Condensation of the pancreas and liver( walls, structures, tissues, stroma) - causes and treatment

It should be noted at once that it is not necessary to confuse the densifications that the doctor can reveal if he is superficial examination and palpation of the patient's abdominal cavity. Yes, this kind of manual examination can really show that a certain section of the pancreas has a density greater than normal. However, the diagnosis of pancreatic wall tightening can be made exclusively by a specialist during ultrasound, and such changes indicate that there are certain abnormalities in the functioning of this organ.

The thickness of the walls depends on many factors, but in a healthy person it is uniform. In the presence of the currently transmitted or currently existing inflammatory diseases, they can undergo various functional changes, expressed as follows:

  • acute pancreatitis provokes necrosis of some tissue sites on the walls throughout the inner surface of the pancreas. In case of timely diagnosed disease and properly performed treatment, the inflammation is eliminated, the tissues are regenerated and pancreatic glands of different localization caused by tissue scarring appear on the site of the lesions.
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  • chronic pancreatitis is a constant inflammation characterized by slow tissue damage. Over time, the development of atrophy, calcification or even necrosis is inevitable. As a result, there are densities, because gradually the entire internal surface of the body begins to scar. The more often the patient has relapses of chronic pancreatitis, the more tightly the pancreatic wall can be sealed by the doctor when examined.

Thus, an experienced physician, after studying the picture of changes occurring with tissues in a patient with pancreatitis, can quite accurately say how effective the treatment was. Unfortunately, the compaction itself is not a symptom, but only a consequence of the already transferred disease, so it does not carry a diagnostic function. Most often, such changes in the pancreas are detected not at the first examination of the patient who complained of characteristic pains, but already on subsequent, after the course of treatment. The danger of such changes is also in the fact that they can be contagious, which significantly complicates the treatment of the current disease.

Compaction of the liver and pancreas

Digestion of the digestive tract signals a serious malfunction in the body and can lead to the development of various pathologies. Typically, such violations occur as a result of malnutrition, or because of any congenital abnormalities. Symptoms of such diseases are acute pain in the hypochondrium and epigastric part, digestive tract disorders, weight loss and occasional unreasonable vomiting. It is the sickening state that often leads to complications, as the emetic reflex significantly increases the degree of physical stress on the internal organs.

The compaction of the liver and pancreas, as a form of digestive tract disorder, is diagnosed rather difficult and therefore requires the intervention of an experienced gastroenterologist. The main methods of studying these pathologies are the questionnaire method, X-ray examination and instrumental intervention. In general, this type of disease is easily treatable, but there are risks of some complications due to the physiology of the patient. If complications occur, the patient must seek help from a surgeon.

Causes of compaction of the pancreas

The main causes of pancreatic densification are various dystrophic changes in the structure of its tissues. More often such pathological process occurs at disturbance of a habitual rate of a circulation and chronic diseases of endocrine system of the person provoked by adverse environmental influences. Sometimes the compaction of the gland walls can be caused by the formation of the body, however such cases are quite rare and are observed, as a rule, in adolescents and children.

The detection of such diffuse changes of the pancreas as its compaction, as a rule, occurs through the ultrasound procedure. The main causes of the disease lie in the malfunctioning of the endocrine system and the irregular feeding of the patient, but there are also individual cases associated with heredity or pathological functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In either case, the final decision regarding the onset of pancreatic densification can only be taken by an experienced specialist.

Sealing structure, tissue, stroma of pancreas

As a result of various inflammatory diseases transferred, the structure of pancreatic tissue can undergo all sorts of functional disorders that cause complete upset of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, such violations are manifested in the exacerbation of necrotic tissue processes, covering the entire surface of the organ. In such cases, acute inflammation begins, which can lead to the development of dangerous diseases, ranging from gastritis, ending with cancer.

Sealing of the structure and stroma of the pancreas can provoke the development of calcification or atrophy, and their treatment is often problematic and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. The result of such diseases may be scarring of the internal surface of the organ. In addition, the patient more often suffers from attacks of recurrence of chronic pancreatitis and may expose himself to the risk of death. Recurrent cases are treated separately, and involve inpatient treatment. It is not uncommon for a patient to require urgent help from a professional surgeon.

Treatment of pancreatic pancreas comps

The primary method of treatment of pancreatic glands is fasting, which allows to lower the level of gastric secretion. As a means of suppressing the excessive production of enzymes, they designate Contrikal or Trasilol. The nominal dose of these drugs is selected depending on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Promedol is used as a means of arresting the pain syndrome that occurs when the wall thickness of the pancreas is increased. As for morphine injections, they should, if possible, be avoided, as they can cause an increased hormonal release, and this is fraught with unpredictable consequences. Specialists, of course, should monitor the level of electrolytes in the blood in order to prevent the occurrence of hypocalcemia. A timely treatment is the guarantee of elimination of signs of the disease in 90% of cases. If the medical treatment of pancreatic gland seals does not have a positive effect, one must resort to surgical intervention, which is not always a safe way out of the situation.

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