Medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids - the best, effective, inexpensive( cheap), new, strong and effective, a list of names

Given the variety of drugs from hemorrhoids in the modern pharmacological market, to find an inexpensive but effective medicine that will help cope with the ailment is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, before acquiring and starting to use this or that drug, mandatory consultation of an experienced proctologist is required. Nevertheless, to know what effective and cheap funds from hemorrhoids can be found in the pharmacy, will not be superfluous. Let's look at some medicines in more detail.

Inexpensive medication Nefluan is a combined hemorrhoids gel, which contains lidocaine, a hormonal component and an antibiotic. If lidocaine is a strong anesthetic, then the antibiotic successfully copes with the infectious-inflammatory process. The hormonal component on the one hand enhances the potential of the drug, and on the other - significantly expands the list of possible contraindications. For this reason, taking Neufuan from hemorrhoids should only be done according to prescription and under the supervision of a doctor. The drug should be injected into the anal canal using a special extension 3 times a day. The course of the medication is from one to two weeks.

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Treatment of hemorrhoids with medicines

Another relatively inexpensive drug for hemorrhoids in pharmacies can be found in the form of ointments or suppositories. For external nodes it is better to choose ointments, and internal hemorrhoids are more effective for treating with candles. The composition of Relix products includes natural oils and a number of active ingredients that are strong vasoconstrictors, reduce swelling of tissues and anesthetize. Of course, it is better not to prescribe this medication yourself, but choose the drug solely on the advice of a doctor. Most importantly, do not delay the visit to the proctologist, who will explain how and how much to use the medicine better in your particular case.

In some cases, proctologists include in the treatment of hemorrhoids Prednisolone. This inexpensive medicine is a hormone of synoptic origin, which is an anti-inflammatory agent. It is better not to start taking it yourself, because the list of harmful properties of Prednisolone is sufficiently large, and only the specialist knows how to better reduce the possibility of their manifestation, and whether this is possible in a particular case. The drug depresses phagocytosis and inhibits the aggressiveness of cellular enzymes. As a result, the inflammatory reaction decreases and the hemorrhoids decrease.

Inexpensive medications against hemorrhoids

Those who tried to cure hemorrhoids with medicines are better than others about Erythromycin. Like any other antibiotic, the drug is a bactericidal and bacteriostatic substance. Despite the fact that the medicine is relatively cheap and available for purchase in almost any pharmacy, it is better to drink it only when appointed by a proctologist. As a rule, they take one tablet four times a day. The course of treatment is best not to interrupt for a minimum of one week. Erythromycin is in no way inferior to the antibiotics of the new generation, but it is recommended with caution for those suffering from liver failure.

One of the best and fairly inexpensive drugs for hemorrhoids - Normoven is prescribed in acute forms of the disease. There are two active substances in the formulation - diosmin and gespiderin. The first one works best with decreasing the extensibility of the veins, increases the plasticity of the capillaries and gives the best anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory results. As for the second, it is good enough in terms of improving the quality properties of connective tissues, which is very important in the healing process of hemorrhoids. Treatment Normoven usually performed according to the following scheme: the first four days the patient drinks six tablets, and the next four days - four tablets. This drug may well lead the list of the most effective means, so its appointment occurs quite often.

Any proctologist will say that there is no clear answer to the question of which medicines to drink more effectively. As a rule, only in a complex they allow, if not forever, then, at least for a long time, to solve this piquant problem. In some cases, doctors prescribe to their patients an inexpensive Lorinden A ointment. This is an anti-inflammatory and keratolytic agent. Use ointment against hemorrhoids should be outwardly two to three times a day in case of acute disease. After relief of acute inflammation, it is better to reduce the dose of the drug to one or two times a day. Caution should be used for people with atrophic skin changes( especially the elderly).

What other medicines should I take with hemorrhoids?

The name "Analgin" is known to everyone. Although this drug is not included in the list of drugs for hemorrhoids, proctologists include it in the course of treatment quite often. This is due to the fact that the drug removes even a fairly serious pain, without having any effect on the patient's psyche. In addition, the drug is anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. Use of the drug should not be started without the advice of a specialist, since it can cause negative consequences. A single dose of a drug should not exceed - mg for a single use and 2 mg - for a daily dose. On sale the medicine can be found in various forms: rectal suppositories, ampoules and tablets. Before switching to the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is better to consult with a doctor.

Ascorutin - another, far from new, name on the pharmacological market, which in some cases doctors include in a set of measures against hemorrhoids, surely, many experienced themselves. But most likely, it was about preventing colds. As a cure for hemorrhoids, the drug is effective only as one of the components of complex therapy. He is unlikely to be included in the list of highly effective drugs in the fight against inflamed hemorrhoids. Tablets contribute to improving the patient's immunity( and disease resistance) and contribute to reducing the fragility of blood vessels.

Solution for intramuscular injection of topical application Derinat is included in the list of drugs prescribed for hemorrhoids control often enough. This immunomodulator has an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. As a result, the healing of the mucous membranes of the rectum is better and infection of cones is prevented.

How to choose the best cure for hemorrhoids?

You can spend a lot of time thinking about which medicine is more effective and which is less effective in hemorrhoids and continue to list the names of the drugs that can permanently rid the patient of a piquant problem, but in the end the conversation will still be reduced to the fact that there is no universal method for overcoming the disease. There is no such medicine that would be equally effective for everyone without exception. Usually, the doctor has to apply not a small amount of effort in order to develop a drug regimen that will be effective for a particular patient.

When choosing a drug, the physician should know exactly what property it possesses:

  • is anti-inflammatory;
  • by tromobolytic;
  • venoprotective;
  • venotonic;
  • activating blood circulation, etc.

The most preferred treatment for hemorrhoids is an integrated approach. Despite the fact that all preparations are available in different forms, preference is often given to ointments, not tablets and suppositories. They do not damage the already inflamed mucous membrane, which is especially important when the patient has painful cones and cracks. The result from ointments becomes much faster, as absorption occurs instantly and directly at the site of the lesion. If the drug for hemorrhoids involves the introduction of the inside, as a rule, the drug goes on sale with special caps-attachments, with which the input of the composition in the anus is not a particular complication of

. Unlike ointments, the candles in order to start working,completely melt. Only after this happens, the active components of suppositories begin to act. Thus, expect an immediate result from the candles should not be.

Sometimes, people's remedies help alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids and bring healing closer. But they should be treated with utmost caution and must first consult a proctologist who leads the disease. They should be considered as additional means, helping to potentiate the influence of traditional methods.

Because hemorrhoids are a very delicate disease, a certain category of patients is embarrassed to admit its presence in itself and does not turn to the proctologist until the last, in the hope that everything will eventually resolve itself somehow by itself. As a rule, nothing like this happens, and self-medication in some cases only aggravates the situation. As a result, the patient is in the hands of a specialist is already very late, and much more time and energy is spent on solving the problem.

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