Treatment of substance abuse: diagnosis, methods, stages, treatment at home

Toxicomania is one of the most dangerous forms of drug addiction. It has a harmful effect on the body, but formally it is legal. Most often this form of dependence affects adolescents, so the question of treatment in this case is particularly acute.

Treatment of substance abuse

Doctors sound alarm: in the 21st century substance abuse has become epidemic. Every year, the deaths of hundreds of teenagers from various kinds of substance abuse are recorded, whose bodies are found with bags on their heads. This is a characteristic sign of a toxicomaniac: in order to smell a substance, it fills a bag with which it then breathes.

Legally, this type of drug addiction is not regulated. Toxicants use psychoactive substances, the free distribution of which is not prohibited. This gasoline, glue, solvents, acetone, less often - antihistamines, hypnotics and some other drugs.

They are motivated by various reasons:

  • youthful protest;
  • desire to act contrary to adults;
  • interest in something forbidden;
  • influence of peers.
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After several breaths of toxic fumes, intoxication occurs, accompanied by a "buzz" and hallucinations. In addition to the destructive effect on the body, all kinds of substance abuse cause a strong psychological dependence. No nausea, no difficulty in breathing, no heaviness in the head, which accompany the inhalation of the substance, serve as stoppers.


The main method for the diagnosis of substance abuse is a thorough anamnesis of the patient. Urine and blood are also being studied.

In the course of anamnesis, signs of persistent dependence on poisonous inhalants are revealed:

  • The transition from inhaling vapors in the company to abusing alone.
  • Increase in dose.
  • Continuous daily inhalation.
  • Strong aggression when trying to stop others from inhaling.
  • Termination of hiding dependencies.

For the beginning of substance abuse is typical inhalation of substances in the company, but later the patient passes to use alone. Less often inhalations are carried out from the very beginning in isolation - in such cases this is not a manifestation of persistent dependence.

Increase in tolerance is indicated by a significant increase in the dose of the consumed substance, as well as an increase in the duration of inhalation of fumes. Inhalations can last many hours at a time. A toxicoman then smells a toxin, then stops, falling into a semi-oblivion, then comes to himself and continues to abuse.

With the formed dependence, a person reacts painfully to attempts of other people to stop his inhalation. If at first in such situations he feels embarrassed, tries to escape, he later reacts with anger and aggression.

In the course of laboratory tests in the urine and blood of the toxicomanoe, it is possible to detect toxic substances:

  • benzene;
  • of toluene;
  • ethylbenzene;
  • chloroform;
  • of xylene;
  • dichloromethane.

The study is quantitative. The content of these substances in biological fluids is also possible for workers in hazardous industries, so a careful history is made to confirm the diagnosis.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of substance abuse is anonymous in a hospital. One of the basic requirements, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is its voluntariness. In the absence of the patient's personal motivation and desire to get rid of dependence for his treatment will not take any doctor - it is against the law. Accordingly, compulsory treatment of substance abuse is not possible.

An exception is when a toxicoman commits unlawful acts. If it is proved that the crime was committed under the influence of psychoactive substances, the court will demand compulsory treatment. If the patient refuses to enter the clinic, he will be sent to the colony to serve a real term.

Treatment of dependence should be conducted in a clinic where experienced doctors work and there is the necessary equipment. These are mandatory conditions for the full recovery of the patient and exclusion of the possibility of relapse.

Clinical pictures of substance abuse and addiction are identical, and therefore treatment in both cases is main methods are:

  • Elimination of exposure to psychoactive substances.
  • Detoxification.
  • Drugs for the restoration of brain function.
  • Symptomatic therapy.
  • Psychotherapy.

After withdrawal of the abstinence syndrome and achievement of a firm result, the patient is discharged from the medical facility. However, he subsequently needs long-term psychotherapy.

Especially difficult to treat teenage addicts, because they have persistent mental disorders. For them, after eliminating the consequences of intoxication, the fine work of the therapist is necessary.

The specialist should help the child understand what negative consequences and complications are threatened by continued inhalations. Also, rehabilitation should be aimed at increasing the overall level of its development, the formation of goals in life and the disclosure of the ability to achieve them.

Inpatient treatment of substance abuse in most cases concludes with a complete cure. An unfavorable prognosis is given only for patients who do not wish to be treated, or for late diagnosis. Procrastination with the reference to a specialist can result in an extremely serious degree of intoxication of the body and a fatal outcome as a result of an overdose. Do not be afraid to go to the clinic, because it is possible to treat completely anonymously.

Stages of

The effective treatment of substance abuse is an integrated approach using a variety of methods.

In this case, 3 main stages of treatment are distinguished:

  • Detoxification.
  • Correction of psychosomatic and physical condition.
  • Psychotherapy.

Detoxification of

The patient must first be detoxified. The procedure includes:

  • removal from the body of undigested poisons;
  • normalization of the balance of liquid and electrolytes;
  • maintenance of vital functions;
  • removal of assimilated toxins.

When detoxification is used vitamins, blood substitutes, glucose solution, nootropics. If the patient is abusing sleeping pills or sedatives, their substitutes are used for medicinal purposes. Otherwise, sudden withdrawal of the drug will cause an exacerbation of abstinence.

The decrease in the dose of the substance occurs smoothly, at 10% per day. In detecting psychoses, neuroleptics are used. They are also effective for eliminating cravings for toxic substances and correcting behavioral disorders.

For relief of withdrawal symptoms, medications, physiotherapy sessions and acupuncture are prescribed. However, the most important condition for detoxification is the cessation of the intake of substances that caused addiction.

Physical dependence is usually eliminated in a few days. Psychological can persist for years, so in the future the patient will need a long rehabilitation.

Liquidation of the effects of poisoning

Toxic substances that are consumed by a toxicant have a devastating effect on all organs. Therefore, after detoxification, a course of symptomatic treatment begins.

At this stage, medicines are used, which are selected depending on the violations detected.

Widely used methods of physiotherapy:

  • electrophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • bath with hydrogen sulphide.

These procedures restore the exhausted body. For the same purpose, biophysical methods are used: reflexotherapy, electrostimulation, and others.


The most difficult stage of treatment is the elimination of psychological dependence. The patient is prescribed psychotherapy sessions, during which the specialist helps him to realize the severity of the consequences of taking drugs and form a negative attitude towards them. Also the patient fulfills behavioral reactions in dangerous situations, which the therapist models.

During the sessions of individual psychotherapy, the specialist helps the patient to create motivation for a healthy lifestyle. Also the patient develops skills of self-control.

Treatment at home

Self-treatment of substance abuse is ineffective. First, most of the medications the patient needs are released only on prescription. Secondly, substance abuse is a serious form of dependence, which requires the work of a therapist.

However, after achieving positive dynamics, the patient is discharged from the hospital, and from this moment, rehabilitation at home is possible.

Many doctors advise brewing soothing herbs:

  • mint;
  • baldness;
  • valerian.

When combined with home rehabilitation with a visit to the therapist, in most cases a full recovery occurs. However, this is a very long process, so the patient and his relatives should be patient.

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