Treatment of hemorrhoids in children, how to cure a child, children's hemorrhoids, ointments, Dufalac, what to do at home?

Hemorrhoids in children are rare, so this problem is not always given enough attention and little scientific research. But still trust the treatment of hemorrhoids in children is necessary only to a specialist. Only he can choose effective, and most importantly, safe drugs. Up to 3 years, many medications for this disease simply can not be taken, so the doctor can recommend drugs with plant components that will not cause harm.

Most parents do not know how to treat hemorrhoids in children. Very important in this matter timely diagnosis, because in the early stages of this disease is perfectly treated. It is very important to start therapy on time, in 2 years and younger children are mainly prescribed herbal preparations, they are effective enough, but in this case it is important to observe the dosage.

In the treatment of pediatric hemorrhoids, hygiene is very important. After defecation, you should wash your baby with soap and do not use toilet paper, wet wipes are more suitable. It is especially important to monitor the diet of children from 3 to 7 years. It is necessary that the dishes contain coarse fiber, also an abundant drink is important - all this will help to avoid constipation. If nothing helps, then the doctor can prescribe laxatives, for example, Dufalac.

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Children from 2 to 6 years are quite active, so they usually do not lead a sedentary lifestyle. But for the treatment of one-year-olds and younger, often use daily exercise for newborns. It improves blood circulation in the pelvic region and promotes a speedy recovery.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids? If the parents guess that the child has hemorrhoids, then first you need to turn to the pediatrician, and then, if necessary, he will give the referral to other specialists, for example, to a gastroenterologist or proctologist.

What to do with a child's hemorrhoids?

Usually used various ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids for children. They contain natural active substances that relieve inflammation and relieve unpleasant symptoms. Let's consider some means from this illness which can be applied to the child:

  • Sea-buckthorn candles. Children's hemorrhoids are often treated with these suppositories, they relieve inflammation and have a good healing effect.
  • Released. In the line there are both ointments and hemorrhoidal suppositories. This drug contains natural substances, it successfully fights the symptoms of the disease. Some products should not be taken to babies under 3 years of age.
  • Ointment of Vishnevsky. It is safe for children under 5 years old. It is often used in therapy for this ailment. Thanks to this tool, puffiness is reduced and inflammation is removed.

Unfortunately, so far there are no special children's ointments and suppositories from hemorrhoids, adult drugs are usually used, but you need to make a dosage adjustment. That's why the doctor should be engaged in treatment.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in children at home

Treatment of children at home in conjunction with drug therapy can be done with the help of folk recipes. Such methods are suitable even for children under 5 years of age, but before using them, a doctor's consultation is still needed. Let's consider some effective ways:

  • Baths from grasses. You can use decoctions of such herbs as a turn, chamomile, calendula. They will have an anti-inflammatory effect. The main thing that there was no allergy. Procedures are best done 3 times a week.
  • Steam baths. Another effective way to treat a child 2 years and older. You need to brew chamomile to pour the broth into the pot, plant the baby and wrap it with a rug. But before that, you need to make sure that the steam is not too hot. Treatment is conducted up to 3 times a day.
  • Microclysters. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, conventional enemas are not taken, as they can injure the inflamed mucous membrane. But microclysters can be used, for example, with sea buckthorn oil. To do this, it is heated to 38 ° C and injected into the intestine. After the procedure, the patient needs to lie about 20 minutes on the left side.

How to treat hemorrhoids in a child?

Basically, at an early age, there are anal fissures, internal or external hemorrhoids are not common. At kids it is always more dangerous, than at adults, therefore it is necessary to react quickly and to address to the expert. In case of serious pathology, surgery may be necessary.

Parents should be puzzled by the preventive treatment of children from this ailment so that when they are adults, they do not have this disease. It is extremely important not to allow constipation, proper nutrition is recommended. Parents need to watch the chair of small children, if problems arise, then you need to contact the doctor in a timely manner, until complications arise.

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