Contact dermatitis - photos, symptoms and treatment in adults

Contact dermatitis - an inflammatory reaction of the skin to contact with the stimulus. The incidence of this disease is increasing every year, especially in developed countries.

According to experts, this phenomenon is caused by the mass use in the home of active detergents, the addition of a large number of chemical ingredients to cosmetic products and medicines, the use of new industrial reagents for industrial purposes.

In this regard, the issue of treating contact dermatitis is very relevant to date.

Reasons for

Why does contact dermatitis occur, and what is it? The main cause of this dermatitis is considered to be an increased reaction of the body to allergens and other irritants. The lesion focus, as a rule, is initially located at the site of the effect of the irritating factor. However, in the future, as the allergen accumulates in the body, the symptoms of contact dermatitis begin to appear on any part of the body.

The most common irritants of are:

  • alloys of nickel, copper, chromium, cobalt;
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  • latex and rubber, synthetic materials for clothing;
  • plants( citrus fruits, some flowers, coniferous trees, lichens, onions and garlic, celery, etc.);
  • cosmetics and household chemicals, or rather - their constituents preservatives, flavors, chemical compounds, surfactants;
  • adhesives, varnishes, waxes, paints, sealants, etc.;
  • external medicines, especially creams containing corticosteroids, antibiotics, NSAIDs, anesthetics, antimycotics, etc.

Very often symptoms of contact dermatitis( see photo) appear after the interaction of the skin with alkalis, dyes, acids, sun rays and other chemical preparations. Often the impetus to the emergence of dermatitis is the biological factor( viruses, microbes, fungi).

Classification of

Several types of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Simple contact dermatitis develops due to exposure to skin irritant( acids, alkalis and other chemicals).Allergic contact dermatitis. Signs of the disease develop due to a delayed allergic reaction, that is, the first contact with the stimulus causes the production of specific antibody complexes( the sensitization phase), which lead to inflammatory processes on the skin after repeated interaction with the same allergen( phase of clinical manifestation).The area of ​​inflammation usually exceeds the size of the contact zone with the allergen.
  2. Phototoxic contact dermatitis is a disease that occurs when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light. It should be noted that this form of the disease is most difficult to diagnose, since its signs appear after contact with the stimulus.

A skin reaction may occur in response to exposure to any substance. In the development of the disease, the critical role is played not by the nature of the stimulus, but by the individual sensitivity to it of each person.

Allergic contact dermatitis

This is a delayed-type allergic reaction. Skin antigen( allergen) is captured by specialized process cells of the epidermis - Langerhans cells, in which it is partially cleaved and binds to HLA class II molecules. Langerhans cells migrate from the epidermis to the regional lymph nodes, where the presentation of the antigen to T lymphocytes takes place.

T-lymphocytes are sensitized, proliferated and transferred from the lymph nodes to the blood. Thus, the entire skin becomes sensitized to the given antigen. T-lymphocytes themselves release cytokines and act on other cells that also produce cytokines when they meet with the same antigen.

Allergic dermatitis is affected only by sensitized people. The amount of stimulus is almost irrelevant, and the severity of the disease is determined by the degree of sensitization.

With simple contact dermatitis, the rash is located at the site of the stimulus. Allergic dermatitis begins with the area of ​​contact, then captures the surrounding skin and often extends to distant parts of the body. There is generalized skin damage.

Symptoms of contact dermatitis

In the case of contact dermatitis in adults, the severity of symptoms depends on the type of illness( simple or allergic) and the nature of the course( acute or chronic).

For the acute form of dermatitis, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • itching, burning and swelling of the skin;
  • inflammation and redness of the veins;
  • covering tissues with papules, vesicles, erosions;
  • formation of crusts followed by peeling.

Symptoms of contact dermatitis occur either locally, if, for example, an ornament is an ornament, or on a large area. The latter situation is possible with the use of a body lotion that is intolerable to the skin due to individual characteristics.

In case of a chronic course of the process, the skin becomes covered with knotlike elements, scaly and itchy. In advanced cases, there is an increase in the skin pattern. Hypersensitivity to allergens causes the person to comb the skin. After direct contact with the stimulus, a feeling of heat may occur with an increase in local temperature, that is, in the lesion focus.

In the hands of contact dermatitis - a photo of which will be shown below, develops in cashiers in contact with coins. Nickel, which is contained in them, causes allergies on the fingers. In the pharmaceutical industry, the skin of the hands suffers from constant interaction with powders of medicinal products.

Contact dermatitis: photo

Below you can look at the photos to find out how contact dermatitis looks on the hands and other frequent bodies.

Prevention measures

Prevention of allergic and simple contact dermatitis is to remove contact with provoking agents. To prevent exposure to irritants or strong allergens, certain precautions can be taken.

The use of protective clothing can be very useful. Also there are so-called "protective creams", which are used to limit contact with irritants and, possibly, allergens.

Treatment of contact dermatitis

Therapy of the disease in adults is complex, and is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Elimination of irritating factors, and in case of impossibility - a decrease in the degree of their influence.
  2. Symptomatic therapy of the disease.
  3. Treatment of associated infections and diseases associated with skin lesions.
  4. Hypoallergenic diet.

In the development of simple contact dermatitis, first of all, you should identify and eliminate the irritant, and, if necessary, use gloves and protective clothing. Before proceeding to treatment, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned and washed.

Once the allergen has been removed, the disease is resolved on its own, only in rare cases, special strong creams and ointments containing glucocorticoids are prescribed to treat contact dermatitis.

  1. In case of severe itching with contact dermatitis caused by an allergen, it is advisable to use antihistamines.
  2. If abrasions occur on the skin, doctors usually recommend lubricating the skin in the area of ​​inflammation with a paste containing zinc or its compounds. At diaper rims, it is also possible to lubricate the area with zinc-containing paste.

Detecting an allergen is not an easy task, which sometimes takes some time. That is why the patient undergoes an application test, with the help of which it is possible to determine the stimulus, which will help to quickly carry out the treatment and achieve the desired results.

How to treat folk remedies

With contact dermatitis, treatment with folk remedies may not always succeed. To try alternative medicine it is possible only, at weak displays of defeat, on local sites.

The following popular recipes are known:

  1. Broth from celandine and marigold .For its preparation, take 4 tablespoons of each component. Dry raw materials are mixed, poured a glass of water and cooked in a water bath for 10 minutes. Ready-made broth is cooled, filtered and wiped by them inflamed skin. The product has a drying and disinfecting effect.
  2. Also from itching, decoction or infusion of geranium ( three teaspoons of dry leaf per two glasses of hot water) is good;
  3. If the rash is accompanied by severe itching, you can to wipe the skin with hypoallergenic vegetable juices ( cucumber, potato).
  4. As a universal skin cleanser, can be used as a violet grass of the three-color .It can be taken orally in the form of infusion or make lotions( using the same infusion).

The scheme of treatment the doctor individually selects for each patient, taking into account the age and features of the immune system of the sick organism. Children need special attention and careful approach.

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