Subfebrile temperature in skin diseases in women, men, children: causes, symptoms

According to numerous medical studies, the normal temperature of the human body is considered to be 36.6 ° C.However, depending on the period of the day, psychological state, place of measurement and even biological rhythms, as well as general health, this indicator may vary. And for a healthy person, a body temperature index of 35.6 to 37.4 ° C may be tolerated. So, let's find out what it is, subfebrile body temperature in women, men, children, adolescents, what are its causes, and how to overcome such a symptom.

What is subfebrile temperature in skin diseases

The body temperature index is directly dependent on the work of the endocrine glands. Thyroid gland and hypothalamus, producing certain hormones( TTG, T3, T4), reflect the metabolic rate in the body, indicating the intensity of the metabolic process. Also in the listed processes, reflecting by their intensity the overall temperature of the body. It plays a certain( lower in comparison with hormones of the thyroid gland and hypothalamus) hormone extradiol: increasing its amount leads to a decrease in basal temperature - this indicator plays a big role in the functioning of the female body and depends on the moment of the menstrual cycle.

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In the event of any disease, the metabolic rate, metabolic rate and other processes in the body change, which entails changes in body temperature. After all, any pathological process begins mainly with an inflammatory response to infection or the external effects of certain factors. And skin diseases, which most often also have acute inflammatory processes, are reflected in the body temperature.

The skin surface comes in contact with the environment, which already causes external factors to influence it. Mechanical damages, numerous infections and pathogenic viruses, as well as changes in environmental parameters( temperature, pressure, weather conditions) can to some extent affect the skin. The upper layer of the epidermis can be affected by such diseases as ulcers, burns, trauma, frostbite, acne, furunculosis.

The subfebrile temperature in skin diseases can be considered an indicator of the active multiplication of pathogens on its surface, as well as the activation of the inflammatory process in the upper layer of the epidermis. However, since the body temperature largely depends on the psychological state of the person and his mental balance, while it may not depend on the medical indicators of his health, the constant maintenance of a slightly increased total body temperature should not be considered an obligatory factor of the pathological process in the body.

If, for a certain stable time, the body temperature index remains at the level of 37 to 37.5 ° C, and unpleasant malaises of different intensity are observed or completely absent, it is possible to speak about the occurrence of subfebrile temperature against the background of skin lesions. At the same time, the issue of subfebrality remains a complex medical problem, over which many medical specialists continue to work. After all, it can become an indicator of both the inflammatory process in the body( in particular, in the skin), and be a normal manifestation without a pathological basis.

Classification of

The classification of subfebrile fever depends on many factors. Since many causes can become the causes of this condition, its classification is carried out in accordance with them.

The subfebrile temperature is classified according to the following factors and the reasons for its occurrence:

  1. prolonged subfebrile increase in body temperature in an adult and a child due to slow inflammatory process in the body - this can be a general, local or complex process that is the result of damage to cellular structures or exposure to a pathogenic stimulus - it can be pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis, hepatitisin acute and chronic form, Crohn's disease, pyelonephritis, colitis;
  2. development of autonomic somatoform dysfunction, in which there is a disturbance in the work of the heart;
  3. dysfunction of the endocrine glands - pregnancy, menopause, hyperteriosis;
  4. the presence of a latent infection, the defeat of the body by helminthic invasions( Will's disease, helminthiasis, brucellosis, herpetic infection);
  5. effects of ionizing radiation;
  6. tuberculosis;
  7. allergic manifestations or activation of an infectious-allergic disease.

Depending on the species, this pathological condition can be divided into:

  • infectious , which is characterized by poor tolerance of fever, a reaction to taking antipyretics and maintaining physiological daily fluctuations in body temperature, and
  • non-infectious form of .In the non-infectious nature of this condition, there is ease in raising the temperature and the absence of a negative reaction to it, the absence of pronounced diurnal fluctuations in the temperature index and the absence of the effect of antipyretic drugs.

On how to identify the symptoms of subfebrile temperature in the afternoon or evening, as well as for a long time, we will tell below.

Detection of a symptom in yourself

In order to independently identify yourself in this state, you should listen carefully to your own feelings: the concept of temperature in many causes unpleasant feelings of heat, drowsiness, irritability and fatigue. Regular measurement of body temperature will allow to have an idea of ​​the changes in the indicator both during the day and during a certain time.

During baseline, the basal temperature is often slightly elevated, which is also determined by regular measurements. However, in this period, such manifestations should be known to the attending physician, who can prescribe a series of studies that will determine the overall health of the woman and the cause of the fever.

In case of prolonged fever, consult a physician. This indicator may indicate the need for additional tests. These include:

  • a common blood and urine test;
  • feces analysis - the presence of the eggs in the feces will be indicative of parasite infestation;
  • X-ray of the sinuses of the nose and lungs;
  • ultrasound of internal organs;
  • tuberculin test.

Doctor Komarovsky in this video will tell about subfebrile temperature in a child:

Possible pathologies

Subfebrile temperature can become a manifestation of certain pathological conditions of the body. These include:

  • Moral trauma or experienced psychological stress;
  • infestation of parasites;
  • the presence of a latent infection in the activation stage, as indicated by the inflammatory process;
  • changes in hormonal status( during pregnancy, menopause);
  • appearance of exudative otitis,
  • with salts in the kidneys, nephritis of the kidneys, their hypoplasia;
  • for children's eczema;
  • dysfunction in the vegetative system and the operation of the brain centers responsible for the thermoregulation of the body;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • burn shock;
  • anthrax;
  • hydradenitis under the arm, hydradenitis of the scalp;
  • manifestations of allergy;
  • oncological diseases( including metastases, thyroid cyst and brain cyst, adenocarcinoma of the caecum, testicular cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, etc.).

It should be noted that there are a number of conditions in which the presence of subfebrile temperature can be considered safe:

  • This is a neurosis and emotional distress,
  • chronic fatigue and psychosomatic illnesses,
  • and also the so-called "temperature tail", when, after an infectious disease,some more time.
  • Pregnancy and menopause are also considered conditions in which a slight increase in temperature for a long time does not cause significant harm to the body.

How to deal with such a symptom

Treatment of this condition can be carried out only after finding out the cause of its occurrence. The conclusion about the presence of the state of subfebrility can only be given by a doctor after carrying out the appropriate studies that are first performed at home( twice the body temperature is measured, the temperature sheet is filled and the picture is analyzed in three weeks by the doctor) and then with the help of specialists. This is a cardiologist, phthisiatrist, oncologist, dentist, otolaryngologist. Carrying out the necessary tests, with the defeat of the skin to get a more complete picture of the state of health, will help to assign the most effective treatment.

Taking into account the skin lesions is an important part in obtaining the most complete picture of the disease, since their presence should already be considered an indicator of certain disorders in the functioning of the epidermis and the likely flow in its upper layer of inflammatory processes. Hygienic procedures and physician-appointed symptomatic treatment in the presence of the disease, which caused the subfebrile temperature, will improve the skin condition and prevent possible deterioration of health in general.

On how the subfebrile temperature is treated, this video will tell:

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