Total and partial abnormal drainage of pulmonary veins: in newborn infants, in adults

One of the pathological congenital heart defects is known as abnormal drainage of pulmonary veins. In this defect the pulmonary veins flow into the hollow large veins or right atrium. Pathology is complete and partial. In the first case, at the level of the atrium there is no communication between the right and left divisions of the myocardium. And with a partial defect, the right sections of the myocardium are overloaded, the pressure in the pulmonary vessels increases, and signs of right ventricular failure appear.

Features of

As we have already mentioned, the vice is of two types:

  • full anomalous drainage of pulmonary veins. Characterized by a lack of blood circulation between the large and small circle. Such a deformation is incompatible with life activity. But if the baby has other congenital malformations( a defect of the inter-atrial or interventricular septum), which happens quite often, then a short time the newborn can live. During this period, surgical intervention is mandatory, in the opposite case a fatal outcome is inevitable;
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  • partial anomalous drainage of pulmonary veins. With such a defect, only one vein flows into the right atrium. The condition of the child in this case depends on the magnitude of the atrial blood circulation.

Most often, such a disease is combined with other vices and heart diseases:

  • with an open oval window;
  • by an intercellular defect;
  • transposition of the main vessels;
  • with an interventricular septal defect;
  • common arterial trunk;
  • by hypoplasia of the left heart;
  • of the tetralogy of Fallot;
  • with dextrocardia;
  • is the only ventricle of the heart;
  • stenosis of the pulmonary artery.

Schematic diagram of total abnormal drainage of pulmonary veins

Classification of

If all the mouths of pulmonary veins flow into the right atrium or the venous system of a large circulatory system, then a total( complete) anomalous drainage of the pulmonary veins is distinguished. There are four pulmonary veins in total. If one or two veins are involved in the formation of the defect, the form of the defect is considered to be partial. Basically, in the anomalies involved veins, which depart from the right lung.

Classify four types of a similar heart defect:

  • supracardiac( supracardial).Blood vessels from the lungs flow into the system of the superior vena cava. She is responsible for collecting blood from the head and upper limbs. The most common type of anomalous drainage of pulmonary veins( occurs in 55% of newborns);
  • cardiac( intracardial).Drainage of the vein into the coronary sinus or right atrium. Occurs in 30% of patients;
  • is subcardial( infrared).The entry of the pulmonary vein into the system of the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for collecting blood from the internal organs and lower limbs. There are 12% of newborns;
  • mixed. It can include combinations of the previous three types in various combinations. With such a defect, 3% of children are born.

Causes of

Abnormal drainage of pulmonary veins occurs under the influence of a couple of reasons:


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  • environmental. When exposed to the embryo, which is in the womb of the future parturient, the harmful factors of the surrounding world, the development of gene abnormalities is possible. If the future mother takes tobacco and drugs, potent drugs, alcohol, and also the disease with acute viral infections, the risk of the birth of a birth defect is significantly increased;
  • genetic. This heart defect is inherited from the older generation to the next. If a similar defect was observed in the family of close relatives, then its appearance in the next generations is not ruled out. This is due to changes in genes or chromosomes. At its core congenital defects of the heart muscle are caused by chromosome mutations.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of abnormal drainage of pulmonary veins are not typical:

  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • dyspnoea with physical exertion;
  • increased fatigue;
  • frequent pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases;
  • lag in physical development;
  • pallor of the face;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia.


For diagnostics ADLV it is necessary to address to the lung specialist or to the cardiologist. They will assign a number of studies:

  • examination of the doctor. The cardiologist can detect systolic murmur in the second or third intercostal space to the left of the sternum;
  • electrocardiogram( ECG).Will show the heart hump and other signs of stress on the right heart;
  • radiography. It shows the intensification of the pulmonary pattern, the swelling of the pulmonary artery and the widening of the heart muscle to the right;
  • echocardiography. The results show the absence of the pulmonary veins in the left atrium and the reduced size of the left side of the heart;
  • heart probing and angiocardiography( study of the heart vessels).The most accurate methods for detecting abnormal drainage of pulmonary veins. These methods show the extent of confluence and the number of drained blood vessels.

Treatment of

Therapeutic and medicamentous way of

The non-surgical method of treatment includes the preparation for surgery and prevention of acute heart failure, which can develop as a consequence of ADHD.In this case, the doctor appoints the patient diuretics and cardiac glycosides.

Remember that reducing physical activity on the baby reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease. Stress, stress and shock should be avoided, for crying is also a strain on the body. In case your child has already gone, make sure that he does not lift various weights.


The method of performing an operation is determined based on a variation of the defect. If it is complete, then immediate surgical intervention is required in the first days of life. The operation is performed with the connection of an artificial circulatory system and consists in dissection of the interatrial septum and the creation of a communication between the left and right divisions of the heart. Cardiosurgeons perform a re-implantation of the pulmonary veins in the left atrium. For this, various patches are used, the shape of which depends on the type of defect.

With partial abnormal drainage of pulmonary veins, interatrial communication and plasticity of atrial septal defect are sutured. General principles of surgical intervention:

  • creation of an anastomosis between pulmonary veins and the left atrium;
  • closure of the defect of the interatrial septum;
  • ligation of the pathological communication of venous vessels with pulmonary veins.

Prevention of the disease

There are no cardinal ways to prevent the development of abnormal drainage of the pulmonary veins. Doctors give only recommendations for pregnant women, which will help to avoid developing a defect in the embryo or detect it in advance:

  • for up to twelve weeks to register with a women's consultation;
  • regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • fully eat and observe the regime of the day;
  • strict supervision of a specialist in diseases and medications;
  • to exclude the use of alcohol, drugs and smoking.

Complications of abnormal drainage of pulmonary veins

Complications with ADLV may include:

  • frequent pneumonia and
  • heart failure.


Predictions for abnormal drainage of pulmonary veins are not very comforting. Approximately eighty percent of children who have a similar defect die in the first two years of life, and some do not last for up to a year.

The later the symptoms of the disease appear, the more favorable the forecast can be given, but this only applies to patients with partial ADHD. There are cases when patients survived to the age of thirty.

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