Malignant polyp in the intestines, rectum, stomach, can it be so?

Polyps are epithelial growths localized on the mucosa. In the digestive tract, they are most often found: in the intestine, in the rectum, in the stomach. And all would be nothing, but these benign formations often degenerate into malignant tumors. Than it is dangerous, it is hardly necessary to explain. Of course, everyone knows that cancer is a long and painful disease, which, one way or another, ends with the death of a person.

In turn, malignant polyps completely or partially consist of cancer cells that multiply or move to other organs. Hence the question whether a polyp can be malignant, should once and for all leave the minds of people with a similar disease.

Malignant polyps in the intestine

What formations in the intestine can develop into a malignant form? To similar formations carry about 75% of all polyps in the intestine. Malignant polyps are called adenomas or adenomatous. In turn, medical terms adenomas are divided into species: glandular-villous, villous and glandular( tubular).Of these, villous are most prone to degeneration into cancer, whereas ferruginous have the least probability.

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The contributing factor is the size. It is believed that the larger the size, the higher the risk of cancer. Education at a rate of more than 2 cm increases this risk by 20-25%.It is desirable to remove the formation even before degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Tips on how to prevent cancer:

  • First, you need to remember that the most dangerous polyps are adenomatous.
  • Secondly, the larger the size of education, the higher the likelihood of malignancy.
  • Thirdly, after 45-50 years, it is necessary to observe the specialists, undergo the necessary examination and take tests for the presence of tumors.
  • Fourthly, those who have already dealt with similar diseases fall into the risk group of cancer. If an adenomatosis has already been removed, then regular observation is mandatory.
  • Fifthly, you need to be on the lookout for people whose bodies tend to form such tumors. Patients with hereditary predisposition and with chronic inflammations of the intestine are at risk. To date, there are many methods of medical testing, which are recommended to use.

Malignant polyps in the rectum

The rectum is a department that smoothly passes from the large intestine. Strangely enough, it has a good environment for the formation of polyps. Often, everything starts with the usual benign formations, which gradually develop into cancer diseases. It is at an early stage of the appearance of any formations that an alarm should be sounded. Unfortunately, often many do not know about the presence of a foreign body in the body. Examination or progression, an increase in the tumor gives clues and symptoms, which should be consulted to a specialist for help.

The nasal tumor is the most susceptible to the risk of degeneration into the malignant stage. This name was given because of the presence of small villi on the polyp or otherwise, papillae.

The main cause of anxiety for many people is discomfort in the anus. With the increase in size, people notice more and more the foreign body. Also begin to overcome temporary pain, especially at the time of defecation, the allocation of mucus, bleeding, too, will not take long to wait. Can a polyp in the rectum be malignant? Completely. In addition, it also promotes intestinal obstruction.

Malignant polyp in the stomach

It all depends on many factors. Polyps are quite common among the population of the whole world, somewhere these figures are smaller, somewhere more. Of all possible stomach tumors, polyps are from 5 to 12%.Most often they occur in people under the age of 60 and most of these people are male.

Precise figures of the frequency of the degeneration of benign formations into malignant ones are beyond the control of anyone. Approximately - this is 15-60%.Identify such formations more often oncologists as a result of examination of the patient. In this case, the difference between a malignant and a benign is obvious. Oncologists distinguish them according to some external data. First, on the leg of the tumor or in its center, there are manifestations. Secondly, the base becomes denser and broader, in the form of cartilage.

In general, like most polyps in the stomach, they also do not give out anything particularly. They are either discovered by doctors quite accidentally, or already in a more complicated stage and with growth there are some clinical symptoms in the form of: nausea, vomiting, pain when pressing on the stomach, bleeding, pain inside the abdomen. The reason is the same - a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the stomach or its inflammation. Often, such an education was revealed due to gastritis.

Malignant polyps should be treated immediately, as this can lead to rapid multiplication and transition to the cancerous stage, which is highly undesirable. Treatment is performed surgically, removing a similar lesion. Also, the removal is carried out using endoscopy.

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