Treatment of polyps of the nose with folk remedies at home: reviews

If there are difficulties with breathing through the nose, permanent discharge from the nose, can be purulent, then you should contact a specialist to check the likelihood of polyps in the nose.

Polyps are benign growths in the nose that increase the area of ​​the mucosa, but create obstacles for the passage of air currents during breathing.

Reasons for the appearance of

The factors that cause the formation of polyps in the nose are not completely known to the end.

It is noticed that their appearance coincides with such phenomena:

  • Allergic reaction of the mucosa to a substance can initiate the formation of polyps. Especially if the allergen is constantly present in the environment of a person and irritates the mucous.
  • The reason for creating lesions in the nose can serve as a prolonged or chronic inflammatory process of the mucosa.
  • Fungus in the body as well as staphylococcus - each of the factors can cause the growth of polyps in the nose.
  • Physiological feature of a person - a curved nasal septum contributes to stagnant phenomena in the nose, creating an obstacle. This can cause a mucosal reaction in the form of growth of polyps. Defect of the septum happens as a result of trauma.
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Can I get rid of polyposis folk remedies?

The opinion of specialists about folk treatment is such that it can be complementary to the main curative program.

At the initial stages of the development of pathology, the use of folk recipes is effective. You must use the recipes of traditional medicine after consultation with the attending physician.

Often the cause of polyposis is allergies, and products made from herbs can also cause this phenomenon. Careless taking of such medicines can not only not help, but also harm. Usually a test is made for a possible reaction on the elbow.

Recipes of traditional medicine from polyps by their action often affect the cause of polyps. Therefore, if you follow the dosages and do the procedures persistently, adhering to the schedule of reception, you can achieve positive results.

The best folk remedies for treating polyps in the nose

Traditional medicine offers a large number of prescriptions for eliminating polyps in the nose, which have different ways of application:

  • instillation into the nasal passages,
  • nasal lavage,
  • turund lining,
  • lubrication of polyps,
  • nose sucking powder,
  • application inside the preparations of
  • and others.

The following are the most recognized recommendations:

  • Rinsing of nasal sinuses with saline solution. To do this, use special watering cans or rubber cans. The solution is made: a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in boiled water with a warm temperature of 700 ml. To avoid irritation of the mucosa, the solution is filtered before use. It is very good to use sea salt. If the solution is an ordinary salt, then add two drops of iodine. In addition to the previously mentioned methods of application, the liquid can be buried in the nasal passages, and also draw into the nose from the palm. This procedure helps to restore the mucosa of its natural functions.
  • Tincture of white lily - turundas in the nasal passages, moistened with tincture, can lead to a positive result for a month. The procedure can be performed up to three times a day.
  • A popular way is to use this horsetail. Tincture for 14 days is pulled in by the nose 9-10 times a day. Brew the composition from the calculation of a tablespoon of raw material for a glass of boiling water.
  • For recipes, use natural ingredients:
    • chamomile,
    • hemlock( carefully, the plant is poisonous),
    • spurge,
    • pine needles,
    • calendula,
    • sage,
    • St. John's wort,
    • beet juice,
    • sea buckthorn oil, Ledum
    • and others.
  • You can treat polyps by using oral medication. One example: a teaspoon of hops and two tablespoons of needles are placed in a glass and filled with boiling water. Half an hour later the drink is brought to a boil again. This compound is drunk during the day. The schedule of taking the remedy: three days they drink - six days pass. Repeat this same two more times. Nastoy strengthens the immune system and the body includes reserves to deal with the formations.

Purity of polyps

The plant has antitumor properties. Polyps are the formations of benign nature. Treatment with celandine can lead to getting rid of pathology.

Patient should show patience and discipline, and throughout the year a positive result is possible. The plant is rich in alkaloids that have qualities:

  • antimicrobial,
  • anti-inflammatory
  • and antifungal.

Recipes for treatment of polyps using celandine:

Turtles from the grass. For a third of an hour, the dried raw material( a teaspoon) filled with boiling water in a volume of 300 ml is insisted. After this, the infusion is filtered. For a week, turundas, soaked in infusion, are placed alternately in each nasal passage for ten minutes. This procedure is performed once a day. Turundy is used throughout the year according to this schedule: two months of treatment, a month of rest. Two months, when treated with celandine, also have a rhythm of action: seven days of active( performed manipulation) - seven days of rest.
  • Application of grass juice. The plant has healing power at the time of flowering( May, June).During this period, it is collected for treatment with juice. The preparation is prepared as follows:
    • Plants are taken with all parts:
      • stem,
      • flowers,
      • root.
    • Plants are washed and dried, then crushed with a meat grinder. Usually, grass is passed through the chopper twice.
    • The resulting pulp is squeezed through the fabric. The juice is poured into glass containers of dark color and tightly closed.
    • After about a week, the juice starts fermenting. While this process does not end, it should be possible to leave the air. For this, the lid is periodically opened and closed again.
    • The product is stored in the refrigerator. Juice excretes warts well, for this it is used in its pure form. For treatment of polyps apply a drug diluted in boiled water one to one.

    Diagram of instillation of the diluted product into the nose is as follows:

    • week of treatment - ten days break,
    • after five such courses of procedures - rest month,
    • repetition of the initial course.

    Inoculation: Bury two drops in each nasal passage in the morning.

  • homeopathic therapy

    This method has proven to be effective if it is used after surgical removal of polyps. The operation does not affect the causes of the appearance of pathology.

    Means have an appointment from a variety of polyps:

    • If the formation is fleshy, then alternately use such agents:
      • silicea 6,
      • phosphorus 6,
      • potassium bichromicum 3.
    • In the case of pathology of the mucous species, it is recommended:
      • Sulfur 6 and potassium bichrome 3day, applying alternately every other day.
      • It is also possible to use calcarea carbonate for six days. Reception in the morning hours( 2 drops).
    • The glycerin teucrium is used in this way:
      • Dry powder is used as a means to be snorted.
      • As an essence, the preparation is used for lubricating polyps.
      • Powder diluted in water( there should be a sixth part of the taken volume of water of the powder), it is drawn into the nasal passages. Manipulation is carried out four times a day.

    Feedback on treatment at home

    • Patients respond to the method of washing the nose with saline as an effective and worthwhile attention. Patients who used this method persistently, observing the system, got rid of the problem. Polyps do not renew their growth.
    • Washing of the nasal passages with celandine also has positive reviews. The patient who breathed with difficulty, for a month got rid of the problem in the form of polyps, washing his nose with infusion.
    • The patient describes her experience that swabs soaked in a tincture of white lily helped to avoid surgical removal of polyps. She did the procedure for three months a day.
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