What can I use the drugs for migraine?

1 List of medicines

Often a person tries to get rid of the pain, while the attack has already begun. To do this, takes painkillers, which often do not have the desired effect, especially if the migraine is accompanied by vomiting. Trying to cope with migraine, a person increases the dose of medications taken, which affects negatively the state of the kidneys and liver.

The goal of treatment is not only getting rid of severe pain and nausea, but also quick recovery of the patient's ability to work. Widely used in this case, drugs agonists 5HT1 receptors specific antimigraine action.

Recommended to read

  • List of medications for migraine
  • Remedies for migraine of rapid impact
  • Triptans - preparations for migraine
  • Modern preparations from Pressure!

2 Preparations of ergotamine and dihydroergotamine

Preparations of ergot alkaloids, serotonin receptor agonists, affect the central nervous system and exert a tonic effect on peripheral and cerebral vessels. For the treatment of migraine they have been used for a long time.

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In addition to affecting serotonin receptors, they affect dopamine and adrenoreceptors, which increases the side effects when they are used. Such effects include: nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness.

The tablets start to function for half an hour after ingestion.

Drugs containing ergotamine:

  • , Bellataminal;
  • cornutamine;
  • cofetamine;
  • , rhegetamine;
  • ergotamine tartrate.

Drugs that include t dihydroergotamine:

  • DG-ergotamine;
  • dihydroergotamine;
  • pseudogrenin:
  • nomigren;
  • and iqran;
  • Migriffen;
  • ergonomics.

It should be noted that when taking medications based on ergot more than ten milligrams per week, or any dose of the drug more than twice a week, physical dependence arises. It manifests itself as an agitated condition that mimics a migraine attack, and an irresistible desire to take medicine. Therefore, when treating migraines with these drugs, you need to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and take only recommended doses.

Triptans. In the nineties, scientists developed a group of specific drugs derived from 5-hydroxytryptamine, which was called triptans.

Action of triptans:

  1. Drugs of this group narrow the cerebral vessels and anesthetize, without affecting the peripheral and coronary vessels.
  2. Triptans reduce sensitivity to pain by blocking trigeminal receptor receptors.
  3. Well eliminate nausea, fear of loud sounds, photophobia, while not causing side effects.

3 Medicaments of the group of triptans

To the group of triptans are:

  • Relpax;
  • zomig;
  • imitated;
  • sumatriptan;
  • sumyagren;
  • amygrenin;
  • Relpax;
  • rapimig;
  • zolmitriptan;
  • antimigraine;
  • is chlorotriptan;
  • is concomitant;
  • Risatriptan.

Drugs of this group are used for arresting migraine attacks, they are not prescribed for prophylaxis. At the stage of aura, the drug will not give the desired effect, so you need to take the pill from migraine at a time when the headache has already begun. They are not prescribed to those who have cerebral circulatory disorders and diseases of the heart or blood vessels.

Preparations of the group of triptans are incompatible with antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal, as well as antidepressants and St. John's Wort.

It is believed that all the drugs of the group act the same, but in practice it turns out that most people suffering from migraine attacks are helped only by one or two names. Therefore, the choice of an effective remedy remains for those who accept it. In order to verify the effectiveness of the drug, each of them must be tested in three migraine attacks. The speed of their action, as well as the price can vary significantly.

Triptans are well tolerated by the body, with minimal side effects.

But for this you must strictly observe the dosage of the drug.

Long-term experience shows that tryptans should not be used more than nine days per month, otherwise migraine will change from episodic form to chronic. This is a new generation of drugs and their impact on the headache has not yet been fully explored, currently scientists continue to conduct research in this area.


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Do not forget about the prevention of migraine. To do this, you need to regulate the daily routine, eat right and avoid stressful situations.

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