Ulcerative-film angina: symptoms, treatment, photos, recommendations and prognosis

There are many types of angina caused by different pathogens, but the classification here is very conventional. Viral and fungal inflammations of the throat are atypical manifestations of the disease, the true sore throat always has a bacterial character.

Depending on the type of bacteria, the area of ​​their spread and the stage of development, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Incorrectly chosen therapy can lead to complications and significantly delay recovery.

Yazvenno-filmy angina

Unlike common streptococcal varieties, the development of ulcerative-glandular angina is caused by a symbiosis of Vincent's spirochetes and spindle-shaped Plaut-Vincent's stick. This is a rare disease in our time, the tonsils, which can develop either independently, or become a consequence of purulent - necrotic stomatitis.

The disease is expressed by the necrosis of tonsil tissues without sharp pain symptoms. If the time is not prescribed treatment, necrotic processes can cover all mucous oropharynx.

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What is the difference between necrotic angina

Causes of the disease

The development of ulcerative-angina pectoris is primarily due to the weakening of immunity. Also, the cause may be intestinal infections and chronic pathology of ENT organs.


  • Falsely - membranous( the appearance on the tonsils of a thin filmy coating, reminiscent of manifestations of diphtheria).
  • Ulcerous( presence on one of the glands of sores with a dirty - yellow coating).

Provoking factors, risk group

  • Pathologies of the immune system.
  • Seasonal decrease in immune forces.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Diseases of the blood. Untreated foci of infections( gum disease, caries).
  • Dystrophy.
  • Severe overstrain.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Infection with parasites.

The risk group includes adults and children living in adverse social conditions.

Symptoms and signs

In adults

Ulcerous-angina is mostly one-sided and develops imperceptibly. When removing the plaque from the glands, there are sharply outlined bleeding ulcers of yellow color.

The danger of these ulcers lies in their ability to deepen, hitting even bone tissue, and spread along the okoloblocatochnom space.

The disease is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • Moderate sore throat.
  • The temperature rises to 37.5 °.
  • Edema of the affected glands.
  • Appearance of one or more ulcers on the glands. The yellowish scurf has a loose structure.
  • Touching ulcers is not very painful.
  • Enlargement of submandibular lymph nodes( from the side of inflamed glands the node is hypertrophied to a greater extent).Soreness is poorly expressed. Putrid odor from the mouth.
  • Increased salivation functions.
  • The general condition of the patient is satisfactory.

In children

Symptoms of ulcerative-angina pectoris in childhood do not differ much from the above manifestations of the disease in adults. However, higher temperature indices may occur, and the disease itself is more acute. Gastrointestinal disorders are possible.

Diagnosis of sore throat in children:


At the initial examination, tell the doctor about the prescription of the symptoms and their sequence;about recently transferred infectious infections and chronic ailments. If therapy was started at home, it is important to clarify the list of drugs used.

Further carried out:

  • Thorough examination of the throat( pharyngoscopy).
  • Palpation of submandibular lymph nodes.
  • General blood tests( the level of leukocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes is estimated).
  • Smear from the liver( to determine the type of bacterial infection).
  • Serological examination( study of immune reactions).
  • Antibioticogram( done to select more suitable antibiotics for treatment).

Similar manifestations to ulcerative-angina can have:

  • Scarlet fever.
  • Lacunar tonsillitis.
  • ARVI.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Leukemia.
  • Malignant neoplasm.

The doctor usually has a clinical picture for accurate diagnosis, but with additional relapse procedures, chronic diseases and pregnancy, additional examination procedures can be prescribed.

In the picture, the oral cavity with ulcerative-pleural sore throat


Treated ulcerative-membranous angina in an infectious hospital under medical supervision.

  • From the diet during illness it is necessary to exclude rough, smoked, sharp and excessively acidic food.
  • It is obligatory to refuse alcohol and tobacco smoking.
  • It is necessary to maintain strict personal hygiene.


For local treatment of ulcers, the following medicines are used:

  • Silver nitrate.
  • Rinses with a solution of copper sulfate or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Lugol solution is effective for lubricating glands.
  • Manganese solution.
  • Iodine tincture.
  • Sprays( Propohsol, Ingalipt).
  • Tablets with a softening effect( Strepsils, Tharyngept).

Antibiotics are used only in case of extensive spread of bacteria and with a severe course of the disease:

  • Penicillin-based drugs( Amoxicillin, Ospen).
  • Cephalosporins( Cephalosin, Cefadroxil).
  • Macrolides( Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Zimaks, Spiramycin).
  • Preparations based on azalides - semisynthetic derivatives of erythromycin, are most effective.

How to cure sore throat, see in our video:

Folk remedies

  • With a sheet of aloe the film is removed, and a piece of it is kept in the mouth, behind the cheek. The leaves of this plant disinfect the oral cavity and promote the stretching of pus.
  • Concentrated sugar syrup( 60%) inhibits the activity of infectious agents.
  • Hot inhalation with herbs( sage, chamomile, thyme, calendula, St. John's wort) are good. The quantitative ratio and the presence of additional components of a special role here, as a rule, do not play.
  • Garlic and onions, having excellent antiseptic properties, prevent the development of complications.
  • Using all sorts of recipes based on bee products increases immunity.


With prolonged therapy and for the prevention of relapse, the doctor may prescribe additional procedures during the remission period:

  • Light therapy.
  • Warming or irradiation of the tonsils with ultraviolet light.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Treatment using laser beams.

Features of treatment of sore throat during pregnancy

At the first pain in the tonsils, the expectant mother should consult a specialist and take all necessary tests. At the first stage, it is possible to cure ulcerative - angina pectoris without antibiotics, but the doctor, when prescribing certain medications, is repelled by a number of factors:

  • The period of pregnancy.
  • Presence or absence of pathologies during gestation.
  • Primary or secondary nature of the disease.
  • General state of immunity.
  • Presence of planned vaccinations.

There is usually no need for antipyretic drugs.

Emphasis should be placed on rinse products. Inhalations and other thermal procedures for pregnant women are contraindicated. Their use threatens premature birth.

When in a hospital, it is important to maintain personal hygiene and wearing a gauze dressing in the most careful way. This will minimize the risk of infection with other types of bacteria.

Complications after sore throat:

Possible complications than dangerous disease

  • Severe bleeding.
  • Sepsis( blood poisoning).
  • Gum decay.
  • Extensive necrosis of the tonsils.
  • Acute otitis media.
  • Infectious - toxic shock.
  • Phlegmon( diffuse purulent congestion).Undesirable effects after ulcerative-angina pectoris are very rare, but if they could not be avoided, the subsequent treatment will be lengthy and difficult.

Prevention and precautions for communicating with a patient

Ulcerous-angina pectoris does not cause epidemics in our time. When communicating with a patient, it is sufficient to maintain basic hygiene standards and monitor the state of their immunity. If the immune system does not have persistent pathologies, then it is impossible to get infected from the patient through household contact.

However, for preventive purposes, small foci of infections should be rectified in a timely manner:

  • Caries.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Periodontal disease.
  • Gingivitis.

Immunity increases:

  • Vitaminized food.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Regular physical activity.


Ulcerative - angina pectoris is an unpleasant and severe disease. But it is cured, usually in three to four weeks, without causing consequences. It is important to know that this disease is dangerous to run. Under the supervision of a specialist and with the observance of all medical recommendations, the prognosis for cure is favorable.

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