Polyp of the sigmoid colon( sigma) on the leg - symptoms, removal( operation), treatment, diet, polyposis code for the ICD 10

A polyp of the sigmoid colon is a disease in which a hollow organ on the walls of a hollow organ forms a benign growth of the meat on its mucous layer. The reasons for its appearance are not yet fully understood, but those who have a hereditary predisposition, those who eat poorly, abuse alcohol, who are diagnosed with chronic inflammations of the intestinal mucosa, are at risk. In the International Classification of Diseases( ICD-10), the polyp of the sigmoid colon has its code name. Pathology is assigned to grade 11, it is in the section of the ICD 10 K55-K63 "Other diseases of the intestine."

The sigmoid section starts from the upper amplitude of the small pelvis and ends with the beginning of the rectum. An unusual form of the organ described( part resembling the Latin letter sigma) and gave it a name. It performs the functions of the large intestine, it is here that moisture is most actively absorbed along with all the micronutrients. Due to the fact that the amount of liquid is markedly reduced, stool masses quickly harden. After passing this department, everything that remains of undigested food passes into the rectum, and then is removed from it during defecation.

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Disorders in the provision of digestion and absorption of nutrients contribute to the normal operation of the entire digestive tract. Often the dysfunction of the sigmoid region leads to a fatal outcome, so even benign polyps of sigma should be considered as a serious pathology. Any neoplasm constantly grows, and even if there is no risk of its degeneration into a malignant tumor, a large polyp is able to block the course of hard calves and provoke intestinal obstruction. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the signs, diagnose the disease in time and take adequate treatment.

Symptoms of the polyp of the sigmoid colon

In the first stages of growth, the polyp sigma does not manifest itself in any way. The first symptoms appear when benign neoplasms grow to large sizes and cover partially the internal space of the hollow organ. The patient is suffering from prolonged constipation, with a small amount of blood coming out of the feces, rectal bleeding can be strong if the polyps of the sigma become inflamed. Together with the blood goes a lot of mucus, a person is constantly experiencing the urge to defecate, he grows thin, even despite a good appetite. Because of the constant small bleeding, anemia can develop.

Any polyp of the sigmoid colon can be very dangerous, the symptoms do not appear immediately, but hints of pathology, nevertheless, manifest themselves in advance. No one pays attention to:

  1. Constant bloating.
  2. Heartburn.
  3. Berezh.
  4. Flatulence.

But they indicate a malfunction in the intestine. And if one who finds out at least one of the listed symptoms, will turn to a doctor on time, he will be able to take the right treatment and with less losses for the organism to achieve full recovery.

How are sigma polyps treated?

Conservative therapy is ineffective, only the removal of polyps in the sigmoid colon helps to completely eliminate the described pathology. The operation can be performed in different ways. Access to the polyp is either through the dilated anal canal, or through the incision of the wall of the large intestine. The choice of method depends on where the polyp is located. If the neoplasm is closer to the anus, the first method is chosen, in other cases endoscopy or usual surgical intervention is used.

Endoscopic removal of polyps in the sigmoid colon is used when a small outgrowth( up to 2 cm) is diagnosed on a long thin stalk. Surgery is used when the histology of the neoplasm shows the presence of its transformation into a malignant tumor. In this case, the patient can remove the affected part of the sigmoid colon. Resection is also performed when a polyposis is detected.

How is the operation performed with polyps of the sigmoid colon?

When polyps are found in the sigmoid colon, treatment is only operational. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the patient is carefully cleaned the intestine.
  2. Then a complex of diagnostic measures is carried out. It allows you to determine how many tumors there are on the walls of a hollow organ. If there are single outgrowths, endoscopic removal is used, when the diagnosis of polyposis of the sigmoid colon is confirmed, resection of the affected area is performed.

Endoscopy of the polyp in the sigmoid colon

Endoscopic removal is a minimally invasive operation, it is performed in a state of drug sleep under stationary conditions. The patient is placed in the knee-elbow position. At the waist, a lead plate is attached to it by means of several layers of gauze cut. The plate will play the role of a free electrode. After all these manipulations, an endoscope is inserted through the anal opening into the rectum - a flexible hose at the end of which the chamber is fixed. It allows you to display a fixed image on the monitor, so the surgeon does not operate blindly.

Inside the hose there is a thin channel, through which the necessary tools( iron loop or tongs) are inserted into the site of operation. If the polyp has a long stem and a large head, a loop can be used. She pounces on the sigma polyp, and then tightens on the stalk. The tumor is removed with the help of a current or laser, they not only allow the cut to be made, but also to seal the ends of the vessels, preventing postoperative bleeding.

A flat new growth is picked off by pieces with forceps. When a cluster of several neoplasms( polyposis) is found, the intestinal wall or a separate site is removed. In this case, the organ is accessed through the incision of the abdominal wall.

Rehabilitation period

The length of the rehabilitation period depends on the chosen method. When carrying out endoscopy, the patient can leave the hospital after three days. Resection of the intestine is a more complicated operation, recovery after it is long. The patient is discharged from the hospital only on the eleventh day, accompanying him with separate recommendations.

When the polyp of the sigmoid colon is removed, the diet is the main drug in the postoperative period. It should be gentle, the diet is designed in such a way as to try to avoid constipation and the phenomena contributing to irritation of the intestinal walls. The therapeutic diet implies the rejection of roasted, salted, sour, flour, pickled, canned, alcoholic and tobacco products.

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