Hyperemia of the skin: treatment, causes, symptoms, prognosis

Redness of the skin due to the influx of excess blood to it is called hyperemia. This condition is not a normal skin condition, however it is not considered a disease transmitted through contacts. The greatest discomfort of skin hyperemia is from an aesthetic point of view: excessive redness of the skin, manifested in a limited place or in a significant area of ​​the skin, does not look very attractive and requires medical correction to eliminate the causes that caused this condition.

Hyperemia of the skin is often accompanied by such external and subjective manifestations as a feeling of heat on the skin area, where there is hyperemia, some tingling and sometimes itching. This is due to an active influx of blood to the skin, its increased circulation and an increase in the temperature of the skin. In the people, this condition is often called fullness, which reflects the essence of the disease. We will tell you today what is hyperemia of the facial skin, show photos of people with it, give useful advice on how to treat it.

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What is skin hyperemia

Increased blood flow to a specific area of ​​the skin manifests itself in disorders in the total blood flow. This can be noted due to certain diseases that cause deterioration of blood circulation in the organ or system. For example, with cirrhosis of the liver, when there is an increased proliferation of connective tissue, a pronounced stagnation of venous blood begins, which causes a general malfunction in blood circulation processes, a deterioration in the supply of the affected organ with oxygen and nutrients.

The most common skin hyperemia is observed in the female half, and the age when this condition is diagnosed is later than 40 years. However, there are cases when hyperemia occurs in men, regardless of age, as well as in children. In childhood, hyperemia is not often detected and is of a hereditary nature.

Next we will tell you about how the hyperemia of the skin of the face, eyelids, arms, legs, feet, what its symptoms and treatment is, show the patients' photos.


Depending on the cause and location of localization of active movement and blood flow, this condition can be classified, which facilitates the diagnosis and attribution of the detected condition to a specific species. This is necessary to determine the scheme of therapeutic effect, which in the shortest possible time will eliminate this skin condition, and the effect is not only on external symptoms, but also on the causes that caused hyperemia.

The classification of the examined condition is carried out as follows:

  1. Arterial hyperemia , which arises when the arterial circulation is activated. In this case, the skin temperature is raised in a limited place, its color changes and becomes more saturated, red. This type of pathological condition of the skin is noted with a sharp narrowing of the vessels or with the appearance of a high tone of the vasodilator nerves responsible for the condition of the walls of the vessels.
  2. Venous hyperemia , which occurs due to deterioration and stagnation of venous blood. This variety is characterized by a pronounced weakening of the venous blood flow, which can be diagnosed as a result of disorders in the work of the heart. In exceptional cases, a complete stop of the venous circulation is possible, which is fraught with an increase in the permeability of the walls of the vessels, an increase in their fragility and a high probability of skin edema. With prolonged venous stasis, there is a high risk of a significant decrease in the quality of the functioning of the affected organ, its gradual atrophy and death. With venous stasis, an overgrowth of connective tissue is often noted( for example, with cirrhosis of the liver, when the deterioration of the tissues of the organ occurs with congestion of venous blood).
  3. Separately, we should mention generalized form of this pathology , in which there are manifestations of a venous variety of hyperemia with a greater degree of deterioration of the skin condition and a pronounced negative effect on the affected skin. This species is especially dangerous, as external manifestations such as swelling of the skin, loss of its sensitivity and a significant deterioration in the functioning of the affected organ or part of the skin are noted.

How to identify it

Detection of a condition such as skin hyperemia is simple enough, since this pathological condition has a number of characteristic external manifestations. Diagnosis of hyperemia is performed by a dermatologist on the basis of both an external examination of the skin and subjective sensations of the patient.

Knowledge of the symptoms of hyperemia and its characteristic manifestations allows us to detect pathological changes in the skin in a timely manner, to avoid aggravation and to begin the necessary action to stabilize the patient's condition. This will not only solve the problems of the aesthetic plan that causes skin hyperemia, but also prevent the generalized process and the gradual atrophy of the organ or skin.

The most characteristic external manifestations of hyperemia include such symptoms as:

  • reddening of the skin area;
  • sensation of heat in the affected area;
  • itchy skin is possible in the arterial version of the pathology, since there is a very active influx of arterial blood to the skin;
  • is highly likely to increase the lumen of the vessels, but this sign may not be noticeable, especially at the initial stages of the lesion.

To the latent manifestation of pathology is the increase in the rate of venous or arterial blood flow, which negatively affects the general condition of the patient, overexposure to tissues and organs. Expansion of the lumen of blood vessels is fraught with the appearance of venous "stars" on the skin, increased fragility of the vessels with frequent bruising and bruising, even with minor mechanical effects.

About what disorders may indicate skin hyperemia in a newborn, child and adult, read below.

What kind of disorders can the symptom of

indicate? Such a manifestation as skin hyperemia may become the initial manifestation of a number of pathological conditions of internal organs and systems. For example, a venous variety often indicates a possible development of liver diseases( in particular, cirrhosis), in which the process of blood circulation of the organ worsens, the degree of nutritional supply of tissues to oxygen entering the arterial blood decreases, and there is an active growth of connective tissue.

Hyperemia is also noted in the following conditions of the body:

  • intoxication of the body, which can occur with active treatment with medication, taking alcoholic beverages( especially hyperemia of the face after drinking alcohol);
  • the initial stage of the febrile process;
  • increased nervous excitability, in which even small bursts of emotion cause the appearance of red spots on the skin. Such a manifestation is often temporary, and when soothing spots most often disappear completely;
  • acetonemia, which can be caused by poisoning with strong chemical or household poisons.

Often the appearance of skin hyperemia is accompanied by an excessively high blood hemoglobin index, in the case of erythrocytosis.

Redness of the skin that occurs with hyperemia, also noted in inflammatory processes in the skin, with the frequent appearance of acne and boils, especially with their deep course, as well as the initial stages of many skin lesions: psoriasis, erythema, erosion, dermatitis.

Hyperemia can occur with inflammatory process in the joints. This sign helps to identify the initial stages of arthrosis and arthritis, which is important for stopping the pathological process in the bone system. Even gastric disorders can be accompanied by the appearance of red spots on the skin in the cheeks and face.

How to deal with this manifestation of

Since hyperemia is an external manifestation of many diseases or their initial stage, in order to prevent the pathological process from turning into a more serious form, one should pay attention to the condition of your skin in time and if you have redness, consult a doctor to discover the causes of this phenomenon. Early diagnosis allows you to avoid the development of serious diseases and stabilize the skin, eliminate the causes for psychological discomfort.

The methods to combat this manifestation include:

  • rejection of hard abrasive preparations for cleaning the affected skin,
  • application for these purposes of soft non-aggressive components. Soft sponges should replace hard brushes and scrapers to minimize trauma to the skin.

The use of drugs aimed at stabilizing blood circulation in the skin, eliminating venous stasis is also shown. Common restorative drugs will help improve the overall nutrition of the skin, increase the efficiency of the immune system and prevent the risk of serious organic disorders. To treat such skin with manifestations of hyperemia, soft neutral preparations and ointments that protect the skin from external influences and protect it from excessive desiccation will do.

On the causes of skin hyperemia this video will tell:

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