Preparation for ultrasound of the pancreas, a diet before it, how to prepare?

Pancreas ultrasound is a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure. The gland is located in the upper abdomen, behind the stomach. The pancreas in the left hypochondrium acts as its left part. To perform ultrasound, the patient needs careful preparation, namely:

  • Gastroscopy before ultrasound of the pancreas is not recommended.
  • For 48 hours do not contribute to your menu products promoting gas generation. It can be dairy products, carbonated drinks, vegetables, fruits and juices.
  • Do not eat at all until the procedure for ten hours.
  • In case of propensity to gassing the patient to take activated charcoal( 3-4 pcs.) At night for 2 hours before or after meals.
  • No smoking.
  • Discard alcoholic beverages.
  • Do not drink and eat right before starting the ultrasound procedure.
  • Do not use any medication.

All of the above actions are included in the preparation of the patient for ultrasound diagnosis of the pancreas. If a person has a complete complexion, the preparation must include a cleansing enema with the help of a heating pad. This procedure is preferably carried out in the morning and in the evening on the eve of ultrasound. For most people, the entire preparation for ultrasound of the pancreas consists in drawing up and maintaining a slag-free diet. Within three days of nutrition, you must abandon milk, bread( black), legumes, fruits and vegetables( fresh).

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Ultrasound examination is an accessible examination for all, painless and uncomplicated. Through this research, you can recognize not only pancreatitis, but also the severity of its development. Only ultrasound is able to determine the exact size of the pancreas. Actually, for this purpose, preparation for this procedure, connected with the diet, is necessary so that nothing distorts reality. Thanks to ultrasound, echogenicity is determined, the structure is evaluated, the diameter of the ducts of the gland is measured, the presence of false cysts, stones in the ducts, and much more.

How to prepare for ultrasound of the pancreas?

As already mentioned, ultrasound examination is performed in conjunction with other organs located in the abdominal region: stomach, intestine, liver, gall bladder and spleen. All these organs can not be properly inspected in the normal state of the body, so it is necessary to prepare. The procedure itself is performed exclusively on an empty stomach, but within 2 days it is necessary to go on a diet. From the diet should be removed those products that promote gas generation, and 10 hours before ultrasound is better not to eat at all. If the patient's body is inclined to form gases, then you need to drink up to 4 tablets of activated charcoal the night before ultrasound. Or every day preparing to drink 1 tablet Espumizana. In no case should you not drink alcohol, as well as better quit smoking. Also, for 2 days of the examination, medications should not be taken. If a patient has problems with a stool, then it is better to make an enema before ultrasound. On the ultrasound examination you need to take a diaper and napkins.

Diet before ultrasound of the pancreas

The ultrasound of the pancreas is not carried out separately. Together with this body, the doctor examines other organs located in the abdominal cavity. In order for the data to be as accurate as possible, the patient must adhere to a strict diet two days before the examination. It consists in the exclusion from the diet of products that promote gas generation, namely:

  • dairy products;
  • fresh and black bread;
  • yeast baking;
  • sauerkraut;
  • fizzy drinks;
  • any leguminous crops;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • mushrooms and honey;
  • juices, both from the store and freshly squeezed.

The above products can distort the results of ultrasound of the pancreas, which will result in inadequately prescribed treatment. In addition, it is necessary to completely abandon the alcoholic beverages that provoke pancreatic diseases. In the diet in preparation for ultrasound should include light soups, low-fat chicken, various cereals. And for 10-12 hours before the procedure you need to completely stop taking any food. It is necessary to understand that the more accurately the pattern of changes is detected, the more urgent the treatment will be.

Ultrasound is performed in a specialized office, lying on the back. The patient needs to undress to the waist. On the surface of the skin is applied a gel, on which a special sensor is examined the area of ​​the stomach and the left side. This procedure is performed with a deep breath inspiration. If required, the survey may be supplemented by a position on the right and left side. The vertical position of a person is not excluded. A pancreatic ultrasound requires about 10 minutes of total time.

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