Cylinder( adenokistoznaya carcinoma): skin, hard palate, parotid salivary gland

The disease is specific. Cases of diagnosing this type of tumor are rare. The earlier the patient discovers the changes and turns to the doctor, the better the result of the medical help he can get.

Which organs affects adenocystic carcinoma?

Education occurs in organs in which glandular tissue is present. These are:

  • salivary glands,
  • prostate,
  • skin,
  • mammary glands,
  • cervix,
  • , lacrimal glands,
  • of the palate.

Reasons for

Why a man has adenocystic carcinoma appears to date science is not yet ready to respond.

Symptoms of

Often the patient does not immediately discover a problem. In the first stages, the neoplasm can not give pain signals. In the oral cavity, pathology can be detected on examination with a dentist.

The symptoms of the disease include:

  • difficulty during swallowing,
  • appetite impairment,
  • swelling in the oral cavity,
  • deterioration of the facial muscles,
  • the mucous membrane of the mouth acquires a cyanotic appearance,
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  • the appearance of snoring,
  • frequent cases of headache,
  • decline of strength,
  • pain at the site of the appearance of swelling,
  • dizziness,
  • increased salivation,
  • appeared difficulty in nasal breathing,
  • during sleep the person began to snore,
  • surface swelled upAwn can be covered with sores,
  • appeared long-lasting runny nose,
  • weight loss.

Features Salivary gland cylinders

The disease is most often located in the salivary gland. Adenokistoznaya carcinoma is characterized by an aggressive manifestation. The growth of epithelial cells can rapidly increase neoplasm in size, penetrate into neighboring tissues.

A feature of this type of neoplasm is that after removal they sometimes reappear in the same places. Women get adenocystic carcinoma more often than men. Age is the most susceptible to the appearance of cylinders - after forty years.

Tumor occurs as an education that has a clear boundary with healthy tissues. At first it is elastic and mobile. Developing, the cylinder grows in a number of lying tissues, so it becomes a rigidly fixed formation.

Types of localization:

  • In small salivary glands , the tumor can become covered with ulcers with time. Being on a hard palate, it can progress to the nasopharynx or in the tissues of the maxillary sinus. During the development of the cylinder to spread to other areas is capable of destroying the tissues of the palate.
  • In the large submandibular salivary glands , usually in the first stages the pain does not signal a problem. When the tumor starts to master the nearest tissues, germinating in them and soldering with them, appear when they feel the formation of pain.
  • In large parotid salivary glands - in this case, lesions can occur with cancer cells of the facial nerve.


  • Tumor in the early stages does not bother the patient, so it is often found by chance, for example, at a dentist's appointment. At later stages, she may be suspected by an otolaryngologist. To study the tumor for malignancy and the degree of its involvement in neighboring tissues, specialized specialists can prescribe otoscopy, nasoscopy.
  • Ultrasound examination helps specialists determine the presence of distant metastases in the patient's body and examine the condition of the lymph nodes.
  • X-ray of the skull will give an opportunity to see the overall picture of the defeat of the cylinder.
  • Biopsy is a method that, through the fence and examination of affected tissues, makes a final conclusion about their malignancy.
  • Computed tomography complements the picture of the disease, reveals whether there is a lesion of bone structures. When examining the chest, experts will determine if the patient has metastatic lesions in the lungs.

Methods of treatment

Specialists have several ways to help a sick cylinder. The choice of methods depends on the localization of the problem, the degree of its development. Combination treatment is often used.


If the removal of the tumor occurs in the early stages of the development of education, the consequences for the patient are not a big problem. In the later stages, it is good to combine tumor excision with plastic surgery. This is due to the fact that if the cylinder is inserted into neighboring tissues, the surgeon must also remove the damaged layers, which can lead to significant defects in appearance.

Radiation method

This method can be used before and after surgery. Before the tumor is excised, the doctor often appoints her to irradiation. This is necessary to weaken cancer cells, reduce their activity in spreading to other tissues.

After the operation, the application of the irradiation method improves the result of radical intervention. If there are no removed tumor cells, radiation therapy makes them unviable.


The method is used in conjunction with others. More often chemotherapy is prescribed to patients who have malignant formation reached the last stages of development and can not be surgically intervened.

Specialist makes individual selection of drugs that stop the development of cancer and the penetration of metastases into neighboring tissues. The choice of the method of treatment should be done collectively to several specialists after a deep diagnosis of pathology.

The prognosis and preventative measures of the

Cylinder are not sufficiently studied.

Specialists do not have a clear idea of ​​the reasons for its occurrence, therefore, preventive measures have not been developed.

You can follow the precautions that relate to the general theme of the prevention of cancer.

  • Avoid the ultraviolet rays of the sun when it is at its zenith.
  • It should be ensured that the mouth does not create a situation of mucosal trauma( an inconvenient prosthesis, sharp edges of the tooth).
  • The ration should be enriched with fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants in food or in the form of additives counteract cancer cells.
  • A healthy, moderate lifestyle helps to maintain immunity.
  • Positive attitude has a significant impact on the body's resistance to serious health problems.
  • Patients treated with oncological tumors, especially cylinders, should be observed with an oncologist not to miss the appearance of unwanted symptoms.
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