Congenital stenosis of the tricuspid( tricuspid) valve: treatment, diagnosis

Anomaly is congenital, and can also occur during life as a result of a number of reasons. Knowing the nature of the disease in most cases will help to avoid its uncontrolled appearance.

Features of the disease

The valve system organizes the mechanics of blood flow. In the right side of the heart, the atrium and ventricle are connected through a tricuspid valve. Its function is to pass venous blood from the atrium into the ventricle, and to anticipate its reverse movement. Further transportation of blood occurs through the pulmonary artery into the lungs.

Damage to the valve of different nature hinders the flow from the atrium into the venous blood vessel, which entails other disturbances and malfunctions. The auricle does not have the ability to transfer blood to the ventricle in a timely manner, therefore, pressure increases in it.

Compensatory mechanisms adjust the body to the situation, the atrium is deformed and stretched. Delayed flow of venous blood in the right atrium leads to stagnation in the circulation of a large circle.

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In a simple and accessible form about what is the tricuspid valve stenosis, you will be told the following video:

The forms of stenosis of the tricuspid valve

The pathology differs and is divided into shapes depending on the degree of narrowing of the hole:

  • sharp stenosis is when the constriction is less than 1.5cm2;
  • pathology manifests itself with less force: pronounced stenosis, constriction 1.5 ÷ 2.5 cm2;
  • mild stenosis is expressed in a slight narrowing of the valve: 3 ÷ 2.5 cm2.

Causes of

The factors that lead to stenosis of the valve are of different nature.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • Inflammation of the inner walls of the heart can trigger the acquired stenosis of the valve, including tricuspid. To this may result in diseases:
    • lupus erythematosus,
    • rheumatism,
    • fibroelastosis,
    • infective endocarditis,
    • carcinoid syndrome.
  • The narrowing of the tricuspid valve may be due to inflammation of the inner lining of the muscular layer of the chambers. The valve is not damaged, but because of the inflammatory process, the muscles are worse controlled.

Another cause of obstructed blood flow can be caused by a full-fledged valve caused by the following obstacles:

  • emergence of a tumor in the vena cava,
  • creating an education in the right atrium.

Congenital stenosis of the tricuspid valve is associated with harmful effects on the fetus during the perinatal period:

  • of ionizing radiation,
  • toxic substances,
  • in an unsuccessful ecology.

Often this pathology occurs as an integral part of another disorder - the Ebstein anomaly. And now let's find out what is characteristic of the tricuspid valve stenosis.

Symptoms of

In a large circle, stagnation of blood appears, which leads to a change in health. This:

  • feeling tired,
  • abdominal discomfort on the right side at the top,
  • cold moist skin,
  • on the neck pulsating veins,
  • dyspnea,
  • discomfort in the heart, a sense of fading.

Next we will talk about the diagnosis of congenital stenosis of the tricuspid valve.


  • When listening to a stethoscope, the specialist determines the noise characteristic of this pathology. Sometimes the opening of the valve is accompanied by a click.
  • An electrocardiogram can detect a change in the size of the right heart chamber. The narrowing of the valve will indicate a marked increase in the atrium, the ventricle usually enlarged slightly.
  • Radiograph - gives the opportunity to see the shadow of the hollow vein and determine whether there is an increase in the atrium.
  • An echocardiogram is a method that can clarify the details of the internal structure of the heart safely and informatively.

Treatment of

Because difficult passage of blood from the atrium into the ventricle can be for a variety of reasons, it is important to establish them very accurately. It is necessary to treat a disease that causes pathology. Depending on the severity of the lesion, the valve is chosen to solve the problem.

In the case of a slight narrowing, surgery is not performed. A therapeutic course is prescribed. If the valve has undergone more serious changes, then the method of its correction is selected.

Therapeutic way

To reduce the swelling, which is caused by congestion in the circulation, make an adjustment in the diet.

  • A healthy diet is selected. The first requirement is the restriction of salt in the diet. It is allowed per day to consume it in an amount not exceeding three grams.
  • Daily fluid intake is limited. Allowed from a liter to one and a half.


To reduce puffiness, drugs are selected:

  • angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are prescribed to prevent heart failure;
  • diuretics - counteract the retention of excess fluid;
  • potassium-containing - also contribute to the withdrawal of fluid, support the muscle of the heart.


  • If the valve has undergone a rough deformation, it is replaced by a prosthesis:
    • mechanical valves are made from metals shown for this purpose,
    • biological prostheses are made from animal vessels.
  • If the valve can be reconstructed, a corrective operation is performed to eliminate the defect.
  • If the picture of the disease allows, cost a palliative. To eliminate the narrowing, a balloon valvulotomy is performed.

You can learn about the cone reconstruction of the tricuspid valve from the following video:

Prevention of the disease

To avoid the creation of prerequisites for diseases that initiate the constriction of the valve, it is necessary to follow simple rules.

  • In inflammatory processes, to identify their cause and carefully treat:
    • in time to treat the teeth,
    • pay attention to chronic tonsillitis, if there is evidence - to remove the tonsils.
  • When a child is pregnant, the woman should be shielded from exposure to:
    • harmful chemicals,
    • ionizing radiation.
  • Quench the body.

Complications of

The pathology of the tricuspid valve is fraught with consequences.

  • The rhythm of the heart can be disturbed. In turn, this is caused by malfunctions in electrical conductivity. In the atrium, preconditions are created for uncoordinated contractions of individual muscle regions.
  • The pulmonary artery can block the thrombus that appears on the valve and is able to come off and wander at any moment.
  • Inflammation of the membranes around the valve is possible.

After surgery, beware:

  • In case of implant installation:
    • In case of unfavorable circumstances, the prosthesis from biological tissues is destroyed and a re-operation is necessary.
    • A clot forms on the valve, which makes it difficult to work.
    • Anticoagulants prescribed during surgery to avoid blood clots can provoke a hemorrhagic stroke at a certain dose.
  • If the expansion of the valve was performed:
    • In case of excessive separation of the valves, the valve is not functioning properly.
    • If inflammation occurs in the valve, stenosis may occur again.

Prognosis for

After the patient is identified narrowing of the valve between the right atrium and the ventricle, the prognosis for life expectancy can be with a large expanse. The minimum period is a few days. At best - a few decades.

This difference depends on the factors:

  • is the patient operable,
  • concomitant pathologies,
  • causes stenosis,
  • the degree of blood stasis caused by the valve anomaly.
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