Can hemorrhoids be treated without treatment, disappear( pass, go) whether the hemorrhoids themselves?

The main causes of hemorrhoids are weakening of the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels located in the anal passage area and the violation of normal outflow of blood from the pelvic organs. The person feels the first signs of the development of pathology, as practice shows, at that stage of the disease, which already had inflammation or expansion of cavernous bodies in the plexus( nodes) formed by veins located in the rectum.

Many people, having first learned that they have such a disease, ask a question to their doctor or other specialist in this field: "Can hemorrhoids pass without medical intervention?"And to their great regret they learn that without treatment, it can pass only on the early form of the disease. That is, when the started processes in the body are reversible, one can count on the fact that small hemorrhoidal nodes will disappear, in other cases, when the disease has moved to stage 2, treatment is simply necessary.

What to do to prevent hemorrhoids from disappeared at an early stage?

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If the pathology is detected in the patient at an early stage, when a person turned to the proctologist because of a feeling of some discomfort in the anal passage, one can hope that the acute phase of the disease will not go into a chronic form. At the first suspicions on a hemorrhoids the complex inspection is carried out, allowing to find out attributes of this disease:

  • at internal - venous seals not so obviously act in a clearance of a rectum;
  • with the external - bumps around the anus from the outside are not observed, although the tone of the vessels is observed.

It should be noted that the discomfort may not be permanent, its appearance provokes such situations:

  • permanent sedentary work, which is done by office workers and drivers of the vehicle;
  • lifting weights at work or at home, in training in the gym;
  • with constipation, because of attempts during defecation.

In this phase of the disease, the changes in the venous system are reversible. Therefore, even though the cavernous bodies are slightly enlarged, nevertheless, the hemorrhoid cones appear only at a certain load, when they are filled with blood. But after the tension subsides they disappear, and worry about whether the nodes can leave without treatment themselves is not worth it, since practice shows that when unfavorable factors are eliminated, they pass without a trace.

This fact should also be taken into account, if the walls of blood vessels differ in congenital low strength and lack of elasticity, then during the period of hemorrhoidal nodes there may be a slight bleeding.

To find out whether hemorrhoids can be treated without treatment on their own, follow immediately after the early symptoms of this disease, follow a few simple recommendations related to changing and adjusting the way of life:

  • bring the diet to the norm: monitor your body weight, pay attention to a diet thatwill not allow the appearance of constipation;
  • to cease to lead a sedentary lifestyle: to pay attention to sports or physical activity - walking, jogging, swimming, dancing will help to avoid the risk of stagnation of blood in the pelvis, except for power sports and weightlifting that are contraindicated in any form of this disease;
  • can not be in a sitting position for a long time, if the work implies this, after a certain period of time, take a break for active exercises, at least - walking.

By observing these simple recommendations, you make sure that the hemorrhoids pass themselves and the general condition is much improved.

Hemorrhoids without treatment in the later stages of

If you do not take timely measures to eliminate the causes of the disease at an early stage, do not make adjustments to the diet and lifestyle, then with further development of the disease, it can take a chronic form. Around the anus and in the rectum, the cavernous formations assume a constant shape. In this case, the question: "Can the hemorrhoidal node go through without treatment?", - loses its relevance. Here, a certain course of drug therapy is already required, and in a more advanced and severe stage of the disease, cases without surgical intervention are not unreasonable.

The fact that the disease does not disappear without treatment itself is caused by irreversible pathological changes in the structure of the rectal vascular network, in which the hemorrhoids are an expanded plexus of venous vessels with deformed walls.

Do I need to wait for the hemorrhoidal node to pass by itself?

Hemorrhoids is so peculiar a disease( due to its location) that many people are embarrassed, not only go to such a problem to the doctor, but also in the pharmacy to ask for money against him. In this regard, during an exacerbation, they expect that the ailment will pass without treatment itself. This behavior is unacceptable.

It should be understood that as long as you are considering whether hemorrhoids can disappear without treatment on their own or not, the following can happen with a high probability: the inflammation of the hemorrhoids will become more severe and they can still be injured and begin to bleed.

Does hemorrhoids leave after childbirth?

Very frequent cases of manifestation of the disease in women who have just given birth. This is explained quite simply. The process of bearing the fetus with increasing pressure on the pelvic area and the extreme stresses that the woman in childbirth often makes.

After finding out hemorrhoids after birth, many young mothers are interested in whether hemorrhoids pass alone or need to be specially treated. In most cases this disease has no chronic form and after a certain time the increase in cavernous tissue goes away. In order not to provoke their reappearance, one should adhere to the following rules:

  1. To minimize the risks of constipation and stagnant stool in the intestine, provide diets rich in fiber.
  2. The amount of water drunk per day should not be less than 2 liters.
  3. Daily exercise.
  4. And the diet excludes sour, salty and spicy dishes.
  5. If there is a desire to defecate, then do not suffer.
  6. Perform Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the anus.

Compliance with these simple rules is very likely to help the hemorrhoidal node to go through without treatment, without the use of medications that are often contraindicated, both breastfeeding mothers and their babies.

In any case, to make sure that the ailment is eaten without treatment, you should see a doctor proctologist. It is he who can confirm an independent cure for the patient or the need for medical care.

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