How to remove polyps in the nose with a laser, shaver, endoscopically: the price and reviews, treatment without surgery

If problems with breathing through the nose are caused by polyps, then it is possible that a specialist will recommend their removal.

There are several methods, they differ:

  • technology,
  • degree of rigging
  • and price.

Indications for operation

Polyps in the nose tend to proliferate. As the size of the pathology increases, the problems associated with its presence become more pronounced.

Specialists recommend removal of formations when:

  • conservative treatment does not work,
  • smell impairment,
  • noticeable difficulty in breathing through the nose,
  • snoring,
  • no possibility of breathing nose,
  • nasal septum is curved,
  • occurrence of inflammatory processes in the nasal mucosa,
  • atrophic rhinitis.

Preparing the

Before removing the nasal polyps, perform such preparatory actions:

  • if necessary, an endoscopic examination is performed,
  • is assigned to conduct blood tests:
    • coagulogram,
    • biochemical and general,
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  • , prednisolone is applied to the surface of the nasal cavity;this procedure is repeated several times, and begins its conduct a week before the operation;
  • if the diagnosis showed an inflammatory or infectious process in the nasal cavity, then prescribe procedures using medications to treat these phenomena;
  • a week before surgery prohibits taking drugs that can affect the coagulability of the blood;
  • before surgery, the patient does not take food and drink for six hours.

Techniques for removing polyps in the nose

To date, experts are armed in such ways:

  • With the help of a metal loop - a method used for a long time. Despite the fact that it is still actively used, experts find that it is significantly inferior to other methods.
  • Removal of formations by laser.
  • The endoscopic method is the most modern and popular.
  • Operation using liquid nitrogen( removal with low temperatures).


The traditional method of removing polyps in the nose area - the procedure is carried out using a loop.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • procedure is painful,
  • together with polyps breaks out a part of healthy mucosa,
  • traumatic for mucous action can initiate inflammation,
  • removal of formations is not in full volume, because the loop does not penetrate the sinus zone, but only acts in the nasalmoves. In addition, the operation has no video surveillance, so the surgeon acts, in a sense, to the touch.
  • longer wound healing of wound surfaces,
  • , frequent relapses are possible.


Innovative technique , which uses endoscopic equipment.
Surgical intervention can be performed in such ways:

  • Endoscopic operation using the shaver.
  • Same, but using tools. A somewhat inconvenient way to carry out a quality complete stripping of the surface, affected by polyps.
  • Same, but using the shaver and navigation. The method differs significantly from previous methods. Provides complete safe removal of polyps.


The formations in the nasal cavity are treated with a laser beam. Equipment capable of inducing a laser beam is inserted into the nasal passages along with an endoscope carrying a video camera for displaying actions on the monitor screen.

Under the action of the laser, the polyps of the nose are dehydrated and the crusts remain on the surface of the nasal mucosa. They are easily removed.

Video shows removal of polyps in nose by laser method:

Advantages of method:
  • no bleeding,
  • is performed under local anesthesia,
  • is excluded from infection of the operated surface, since the beam has disinfectant properties.

The disadvantages of laser surgery are:

  • The polyps are removed partially. The beam does not affect the polyps in the sinuses, its effect extends to the formation that is localized in the nasal passages.
  • This method is used for single polyps. If there is multiple polyposis, then resort to another method of surgery.


The method involves the removal of formations using endoscopic equipment.

The device falls into all areas of the nasal passages and sinuses necessary for the successful operation. The mini camera sends the image to the monitor.

Principle of shaver operation: pathological masses that are to be removed, the device grinds and involves itself. The doctor observes the progress of his actions on the screen and has the opportunity to carefully clean the cavities of the growths without missing anything.

Video about endoscopic shader removal of nasal polyps:

Advantages of endoscopic shader operation:
  • is a low-injury method,
  • application of local anesthesia, which allows normal transfer of the procedure;
  • effective removal of polyps.

After the procedure, the patient is recommended to be under the supervision of a specialist for 24 hours. Tissips are placed in the nasal passages.

After that, for the passage of the postoperative period, it is possible to stay up to a week in the day hospital, or to perform the appointment of a doctor at home.

Complications of

Operations that do not provide complete removal of pathology are fraught with rapid re-growth of polyps.

Complications include cases where the operation was performed by a loop to a patient suffering from bronchial asthma. Manipulation can cause an exacerbation of the condition: an attack of suffocation, sometimes turning into asthmatic status.

Due to the fact that the removal of pathology does not remove the root of the problem, does not affect the reasons for which polyps appeared, the operation in any way does not guarantee that the pathology will not arise again.

Recovery after removal of

The nasal mucosa where the polyps were removed, after surgery, needs special care so that it can recover. Time that experts recommend to be in the hospital under their supervision, usually no more than a day.

You can take care of the operated places even at home. To do this:

  • cleansing the nasal cavity from the crusts,
  • superposition of special ointments,
  • irrigation with solutions containing salt;
  • uses sprays containing glucocorticosteroids.

Also the patient is recommended:

  • to give up too hot food,
  • to reduce physical exertion.


  • Patients who had laser ablation responded, which is convenient because the procedure was performed on an outpatient basis. The operation did not cause painful sensations.
  • Reviews on the removal of polyps in the nose with a loop tell that the operation is postponed painfully, in many patients the problem returns in six months.
  • Patients describe the results of surgical intervention with endoscopic technique using a shaver - in most cases, relapses are not observed for three years. The sensations during the procedure are painful.


Estimated cost of different types of transactions:

  • Method in which a laser participates - 16000 rub.
  • Endoscopic surgery - 6500 rub.(removal of polyps from one side).
  • Loop removal - the equivalent of 30 euros.

How to cure polyps of the nose without surgery?

Polyps are treatable at the initial stage. To obtain the result, it is first necessary to remove the factors that can initiate the process of polyp formation.

  • If there is an allergy, then you should identify the allergen and remove it from your environment.
  • In the presence of chronic inflammatory processes, the cause that causes them is treated.

For the treatment use:

  • saline inhalation,
  • laser therapy,
  • reception of medications prescribed by the doctor;
  • turunda in the nasal passages with curative ointments,
  • is important in the treatment of polyps to comply with the regimen,
  • uses folk recipes.
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