Cancer of the oral mucosa: photos, signs, symptoms

Malignant tumor is curable at an early stage of development. The more it is introduced into neighboring organs, the less hope for a good outcome of the disease. Early diagnosis is very important.

Knowing the signs of the disease, a person will be able to identify alarms and get help from a doctor in time. Oncology of the oral cavity is infrequent. Pathology occupies three percent of the total number of cancers.

Forms of oral cancer

Modern medicine oncological diseases of the oral cavity in appearance divides into three types:

  1. Knotty.
    • A firm-shaped seal appears in the mouth. The surface of the mucous in this place either does not change, or has whitish spots. New education usually increases rapidly.
  2. Ulcerative.
    • It appears as an ulcer on the mucous membrane. She worries the patient and does not heal for a long time. Pathology in the form of a sore rapidly progresses. This form of cancer of the oral cavity affects the mucous membranes more often than other varieties.
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  4. Papillary.
    • Looks like a tumor of a dense structure that hangs down into the mouth. The mucous membrane does not externally change.

The photo shows the cancer of the oral mucosa in the initial stage of

. Individual types of

tumors. Depending on the dislocation of education, the following are distinguished:

  1. Cancer of the cheeks.
    • The dislocation of formation is often on the line of the mouth, at the level of its angle. At first it can resemble a sore. Over time, there are restrictions in opening the mouth, discomfort during chewing and talking.
  2. Oral cancer of the bottom.
    • The tumor is located on the muscles of the bottom and can capture nearby zones: the lower part of the tongue and the salivary glands. The patient complains of pain and increased salivation.
  3. Tumor of the tongue.
    • Difficulties arising during chewing and discomfort during the use of a speech device are sometimes a consequence of oncology of the tongue. The tumor is located on its lateral surfaces - cases of such pathology are often found. Less often the cancer occurs on the lower surface of the tongue or on its upper part, affects its root or tip.
  4. Tumor in the zone of the alveolar processes.
    • The problem can be located on the upper and lower jaw. Cancer can also damage the teeth, which causes bleeding and pain in these areas.
  5. Cancer in the palate.
    • Depending on what kind of tissue is exposed to the disease, a different form of sky cancer appears. If soft tissues are covered, then cancer develops, which is called squamous cell carcinoma. A hard palate can have a disease: a cylinder, adenocarcinoma, and a squamous appearance. The problem reveals itself the appearance of pain and discomfort during eating.
  6. Metastases
    • Cancerous formation can actively germinate in a number of underlying layers. The spread of the tumor depends on its type and localization. The development of the disease occurs in the promotion of cancer cells in the lymph nodes.
    • Cancer of the mucous membrane of the cheeks and alveolar processes of the lower jaw triggers metastases into the zone of the submandibular junctions. The formations that have arisen in the distal parts give metastases to the nodes near the jugular vein.
    • Cancer of the tongue, located in the area of ​​its tip and lateral surfaces, progresses to the lymph nodes of the neck, and can also capture submandibular nodes.
    • In pathology, oral cancer occurs, but infrequently distant metastases. They spread to the internal organs: liver, lungs, brain, heart, and also into bone tissue.

The photo shows the cancer of the bottom of the mouth

Causes and risk factors

  • Smokers put themselves this bad habit at risk for cancer in the oral cavity. This includes chewing and snuffing tobacco.
  • Drinking alcoholic drinks also contributes to the onset of the disease. If these two bad habits are combined, the probability of damage to the oral cavity increases.
  • Men develop oral cancer more often than women.
  • The sharp edges of the seal, uncomfortable prosthesis or other factors that have a traumatic effect on the oral mucosa may lead to the development of a cancerous tumor.
  • Infection of the cavity with a papilloma virus, which refers to the sixteenth type, can be the cause of the appearance of cancer.
  • Among the problems of the oral mucosa, flat lichen carries a threat of cancers.
  • Weakened immunity in the systemic administration of chemical drugs is a risk factor for the onset of oncology.
  • Inadequate nutrition with inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables and deficiency of antioxidants - vitamins A, C and E creates conditions for the growth of cancer cells.
  • Frequent contact with asbestos contributes to the development of cancer in the oral cavity. The same adverse effect on human polycyclic organic compounds.

Symptoms and signs

You should consult a specialist if the following changes have occurred in your mouth:

  • thickening of the tongue, which leads to discomfort during eating and talking,
  • numbness of the tongue,
  • numbness of the gums, some teeth,
  • tooth loss for no apparent reason,
  • edema of the jaw,
  • pain in the oral cavity, which assumes a chronic nature,
  • chronic enlarged lymph nodes located in the neck region,
  • voice change,
  • weight loss,
  • appearance on the lipor in the oral cavity formation that does not go for a long time and tends to grow in size, it may be:
    • red spot,
    • whitish spot,
    • jazvochka,
    • seal,
    • outgrowth.

Education passes through three phases of development:

  1. Initial stage - the patient notices unusual phenomena in the state of health of the oral cavity. There are vague pains, seals, ulcers in the mouth.
  2. The advanced stage of the disease - ulcers become in the form of cracks. They can be disposed over the tumor. There are painful sensations that can give in different areas of the head. Cancer can also develop without severe pain.
  3. The triggered stage - the disease actively destroys surrounding tissues.

Stages of

From the degree of tumor development, its size determines the stage of the disease.

  • Stage null - cancers did not spread deeper than the mucous layer of the oral cavity. The tumor is very small.
  • Stage first - the size of education does not exceed two centimeters. The spread of the disease is not happening yet.
  • Stage second - the formation reached a diameter of four centimeters. The progression of the tumor has not yet affected the lymph nodes.
  • The stage is the third - the formation has exceeded four centimeters and may already be spreading to the lymph nodes.
  • Stage fourth - the formation has released metastases into internal organs. Often the progression of the tumor happens in the lungs. However, the development of the disease can be directed to the immediate areas - the bones of the face, the zone of the sinuses of the nose.


The tumor specialist determines visually. The degree of growth of the disease in soft tissues is diagnosed by the method of palpation. In bone structures, cancers are detected using radiography.

Treatment of

There are various methods of treating a cancerous tumor. The choice of method depends on the stage of development of the neoplasm and its shape.


If surgery can not be avoided without cutting the tumor, surgery is involved. After removal of the formation, manipulations can be carried out to restore the disturbed appearance of the patient.


This method is used most often in the fight against cancer of the oral cavity. It can be used as an independent method or after a surgical procedure.

With small tumors, radiation therapy can be the main method. After the operation, the method helps alleviate pain, neutralizes the rest of the cancer cells, improves swallowing ability.

If necessary brachytherapy( internal irradiation) is used. Rods containing material for irradiation are inserted into the tumor for a certain time.


Taking medications that can reduce a tumor is called chemotherapy.

Drugs are selected depending on the tolerability and stage of the disease.

Chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells. The method is applied in complex with irradiation or with surgical intervention.

Prognosis and prevention of

Complete cure is possible in the early stages of the disease. The shape of the cancer also affects the outcome of the treatment.

If we compare neoplasms of the posterior and anterior parts of the cavity, then the latter are better treated, are not so malignant.

Preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to part with smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • It's wise to avoid the ultraviolet rays of the sun when it's at the zenith.
  • To choose a diet rich in fiber and antioxidants. Exclude the reception of very spicy and hot food.
  • Monitor the oral cavity so that there is no traumatic factor( fragments of teeth with sharp edges) that destroy the mucous membrane.

Video about the symptoms and causes of oral cancer:

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