Aminocaproic acid in pancreatitis

In order to prevent the toxic-destructive effects of trypsin and chymotrypsin on the organs, tissues and molecules of the body( destabilization of normal homeostasis), aminocaproic acid blocking the( inhibiting) glycoprotein from the endopeptidase-enterokinase group is used in pancreatitis. This inhibits the transition of inactive trypsinogen, by removing the hexapeptide in its molecule( the link between leucine and isoleucine) into active trypsin. Such interruption of the cascade process in pancreatitis does not allow the proenzyme( blocked form) of chymotrypsinogen to transform into proteolytic chymotrypsin under the influence of trypsin.

Trypsin and chymotrypsin are endopeptidase-hydrolysers of intramolecular protein peptide bonds( as opposed to exopeptidases).Normally, they should participate in digestive reactions in the lumen of the intestine.

Chymotrypsin is 6 times more active than trypsin, which is expressed in its expanded chemical capabilities, faster enzymatic action and the duration of stay in the active state.

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Thus, aminocaproic acid in pancreatitis almost completely blocks the formation of active trypsin and chymotrypsin at the stage of their "birth" from proenzymes, not allowing enterokinase to act.

This significantly reduces the "self-digestion" of organs and tissues, which positively affects the suppression of the inflammatory process, localized in the pancreas in pancreatitis.

With intravenous administration of the drug, the effect manifests itself after 14-19 minutes, and with per os( oral) - after 45-70 minutes. Outside the active stage of the process, aminocaproic acid in pancreatitis is taken in powder( 1 g.) Every 4 hours in the calculation of 1 sachet per 60 kg of body weight. In the acute phase, an injection of 5% ˗ 100 ml of NaCl solution is applied every 4 hours at a rate of 55 caps / min.

Aminocaproic acid is excreted from the body of a patient with pancreatitis in the urine, predominantly in a non-transformed form( 1/9 part converted to adiptylic acid).

Rarely high individual intolerance of the drug, expressed as nausea, dizziness, cough. Symptoms disappear when the treatment dose decreases. Contraindicated aminocaproic acid in violation of blood clotting and kidney diseases, accompanied by a decrease( violation) of the excretory function.

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