Symptoms of polyps in the stomach and signs of polyposis

Recently, when examined by a gastroenterologist, polyps in the stomach are often found in patients. They are subject to everything - from children to the elderly. Often they come to light quite accidentally, because in the early stages of their growth, they practically do not give themselves out, masquerading as symptoms of other diseases.

This term refers to growths that rise above the mucous membrane of the stomach and face its cavity. You should know that education can be not only in this body, but in others too( for example, intestines, uterus and so on).They have different shapes: similar to a wart, a mushroom on the stem or inflorescence. Dimensions also vary: from a few millimeters to two or more centimeters.

Causes of symptoms of polyps in the stomach

Previously, doctors were inclined to believe that the disease polyposis of the stomach is hereditary. Therefore, when visiting them and finding such tumors, they always figured out if there was a similar diagnosis from any of the relatives. To date, the main symptom is a chronic inflammatory process, which did not stop in time or did not give it value. Therefore, it is important to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner, and if any abnormalities are found, examine them in more detail.

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Now the development of medical technologies and science, allows us to consider this issue in more detail and from different sides. Given the morphology, we can talk about such types of stomach polyps:

  • single, multiple;
  • large, small, mixed;
  • dense, soft, mixed;
  • nested, scattered, solid;
  • with a wide base or a long and thin stem.

Separately, gastritis is treated with a lesion of a certain part of the stomach. It affects its manifestations and symptoms. According to clinical signs polyps in the stomach secrete:

  • developing asymptomatic;
  • with complications( with disintegration, prolapse in the upper part of the duodenum, bleeding, cancer degeneration and other processes).

By pathologic anatomy:

  • gastritis with polyposis;
  • single and multiple polyps( benign, prone to malignancy and cancerous);
  • neoplasms affecting the whole gastrointestinal tract.

According to the form of the disease, polyposis speak of several of its forms:

  • is asymptomatic;
  • gastritis;
  • complicated anemic;
  • combined with oncological processes.

More often doctors in the diagnosis are guided by the symptoms of stomach and stomach polyps of clinical and morphological nature, which helps to get a more complete and clear picture of the disease polyposis.

Symptoms of polyps in the stomach

Symptoms of polyps in the stomach directly depend on their location, number of formations, structure and nature. It is equally important to know in what state the digestive organ is located, its mucous( the degree and depth of its defeat).If inflammation is already present and gastritis is diagnosed, then its acute form should be differentiated from chronic, which is a consequence of the incompleteness of first or complete absence of therapy. As a rule, the origin of such formations does not betray itself in any way. Often they are detected during a standard gastroscopy procedure for suspected gastritis. Because the disease can be masked by his symptoms. They also differ depending on which department is affected. Often patients talk about pain, localized mainly in two directions:

  1. Under the spoon. She's aching and stupid.
  2. In the field of epigastrium. Here it can be acute, spreading to the back, waist, region of the heart, scapula. Usually it is palpable after eating.

A person needs to pay attention to other symptoms: heaviness in the stomach, fast saturation with even small portions of food, a feeling of bursting, bloating, belching with an unpleasant aftertaste, a smell from the mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn,pallor, weakness, increased fatigue. All of them are quite generalized and can characterize the whole spectrum of other gastrointestinal diseases: from banal gastritis to gastric cancer.

Sometimes the main symptoms that disturb a patient are: weakness, characteristic of anemia, and upset of the stool. With these signs he comes to the doctor. Other manifestations manifest themselves much later. Nausea and vomiting are not so frequent symptoms as it might seem. They are more associated with the gradual decrease in acidity in the stomach, the deterioration of its motor skills, the obstruction caused by the prolapse of the polyp in the lumen of the duodenum. In the latter case, there is a sharp pain of a piercing-cutting nature. Symptoms of polyposis of the stomach may resemble ulcers when perforated. Then the patient has blood in the stool and vomiting. Other manifestations are more pronounced. Common symptoms that should alert a person are: severe weight loss, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent nervous breakdowns or depression, headache, subfebrile body temperature, characteristic of acute inflammatory process.

It is not necessary to delay with a visit to the doctor for any negative manifestations and signs in the field of the digestive system, since it is possible to miss the moment of the degeneration of the polyp into a cancer tumor.

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