Purulent ulcerative-necrotic angina of Simanovsky-Vincent: symptoms, treatment

Angina is a common anomaly that occurs when active growth of harmful microorganisms. The most serious option is the necrotic form of the disease, which is also called the Simanovsky-Planeta-Vincent's angina. If you have any signs, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Necrotizing angina

This form of pathology is extremely rare and is characterized by inflammation of the palatine tonsils. The key difference of this type of angina is that when it appears, destruction of the surface of patients with tonsils is observed.

They form a white coating of dense consistency, while the patient's condition remains practically unchanged. It is very important to start therapy in time, because the disease is very contagious.

What distinguishes necrotic angina from other varieties

Causes of the disease

To the occurrence of such angina leads symbiosis of the spirochete and spindle-shaped rod. In addition, pathology can occur in the development of streptococci and staphylococci.

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First, on the tonsils appears a purulent coating, which gradually spreads into the interior. This provokes the appearance of necrosis. Most often, this condition develops against the background of a weakening of the immune system.

Types of

Such an angina is primary or secondary. In the first case, the key factors are caries and pyorrhea - the outflow of purulent masses from the oropharynx. The secondary form of the disease can be a consequence of diphtheria, scarlet fever and other infections.

Provoking Factors, Risk Group

Necrotizing angina often occurs in people who experience a weakening of local respiratory immunity. When the causative agent of an ailment enters the body, the primary lesion of the palatine glands occurs. As a result, toxins destroy the lymphoid tissue and lead to the appearance of erosion zones. Over time, they form ulcers.

Risk of appearance of pathology is increased by such factors:

  • a serious weakening of the body due to complex diseases;
  • dystrophy;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • cachexia;
  • intestinal infections.

Causes of provoking factors of sore throat:

Symptoms and signs

To start treatment, you need to know what manifestations of this type of sore throat.


Young children rarely suffer from this anomaly because they do not have teeth that are often the source of infection. However, as the child grows, the risk of developing the disease increases.

In this situation, the symptoms grow much faster than in adults, and have a greater intensity. On the baby's tonsils, a dense white coating forms and a disturbance of the swallowing reflex is observed. The formation of ulcers often increases the temperature.

With such angina, children complain of pain when swallowing. After a few days the films depart, which causes severe discomfort in the throat area.

In adults

The emergence of pathology in adults is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • acute pain in the throat;
  • feeling of a foreign object in the throat;
  • gray-yellow coating on tonsils;
  • normal temperature;
  • discomfort when swallowing.

In addition, there may be secondary signs:

  • enhanced salivation;
  • severe intoxication;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • bad breath;
  • redness of patients with tonsils.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease symptoms are of an implicit nature. With the wrong tactics of therapy or its complete absence, the condition of a person is greatly deteriorating. In this case, ulcerative lesion acquires a more large-scale character, spreading beyond the tonsils.

Symptoms of necrotic sore throat


A proper diagnosis can be made by an otolaryngologist on the basis of manifestations and laboratory tests. For this, the doctor takes the material from the surface of the diseased tonsils. After sampling, perform such procedures:

  • seeding in a nutrient medium - it makes it possible to identify the causative agent of the disease and assess its resistance to antibiotics;
  • rapid antigenic test - used to detect beta-hemolytic streptococcus;
  • PCR analysis - helps to identify the type of microorganism by the elements of DNA.

In the photo, the throat with necrotic sore throat


With proper therapy, the disease passes without complications. After recovery, the function of the tonsils are restored. For the period of therapy the patient must be isolated, give him a separate dish. The diet should contain many proteins and vitamins. Additionally, vitamin preparations and restorative medications are used.


The tactics of treatment should be selected by a physician. All of its recommendations should be followed to prevent complications. Usually treatment includes such elements:

  1. Local therapy. Tonsils should be lubricated with a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, furacilin. Such procedures are performed several times a day.
  2. Systemic treatment. Such tonsillitis requires the use of antibiotics. In difficult cases, they are injected. In more simple situations, enough tableted forms. To cope with the disease, most often appointed erythromycin, cefazolin, azithromycin, amoxiclav.

Folk remedies

As an adjunct to the basic therapy, effective folk remedies are used:

  1. For rinses it is worth using decoctions of medicinal plants - sage, oak bark, eucalyptus, mint, chamomile, St. John's wort. To do this, you need to take 1 part of each element, add boiling water and put on a steam bath for a quarter of an hour. Leave for 40 minutes and use for rinsing several times a day.
  2. Saline solution helps to cope with pathogenic microorganisms. To do this, 1 large spoonful of sea salt should be mixed with 250 ml of warm water. Use the rinse aid obtained. This should be done as often as possible.
  3. An effective remedy for necrotizing angina is the juice of onions and garlic. It is recommended to moisten gauze and use for treatment of tonsils.
  4. With the help of alcohol tincture of calendula and chlorhexidine, it is possible to achieve healing of bleeding ulcers.


After relief of the acute process, physiotherapy can be used. For this purpose, the FAC of the throat is actively used. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to achieve a warming effect on the tonsils and stimulate blood circulation in this area.

See in our video how to treat angina easily and effectively:

Features of treatment for pregnancy

The development of the disease during pregnancy is very dangerous. In this situation, home remedies are strictly prohibited. With any symptoms of sore throat, you should consult a doctor.

The specialist must identify and fix the cause of the problem. It is very important to prevent complications, because the disease has an acute course. To do this, it is recommended to actively perform rinses, follow all the recommendations of the doctor and rest as much as possible. This will help the body to recover faster.

Possible complications than dangerous disease

Such tonsillitis can cause dangerous consequences. There are local complications when an abnormal process affects adjacent tissues, and generalized. In the second case pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the bloodstream, which leads to infection of other organs.

So, the main consequences of necrotizing sore throat include the following:

  • oral lesions by necrotic processes;
  • abscess;
  • perforation of hard palate;
  • bleeding;
  • phlegmon;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • myocarditis;
  • sepsis;
  • pericarditis;
  • rheumatoid fever;
  • endocarditis.

Complications of sore throat in our video:

Prevention of

To prevent the development of an ailment, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  • to perform timely sanation of infectious foci;
  • in time to treat tooth decay;
  • Avoid contact with infected people;
  • quench the body;
  • eat right;
  • take vitamins;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • adhere to the rules of oral hygiene.


Pathology often has a good prognosis. If the correct therapy is started in time, the person recovers for 8-14 days. If the immunity is weakened, recovery may take several months.

Necrotizing angina is a dangerous pathology that can cause negative consequences. To avoid this, the first manifestations of the disease must become the basis for an appeal to the otolaryngologist. Coping with the pathology will help the strict implementation of all medical recommendations.

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