Fibrous polyp of rectum, anal canal

Polyp is a benign tumor that has several varieties. Depending on the location different types of them are distinguished. So, a popular neoplasm in the rectum is a fibrous polyp. Their main distinguishing feature is that they do not degenerate into malignant tumors. It is a neoplasm, the basis of which is a common connective tissue covered with a common epithelium. It is called "a false polyp".This is the distinguishing feature of other types of neoplasms in the large intestine.

The cause of fibrotic formation in the rectum is quite common - the usual inflammatory process of the anal canal. The most common diseases that could provoke the appearance of a fibrous polyp in the rectum: hemorrhoids, cryptitis, incomplete inner fistula and others.

As a result, hypertrophied anal papillae or empty hemorrhoidal nodules get a definite shape and degenerate into a fibrous polyp of the rectum, the shape of which can be pear-shaped or digit-like.

Symptoms of the fibrous polyp of the anal canal

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First, a person often feels the presence of a foreign body in the anus alone. Thus, the feeling of discomfort pushes a person to turn to a specialist. Secondly, despite the fact that the tumor is very harmless and is not capable of causing serious harm to the body, in particular a precancerous condition, it causes a lot of inconvenience. A constant sensation of something incomprehensible frightens, besides the fibrous polyp is able to grow, and, therefore, the discomfort will only increase. With the increase in size, it becomes small, and it begins to fall out. Falling out of the back channel, it is jammed and injured by the pressure on it of feces. As a result, there is pain, burning and bleeding. Symptoms: swelling, pain, burning, discomfort and bleeding. In addition, the pain first leads to spasm of the sphincter, but with the spread of the inflammatory process to the wall of the anal opening, the decrease in the tone of the sphincter begins. As a result, further consequences occur: mucous discharge, itching, maceration of the perianal skin and other disappointing symptoms.

Treatment of fibroid polyp of the rectum

Of course, with the help of medicines and ointments fibrotic polyp can not be cured. Usually you have to resort to surgery, in any other way. It is also worth remembering what caused the disease. Whether it's hemorrhoids or crypts does not matter. All causes must be treated. Only by eliminating the very problem, one will not have to think about such consequences, which soon come. In principle, there is nothing difficult in removing the fibrous polyp. This is a quick, painless operation.

Types of surgical interventions:

  • Electrocoagulation. Access through the rectoscope, method - moxibustion. Cauterized small, solitary formations.
  • Endoscopic intervention. Instruments: a colonoscope, a sigmoidoscope. Diet is a prerequisite before the removal procedure. Removal is outpatient.
  • Transanal excision of the fibrous polyp. This method is used only if the formation is more than 7 cm from the hole in the anus and at a very large size with a villous structure. Access is carried out with the help of a rectoscope, and removal is carried out with an electron knife or a scalpel with ultrasound. It is necessary to place the patient in a hospital and anesthesia.
  • Resection of the rectum. This method is used only when malignant tumors are detected. In this case, the entire affected area of ​​the rectum is removed under general anesthesia.
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