Constipation with hemorrhoids after surgery and during pregnancy, diet and nutrition, treatment tools, what to do when exacerbating, how to get rid of candles?

Constipation with hemorrhoids, accompanied by swelling of the abdomen and flatulence, is very frequent, so people with chronic inflammation of the nodes are encouraged to pay more attention to the normalization of nutrition. Only the right diet and use of dietary products in the daily menu will help to make the treatment of pathology more effective, and the question of how to go to the toilet without laxatives and enemas with the appearance of such symptoms will cease to be relevant for a person.

Due to the fact that hemorrhoids without constipation are relatively rare, many are interested in the causes of severe and prolonged stool delays in chronic and acute forms of pathology. Most often this misfortune occurs in people in the following cases:

  • Violations of the regularity of acts of defecation very often begin after an operation to remove internal inflamed nodes. The reason for this lies in the psychological fear of a person, expecting to feel severe pain and fear that after he goes to the toilet, postoperative sutures will disperse. To get rid of this problem, patients who had had an operation to remove the nodes, it is necessary to ensure the softness of the stool until the healing of the joints is complete;
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  • The second major cause of development during hemorrhoids constipation is pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. Prerequisites for the emergence of such acute symptoms in pregnant women is increasing in size and exerting strong pressure on the pelvic organs of the uterus. In addition, the problem of chronic constipation during pregnancy provokes changes in the diet of future mothers. This in turn leads to stretching and tension of the intestinal walls causing the formation of hemorrhoids;
  • Quite often there is constipation and hemorrhoids after childbirth. In this case, the cause of the appearance of negative symptoms lies in the strong attempts that accompany the generic activity. In addition, the appearance of the disease after delivery and the stretched muscles of the perineum, abdomen and uterus. Not the best way at work of the intestines is affected by the internal psychoemotional state of a woman in the postpartum period.

Treatment of constipation in hemorrhoids

Due to the fact that the search for the most effective method for urgent disposal of this problem excites many, it is necessary to understand it in more detail. According to the statistics, anal fissures and inflammation of the knots are almost always accompanied by long stool delays, because of which people with such pathological manifestations can not go to the toilet for several days without using laxatives. Even experienced proctologists often can not find out which pathology, constipation or hemorrhoids is primary. Both of these diseases form a vicious circle, flowing out from one another, and difficult to treat. All therapeutic measures to get rid of a patient from ailment become a long process.

If you have the first symptoms of hemorrhoids, accompanied by constipation, you need to immediately call a specialist. Only in this case there is a real chance to find the best means and methods, it is more able to rid the person of this delicate problem forever. The main treatment for this problem is medication. Usually, the following methods are used for him:

  • Laxative for constipation and hemorrhoids is prescribed in the form of tablets and syrups. There are a lot of them in the pharmacies, but only the specialist should take care of the appropriate pathology of the drug, especially when they are prescribed to pregnant women or immediately after birth, and also to patients who have undergone an operation to remove the inflamed internal hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that all of them, when getting rid of constipation, have a different effect, and if the patient is carried away by self-medication, unwanted complications may result;
  • Sufficiently effective method is the use of suppositories. Candles of constipation with hemorrhoids are completely harmless and can be used as a pregnancy, and after an operation to remove internal nodes. But before carrying out therapeutic measures with candles from constipation and hemorrhoids, you should also consult a specialist who will suggest the correct course of application of the selected suppositories. It should be remembered that laxative suppositories should be administered only after the bowel is completely emptied.

Dietary food for hemorrhoids and constipation

All therapeutic measures for relieving patients of constipation with hemorrhoids must necessarily take place with a special diet. Correct selection of food products will facilitate the act of defecation, stopping constipation and prompt cure for hemorrhoids. The dietary menu, which is recommended for this pathology, should include foods that contain high amounts of fiber. Often, patients are interested in what there is for acute pain in the anus, violating the quality of life. The basic principles of the diet in this case are as follows:

  • The work of the intestine should be uninterrupted and soft. To achieve this, you need to include porridges and vegetable products in the menu. But porridge should be prepared from whole grains;
  • Nutrition for this diet is recommended fractional, but there should be at the same time. This will adjust the work of the intestine to a certain regime and prevent the appearance of constipation provoking the growth of hemorrhoids;
  • Dietary nutrition should not include a large number of wheat bran, as patients with acute pathology and after surgery are poorly tolerated;
  • Specialists advise to include in the diet menu and dried fruits, in which there is soft vegetable fiber. But they should be in a soaked form.

How to urgently get rid of constipation with hemorrhoids at home?

In the event of such a problem, experts recommend paying attention to the increase in motor activity by morning exercises and performing five-minute gymnastic exercises during the day. At home, it is gymnastics that helps to speed up the work of the intestines and stop constipation provoking the development of hemorrhoids. Choose a suitable in each case, especially during pregnancy, a set of gymnastic exercises for charging will also help a specialist.

Urgently get rid of unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids at home will help and proven recipes of folk remedies. Tansy is very popular among patients. Broths from the flowers of this medicinal plant are used for hemorrhoids, strong constipation and flatulence. The recipe for this folk remedy is quite simple.1 teaspoon of dried flowers tansy poured a glass of boiling water and insists half an hour. After this, the ready folk remedy must be filtered and taken 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.

An excellent enema with boiled water gives an excellent effect. It cleanses the intestine well, stops strong constipation and helps to reduce the negative manifestations of internal hemorrhoids. To achieve the desired effect in a large enema, 1 liter of warm liquid is collected and slowly introduced into the intestine. After the enema is delivered, you should lie down for 10 minutes. But it should not be done more than once a week.

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