Artichoke extract: instructions for use

Artichoke is a unique exotic plant that is common in the Mediterranean countries. In recent years, it began to grow in our countries. The fruits of the plant are used in cooking, as an unusual addition to a variety of dishes. However, the healing properties have been known for a long time. In non-traditional medicine and in modern pharmacology, it is used to purify the body. For this purpose, a special artichoke extract has been developed, the instructions for use will be described in this article.

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    Useful extract composition and form of release

    Artichoke is a unique plant,because it combines a lot of useful substances. In numerous studies, experts have discovered a variety of vitamins( A, B, C), acids, mineral salts, iron, calcium, polysaccharides, tannins, pectin and others. However, most of them are located in the leaves of the plant, that's why they are used for the preparation of the medicinal product.

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    On the basis of leaves of artichoke extract is obtained, that is, hood. And from it several types of medicines are produced:

    • tablets( 20 pieces per blister);
    • capsules( 100 mg or 300 mg each, blister 10 pieces);
    • artichoke extract for oral administration( in a vial 120 mg).

    As a rule, the composition of the drug is not affected by the form of release of the drug. However, there are some minor differences. The composition of the extract includes such components:

    • artichoke field extract - active substance;
    • macrogol;
    • glycerol;
    • titanium dioxide;
    • cellulose;
    • Povidone;
    • corn starch or gelatin;
    • hypromellose.

    Dry, aqueous extract of fresh artichoke leaves - indications for use

    The qualitative and balanced composition of the preparation allows to successfully combat many problems in the body. Regardless of the chosen form of release, the drug is recommended for taking with such diseases:

    • dysfunction of the gallbladder;
    • impaired functionality of the digestive system;
    • hepatitis;
    • kidney failure;
    • chronic intoxication;
    • urolithiasis;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • with excessive body weight.

    Preparations in the composition, which is artichoke, are recommended for patients who adhere to a diet, and control the level of sugar in the blood. Active components of the drug effectively remove liquid from the body. Artichoke extract is an application for alcoholism, as its components accumulate and gradually restore the destroyed liver cells. In addition, it is widely used in cosmetology, since the substances of this plant purify the skin and restore its health.

    How to take a natural preparation

    The rules for taking a medicine directly depend on the form of release of the drug. Given this nuance, it is necessary to distinguish such features of consumption of a miraculous medicine.

    1. Capsules. The drug should be taken 1 capsule three times a day. The drug should be taken 20 to 30 minutes before meals. The duration of therapy is a month. If necessary, treatment can be repeated, but you should take a break and consult a doctor.
    2. Artichoke extract in tablets. Drug medication should be taken 3 times a day. According to the original instructions, you need to drink 2 tablets, 15 minutes before meals. The medicine must be washed down with plenty of purified water. The course of treatment lasts for 3 weeks. As a rule, after the expiry of the term the patient's health improves significantly.
    3. Water artichoke extract or artichoke bitter( better known in pharmacology).The drug should be taken three times a day, 1 tbsp.spoon. It is best to take the drug immediately before meals or at the end of the meal. If desired, the syrup can be drunk with water or the necessary amount should be dissolved in a small amount of water. The course of treatment is a month. If necessary, the therapy can be repeated, but it is important to take a break.

    Important! Before using Artichoke Extract, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Particular attention should be given to the original instructions that are attached to each drug.

    Useful properties of artichoke extract

    Artichoke based preparations are excellent medicines on a natural basis. They effectively restore the general condition and purify the body of harmful substances. Regardless of the form of release, the drug has a positive effect on organs and systems, and also has the following properties:

    • promotes bile production and cleanses qualitatively;
    • quickly processes fats;
    • reduces the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver;
    • in diagnosis - gout, effectively reduces the presence of uric acid in the plasma;
    • reduces the amount of cholesterol;
    • normalizes the work of the digestive system;
    • is an excellent preventive agent of diabetes mellitus;
    • effectively removes slag and salt, which helps to reduce excess body weight;
    • does not allow the body to grow prematurely;
    • tunes the work of the immune system;
    • activates the activity of cellular exchange;
    • as an aperitif increases appetite, so artichoke extract is recommended for weight gain.

    Contraindications to use and adverse reactions

    Despite the useful composition of Extract, it is forbidden to take it to people with certain diseases. To such ailments include:

    • obstruction of the biliary tract;
    • individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug;
    • acute form of hepatitis;
    • is an acute renal disease;
    • for children under 12 years;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

    Generally, the drug in tablets, capsules or solution is tolerated well enough. However, sometimes adverse reactions such as diarrhea, swelling, abdominal pain and allergic rashes on the body can be observed. At the first unpleasant symptoms, the drug should be stopped and consult a doctor for advice. If the symptoms of adverse reactions are greatly aggravated, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

    Important! Artichoke extract during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited. However, sometimes the drug is allowed to be taken to women if the expected benefit to the mother exceeds the risk in developing the fetus.

    Average cost of the drug and possible analogs

    The cost of the drug directly depends on the form of release of the drug, as well as other factors. As a rule, the price of tablets varies within the limits of 130 rubles, liquid extract - about 2000 rubles, and capsules - 300 rubles.

    If for some reason you can not find the original drug, do not get very upset. You can pay attention to analogues, which also have a positive effect on the body:

    • Allochol;
    • Artibel;
    • Hepafitol;
    • Aristelander;
    • Artichol;
    • Bilicour;
    • Tsinarix.

    All these drugs in their composition have an artichoke, which qualitatively performs its functions and effectively cleanses the body. Before using it is important to read the instructions, special attention should be given to contraindications.

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