestations can appear on the hands( more often at the elbow bend) and represent a small rash in the form of red dots. Most often this reaction is observed when used:

  • honey;
  • chocolate;
  • milk;
  • of citrus fruits;
  • seafood;
  • strawberries.

The most allergenic medicines are:

  • antibiotics;
  • Novocaine;
  • sulfonamides;
  • barbiturates;
  • preparations of arsenic, etc.

Dermatologists, allergists are engaged in treatment of atopic dermatitis. The disease, a small and unpleasant rash on the hands, requires the systemic administration of antihistamines:

  • tavegila,
  • suprastin,
  • zirteka,
  • zodak),

Antiallergic ointments and creams. In more severe cases, injection drug administration, hormone therapy may be required.

Vascular and blood vessel pathologies

The most frequent cause of a rash is a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood or a change in the permeability of the vessels. Rashes are manifested by small subcutaneous hemorrhages in the area of ​​the wrist. Also, bruises of different sizes may appear on the body. The general condition and well-being of a person, as a rule, is not violated.

Secondary syphilis

Can also signal itself with a red rash on the arms. Eruptions usually do not bother the patient: with secondary syphilis they do not itch, do not cause pain. The rash appears suddenly, then also unexpectedly disappears, then reappears.

This "behavior" of the rashes is associated with the multiplication of the pathogen( pale spirochaete) in the patient's blood. With this rash must necessarily understand the expert. The patient needs treatment with specific drugs under the supervision of a venereologist.

Red dots on the fingers that itch

Among all the diseases in which red dots appear on the fingers under the skin, special attention deserves scabies. With him, if you look closely, in addition to the presence of red dots under the skin on your hands, you can notice moves. It is in them that the female lays eggs.

Scabies can be infected anywhere, especially in places of public transport and during a handshake. Contributes to infection with increased skin moisture, which is observed in the hot season.

How to treat a rash on the hands in the form of red dots

The red dots are not a disease by themselves, more often than not it is one of the symptoms. The reasons for their appearance in adults can be very different both in nature of origin and in the seriousness of the ailment. Treatment can be conducted only after determining the nature of the appearance of the rash. Each type of disease requires an individual approach.

Once a diagnosis has been made and a course of therapy is conducted to avoid relapse, it is desirable to observe the following rules:

  • Avoid contact with plants, objects that can cause allergy;
  • refuse to eat foods that do not suit you;
  • regularly conduct personal hygiene, using soaps and shower gels, which contain a minimum amount of flavors and artificial colors;
  • wiping hands with wet hygienic napkins after contact with money, travel on public transport.
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