Increased pancreas in a child( children), what to do?

An increase in the pancreas in a child can talk about a disease - pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is a disease of inflammatory origin.

Causes of pancreatitis in children:

  • Unhealthy unhealthy diet: frequent eating of harmful food by a child;
  • In newborns and infants: allergy to certain foods or lactose insufficiency;
  • Abdominal or back injuries due to falls or strong physical exertion;
  • Congenital abnormal development of the digestive system in a child,
  • malfunction or blockage of bile ducts;
  • Inflammatory diseases and processes in the gallbladder, intestines;
  • Treatment of certain types of medicines;
  • Calcium saturation of the pancreas, its ducts( often with an overdose of vitamin D);
  • Heredity, as well as infectious inflammatory diseases of the child( influenza, mumps, SLE and others).

There are three forms of pancreatitis: reactive, chronic and acute.

Reactive pancreatitis. Of all the varieties of this disease occurs in the child most often. With reactive pancreatitis, the increase in the pancreas is a consequence of the occurrence of infectious inflammatory processes and diseases such as ARVI, acute respiratory disease, food poisoning of poor quality, and others.

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Chronic form. In this case, there is a replacement of their own tissue with an inactive connective tissue in the pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis in children is considered a common disease, as it develops due to unhealthy eating, due to excessive physical exertion in the child.

Acute form of inflammation. Quite a rare ailment that occurs in a child is easier than that of an adult. The mechanism of development is an allergy to medicines or food products, the consequence of which is the appearance of edema and an increase in the pancreas. More serious forms, which are, as a rule, a consequence of abnormal development of the digestive tract, are extremely rare.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis in a child:

  • Biochemical blood test, which can reveal increased activity of enzymes produced by the pancreas in the blood;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, which shows an increase in the organ as a result of edema.

Treatment of pancreatic enlargement in children is reduced to:

  1. Elimination of the cause of the disease;
  2. Elimination of pain;
  3. Ensuring disease prevention.

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