Diffuse multiple colon polyposis of the large intestine( intestine)

The most common family polyposis is caused by the person's own fault or as a result of a prolonged chronic or inflammatory process. Less often it appears because of heredity. Family polyposis of the intestine is a hereditary disease characterized by the presence of multiple precancerous adenomatous neoplasms in the colon and rectum. In this case, the number of polyps, as a rule, exceeds hundreds.

Symptoms of familial polyposis of the intestine:

  • Diarrhea( 5-6 times a day);
  • Anemia;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Bloody discharge from the anal canal;
  • General malaise and weakness;
  • Fatigue.

The cause of family polyposis is a mutation of a gene located in the fifth chromosome and responsible for the normal proliferation of colon mucosa cells. It is quite easy to detect it, even by the method of finger-painting. Endoscopy is also important: sigmoidoscopy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and biopsy. After detection it is desirable to conduct a survey of all the relatives of the patient using a colonoscopy and a sigmoidoscopy.

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Treatment of family polyposis

Polyps develop in childhood or during puberty. In this case, if you do not treat them, then before the age of 40 they will necessarily develop into cancer.

Treatment of family polyposis involves the complete removal of the colon and rectum, thereby the risk of further cancer is minimized. However, if only the thick is removed, and the straight line is attached to the thin one, the disappearance of the polyps is also observed in the rectum. Therefore, many doctors consider the latter option to be the most optimal and best. The rest of the rectum is constantly observed through the sigmoidoscope, approximately 1 time per month or every six months. In this case, it will be possible to detect the newly appeared tumors on time and remove them. Also, such an observation will allow the doctor to evaluate in more detail the benefits, the frequency of appearance of polyps and their numbers. With a very rapid growth, the straight line is removed after thick, and the small intestine is connected to the hole in the abdominal wall.

Remember that it is desirable to detect such a phenomenon in time, rather than then persistently treat it. It is advisable to apply for the first symptoms of the disease:

  • Increased fatigue, weakness, decreased tone, pallor, malaise, dizziness, tachycardia.
  • Diarrhea, blood in the stool, abdominal pain.

Diffuse intestinal polyposis

Diffuse polyposis is the most serious disease of all possible. It is characterized by multiple formations on the mucous membrane of different shapes and sizes. Diffuse formations lead to metabolic disorders in the body, usually very severe. At the same time, initially they are small, but their growth is fairly rapid and, in the absence of treatment, their transition to the malignant stage is very large. At this point, the main goal of the whole life should be an operation that will reduce the risk of cancer in time.

Diffuse family polyposis is also the result of a hereditary gene. There is a high probability of finding a diffuse polyposis in most members of the same family. The cause of the disease is a gene mutation that regulates the normal development of the intestinal tube in the fetus at an early stage of its intrauterine development. Why there was such a pathology of the chromosome apparatus has not yet been established. Only according to some data experts can assume its viral origin.

There are 3 forms of this bowel disease:

  • Polythesis of Peitz-Jagers( hamartom).It appears in the first months or years of life of a child inheriting such a disease. The most manifested clinical symptom is melanin spots, slightly similar to freckles, bright brown in color. There are such spots on the mucous membrane of the lips, on the inside of the cheeks and on the face. In this case, the child needs constant monitoring of the doctor. If necessary, the child is sent for surgery.
  • The juvenile. In the case of the juvenile form, it manifests itself on the 9th or 10th year of the child's life. Clinical symptoms: a loose and frequent stool with bloody discharge. This is, above all, a sign of the development of anemia. Parents should know that you can not delay, the child needs a thorough examination. A specialist can prescribe an operation that is not recommended to be put off for a long time. If you do not perform the operation, the child will start to noticeably lag behind his peers in mental, sexual and physical development.
  • Proliferating or glandular. The proliferating form is manifested in adolescents aged 15-16 years. In the case of clinical symptoms, the adolescent urgently needs to be sent for examination, after which preparation for surgical intervention will begin. With this form of development, polyps grow very quickly, so if you do not operate the baby in time, they will develop into a malignant tumor.

With the remaining forms of diffuse polyposis, the formation grows much more slowly, but, nevertheless, it is not recommended to leave them without due attention. If even the slowest growing neoplasms in time can not be cured, then by 30-50 years they form a cancer.

It is believed that if the growths are less than 100, then this is a multiple polyposis, and, if more than 100, it means diffuse. In general, disputes are still going on. The boundary between these two forms is ambiguous. It is incorrect to classify multiple polyposis by the number of growths, but it is more likely to determine the nature of the disease by other criteria. The main criterion is heredity.

Diffuse family colon polyposis

Diffuse family polyposis is also a hereditary disease that causes a large number of growths on the mucosa. Scientists have established that diffuse family polyposis is a rather rare phenomenon, out of 1 million people only 13 people are affected by this disease. The disease differs from the others in that the degeneration of the growths into cancer is inevitable.

Symptoms of diffuse family polyposis: abdominal pain, loose stools with frequent intervals, intestinal bleeding, abdominal discomfort, heartburn, belching and bloating.

Treat a diffuse family disease exclusively surgically by removing the entire large intestine. To date, often also used stage endoscopic sanation, i.e.stage polypectomy and subsequent follow-up at the proctologist.

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