How to establish a chair with constipation, how to restore and facilitate the work of the intestine, how to normalize the microflora with folk remedies?

Normally, the intestine in an adult should be emptied once a day, in the case when defecation occurs less often when it is difficult, and the person after the toilet feels some discomfort, complains of abdominal pain or general weakness, you can talk about the presence of constipation. Restoring the intestines with constipation and relieve the general condition is helped only by complex therapy. But first you need to determine the cause of the formation of stool. Ignoring an ailment can lead to dangerous consequences. And all because the delays in defecation trigger the process of reabsorbing substances that are inside the hollow organ. Stagnant chyme quickly begins to rot, there are toxins that instantly get into the blood. General intoxication is the most common complication. Is it possible to establish work and restore the intestinal microflora in case of constipation? You can, if you follow certain rules.

When answering the question how to fix a chair with constipation and relieve the patient's condition, doctors pay attention to the general rules of behavior:

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  1. At the first urge to defecate, you can not postpone the trip to the toilet. Multiple containment of desires and leads to the formation of fecal obstructions.
  2. When you visit the toilet you can not read, listen to music, scroll through the pages in the phone, and be distracted by any other similar activities.
  3. It is important to visit the toilet at the same time. Only there is a restoration of work of an intestine at constipations, and the chair is adjusted.
  4. If it becomes necessary to stiffen during defecation, it is better to do this, resting your feet on the floor and sitting on the toilet very exactly.
  5. It is important to avoid stressful situations, nervous experiences will not help to establish a chair, but will only aggravate the situation.

In addition, to restore the microflora and normalize the work of the intestines with constipation, you will have to completely change your diet, it is important to increase physical activity and learn to prepare laxatives from what can be found in your own refrigerator or in the garden at the dacha.

How to restore intestinal function with constipation?

Solving the problem of normalizing the consistency of stool with constipation, it is important to pay attention to nutrition. All fried, salted, spicy and smoked, canned, delicacies, flour and sweet - all this contributes to the formation of constipation, to adjust the stool and to restore the intestinal microflora, if you completely abandon such products. Food for constipation should be varied and balanced. You need to eat everything: fish, meat, and poultry, but you should choose low-fat varieties and prepare dishes for a couple, lob any cooking, bake in the oven. To meat dishes it is useful to add salads from vegetables rich in coarse fiber. It promotes the formation of fecal masses, restores the microflora and normalizes the work of the digestive tract. A slight laxative effect is possessed by any dried fruits, juices from tomatoes, apples, white cabbage, pumpkin and plum. Salads are important to fill with vegetable oils. It is also necessary to eat more sour-milk products, greens. Anyone who wants to know how to set up a chair with constipation and restore intestinal function should completely stop using coffee, bitter and milk chocolate, polished rice, blueberries and white bread. All these products inhibit the motility of the intestine.

During the diet from constipation, it is necessary to adjust the intake of water. In a day an adult should drink a certain amount of water, the volume is calculated by the formula for one kilogram of weight 30 ml of water. The resulting amount is divided into nine parts, a single dose is consumed before meals. The first glass is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Water not only will soften the stool, but also expand the hollow organ, thereby stimulating, normalizing the work of the organ described and its peristalsis.

How to relieve constipation?

Sedentary lifestyle also contributes to the formation of constipation, so in order to adjust the chair, to ease the condition and restore the intestine, you need to move more. Do exercises in the morning, during the day, light gymnastics, after a hearty meal, it is useful to go out into the street and walk for half an hour, and in the evening, if time permits, you need to visit the gym or swimming pool for health.

The complex of gymnastic exercises from constipation is extremely simple. Pulling the knees bent at the knees to the stomach, biking, pulling and protrusion of the abdomen, lying on the back. The effectiveness of exercise will increase if you combine them with a massage of the abdominal wall. Circular movements, spiral massage, starting with the navel, descending to the pubis, kneading the left and right side of the abdomen - it is not difficult to perform such movements yourself. Any gymnastics or gymnastics, wishing to set up a chair, restore the intestine and facilitate the condition, it is necessary to finish charging with active squats, fast walking.

How to adjust a chair with constipation folk remedies?

Quickly to adjust a chair and to normalize a condition it is possible, using popular national laxatives. Quick recovery of the stool occurs after taking a mixture of dried fruits. For its preparation finely chopped dry figs, dried apricots, prunes, raisins are added, all this is mixed with honey and is taken fifty grams three times a day.

In the morning on an empty stomach instead of a glass of water it is useful to use tea, brewed from the tops of carrots. Thus, you can also adjust the chair. Green shoots are pre-dried in the sun, grinded and brewed at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of boiling water. Infusion can be sweetened, but instead of sugar it is better to use honey.

Knowing how to fix a chair with constipation folk remedies, restore the intestine and ease the condition of an adult, you can refuse to take medication. But if all the means listed in the article did not help to get rid of the delicate problem and to adjust digestion, it is necessary to overcome the embarrassment and seek help from a doctor( gastroenterologist or proctologist).

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