Signs and symptoms of substance abuse in adolescents: visible, psychological

Toxicomania is the abuse of chemical, less often - other drugs that are not officially recognized as narcotic. After a certain time a very strong habituation is formed in a person, which leads to dependence.

Signs of substance abuse

Addictive substances can cause various toxic substances, but the most common are the following:

  • Petrol.
  • Acetone.
  • Adhesive.
  • Chemical solvents.

Also quite often there is a polytoxicomania. This concept involves the abuse of several substances at the same time. None of them formally is not a drug, but leads to a "buzz".

Pairs of psychoactive substances affect the body in 2 stages. At first, a person begins to stagger and muffle, his pulse is getting faster, his pupils dilate. After that comes the euphoria, turning into a mental disorder: hallucinations and delirium appear.

With substance abuse using gasoline, a person achieves a narcotic effect by inhaling the xylene, toluene and benzene contained in it.

At toxicomania glue on the head is put on the package. The result is mild euphoria and hallucinations. However, this type of dependence is dangerous because, before the packet is removed from the head, a person can die from asphyxiation.

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Inhalation of vapors of chemical solvents provokes a sharp transition between "high" and strong aggression. With euphoria, the addict faces the illusion of weightlessness of the body, feeling a spiritual uplift.


Regardless of the type of substances used, each toxicant passes through similar stages. Especially it concerns the "exit point" from the state of drug intoxication.

After a few breaths, characteristic symptoms appear that are noticeable to others:

  • uncontrolled saliva secretion;
  • tear;
  • dilated pupils;
  • dispersal;
  • cough due to perspiration in the throat;
  • weak response to external stimuli.

The state of "buzz" lasts 10-15 minutes, after that the "exit point" begins, which can be determined by such signs as:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;Unquenchable thirst for
  • ;
  • head splitting.

After a while after the inhalation of substances develops increased excitement and symptoms of a mental disorder. Toxicoman starts to seem that all sounds leave behind themselves an echo.


Toxicomania is diagnosed by doctors when a person has symptoms of persistent psychological dependence:

  • Irresistible attraction to the drug.
  • Constant increase in the dose of the substance.
  • Severe withdrawal symptoms.

With the developed substance abuse, dependence on the substance consists in a painful desire to experience "high" again and again. Mental dependence in most cases occurs as a result of prolonged inhalation of toxic fumes, but sometimes to achieve persistent addiction, a single dose of the drug is sufficient. This is due to the fact that teenagers often suffer from substance abuse, which has not yet fully formed consciousness.

Strong psychological dependence is characterized by severe abstinence, which is usually formed after 3-6 months from the beginning of inhalation of substances.

If you deprive a drug addict of his drug, by the end of the first day there will be a number of signs:

  • blunt severe pain in the head;
  • tremor of the hands;
  • swelling;
  • dilated pupils;
  • spasms;
  • trembling eyelids and tongue;
  • muscle cramps;
  • strong aggression;
  • is anger.

By the second day after the withdrawal of the drug anxiety is increasing, the drug addict is afraid to communicate with people. His muscles are overextended, which causes intense pain. A person has a distorted sense of his own body - it seems to him that his legs, arms and head have become very large and heavy.

If a person abuses gasoline, he develops gastrointestinal disorders with intolerable pain in the intestines and stomach, vomiting, diarrhea. The intensity of all signs increases over a period of 5-6 days, and then the person becomes lighter.

The withdrawal syndrome for substance abuse lasts an average of 15 days. Mental disorders persist for 1-1.5 months.

Features of teenage substance abuse

Toxicomania is most common among adolescents. At this age, there is a desire to live independently of adults, as a result of which they begin to protest against the authority of parents and violate the prohibitions. Also, teens are curious about new sensations.

For teenagers it is common to gather companies and use substances together.

In a state of buzz they give themselves out:

  • with an irrational laugh;
  • inadequate behavior;
  • aggression in response to attempts to select the substance.

Recently, teenage substance abuse is only gaining momentum. The child's organism is very susceptible to the action of psychoactive drugs, in addition, teenagers lack the proper level of self-criticism. In addition to harm to health, substance abuse can result in an accident: there are times when a teenager is smoking and getting a burn of the upper respiratory tract.

Symptoms of the formed dependence

At the formed toxicomania the person receives high-grade narcotic intoxication. There is a defeat of the central nervous system, with hallucinations becoming especially bright, most often with fantastic subjects. Later, the confusion of consciousness begins, unsystematic delirium develops.

In most cases, addicts are not direct participants, but observers in their hallucinations. Sometimes addicts realize that their experiences are artificial. On attempts of associates to force them to stop to smell a substance they react aggressively.

With the withdrawal of the drug, the symptoms develop in reverse order: the hallucinations dim, the orientation in reality is restored.

On change "kajfu" come:

  • irritability;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • cardiac rhythm disturbance;
  • dilated pupils;
  • coordination disorder.

Symptoms of intoxication can last from several hours to 3 days, but an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and reduced mood remain for a long time. Sometimes problems with urination are added.

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