Stomach cancer - medical history, clinic, medicine, psychosomatics, patient's problems

In other articles on the topic of stomach cancer, mention was made of the symptoms of the disease, the causes of its development and the initial information about the diagnosis. In this article, the emphasis will be on the medical history, medicine, the clinical picture of stomach cancer, as well as the patient's problems.

Medicine is one of the oldest sciences in the world, and therefore the human anatomy and internal organs of the body have been given considerable attention. Initially, it was believed that food falling into the stomach, itself is crushed in the process of its fermentation and decay, and also put forward the idea that a certain life force inside the stomach allows for the splitting of foods. Any deviation in digestion was called the term "dyspepsia".Such views were formed as far back as the 1st century AD with the presentation of the Roman physician Galen and lasted until the 17th century, when the German scientist Rivinus advanced the idea of ​​the connection between the disease and nervous overstrain.

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For almost three centuries there have been debates about the psychosomatic nature of various diseases, including stomach cancer. Psychosomatics studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of diseases. Modern medicine has a lot of evidence, indicating a direct dependence of the development of stomach cancer from the psychological state. Therefore, for the patient it is very important, in spite of his position, to remain in a good mental and mental disposition. As a rule, with stomach cancer, the patient's psychological problems in the medicine of stomach cancer stand out in three types of syndromes:

  • Damocles syndrome - a sense of inevitability of a negative outcome and, as a result, complete indifference to one's health;
  • Lazarus syndrome - fear of feeling pity from others after returning to a healthy society;
  • Stress syndrome - residual anxiety due to the fact that the patient has had cancer.

To overcome these syndromes, the positive attitude of the patient is very important, as well as the support of his family and friends.

The initial stage of treatment, traditionally considered the compilation of medical history, stomach cancer is no exception. Systematization of data on the patient's condition, the results of all kinds of examinations and analyzes collected in the history of the disease, make it possible to judge the course of the disease, and also to notice the characteristic signs of dangerous complications in time and take appropriate measures. The case history begins with the classic indication of the patient's complaints, the description of his life in chronological order, indicating the information about his state of health.

Medicine considers gastric cancer a derivative form of some precancerous diseases such as ulcer, chronic gastritis, etc.

In the clinic stomach cancer there is a general weakness, lack of appetite, a sharp weight loss. However, sometimes bright symptoms that indicate the presence of oncology are not observed, so it is so difficult to diagnose it at an early stage. In the late stages of stomach cancer, the clinic is more pronounced - there are pains in the epigastrium, in the right or left hypochondrium, "lumbago" in the back, and external signs also appear, such as a change in the color of the skin: from pale tones to earthy shade. As a rule, the indicated clinical manifestations are preceded by a recently transferred gastrointestinal disease or its exacerbation. When observing such a case, the doctor should immediately appoint additional diagnostics and conduct in-depth studies of the patient, since timely prescribed treatment can significantly increase the patient's chances of recovery.

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