Ointment and suppositories Gepatrombin G with hemorrhoids, instruction on treatment, whether it is possible to use the product in the form of a gel or cream?

Treatment of hemorrhoid symptoms is carried out by external and rectal means. One of them, which has a venosclerosis, antiplatelet and anti-inflammatory effect, is the drug Gepatrombin.

In the pharmacy network it can be purchased in the form of ointment( cream), gel, suppositories( suppositories).

Gel and ointment Gepatrombin are issued with activity 300 IU and 500 IU and contain in the composition heparin, allantoin and dexpanthenol.

Ointment Gepatrombin G is almost transparent, has a slight yellow tint.

One gram of ointment contains:

  • 65 IU of sodium heparin;
  • 2.233 mg of prednisolone acetate;
  • 30 mg of laukromogol 600 and an auxiliary ointment base.

Packaging of 20 grams of cream in aluminum tubes, equipped with a tip, is packed in a cardboard box.

Rectal suppositories Gepatrombin G. One suppository contains:

  • 120 IU of sodium heparin;
  • 1.675 mg of prednisolone acetate;
  • 30 mg laukromakrogola 600.

The basis consists of medium-chain triglycerides, colloidal silicon dioxide, solid fat, glycerol stearate. It has a homogeneous white color and a dense greasy consistency. Candles are packed in plastic blisters for five pieces, two blisters in a cardboard box.

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Gel Gepatrombin S has a different composition. In 1 gram contains:

  • 500 IU of sodium heparin;
  • 150 mg of dimethylsulfoxide;
  • 25 mg of dexpanthenol in a transparent base.

Colorless gel has a characteristic smell of auxiliary substances - isopropanol, mountain pine oil, rosemary, lemon. The drug is packaged in aluminum tubes of 40 grams.

Combined action of hepatrombin for topical application in proctology 1 IU( International Unit) of heparin sodium in all forms of hepatrombin means anticoagulant activity corresponding to activity of 7.7 μg of international standard of heparin.

Direct anticoagulant heparin liquefies blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, stimulates their resorption. Improvement of local blood flow and microcirculation leads to a reduction in edema and pain sensations, characterized by hemorrhoids.

Prednisolone, which contains ointment and suppositories of Gepatrombin G, helps to reduce itching, pain and burning in the anus, providing antiallergic and antiexudative action.

Lauromacrogol 400( polidocanol) sclerizes the hemorrhoidal nodes and anesthetizes. In addition, this substance protects the skin and mucosa from thinning, which can arise from prednisolone.

In the gel, the presence of provitamin B5( dexpanthenol) improves the regeneration of the integument, improves the metabolism in them, promotes epithelization and granulation.

The substance dimethylsulfoxide not only has a high penetrating power, but also helps to accelerate the penetration of other constituents. In addition, it has a pronounced analgesic effect, has bactericidal properties, and promotes fibrinolysis. Hemorrhoids, thrombi in the anal veins under the action of this substance dissolve faster. In some patients, the metabolites of dimethyl sulfoxide lead to the appearance of a garlic odor from the mouth.

Allantoin has astringent, healing, antibacterial properties.

Mucous membrane and skin easily pass substances contained in Gepatrombin. Concentration, which is achieved in surrounding tissues, is sufficient to reduce the severity of the course of hemorrhoids, to remove most of its symptoms.

Indications for Hepatrombin in hemorrhoids

Hepatrombin is intended for the treatment of proctological diseases( both isolated hemorrhoids and its complicated forms):

  • cracks in the anus;
  • veins thrombophlebitis around the anus;
  • of external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • of the eczematous lesions of the anus;
  • fistulas of the rectum.

The instruction to the preparation indicates the possibility of treating varicose veins of the lower extremities, including those accompanied by thrombobophlebitis, domestic and sports injuries, inflammation of the soft tissue ligament with edema and hematomas.

Deforming and inflammatory diseases of the joints, neuralgia are also indications for Hepatrombin.

Contraindications to Hepatrombin in hemorrhoids

Contraindications to Hepatrombin G are composed of possible contraindications to the action of its components. Individual intolerance, allergic reactions are possible. A prolonged course of treatment or a large area of ​​application can cause systemic disorders.

The drug is prohibited when:

  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bacterial, viral and fungal skin diseases;
  • skin cancer;
  • postvaccinal reactions.

Reduced blood clotting ability, the tendency to spontaneous formation of bruises, bleeding is a contraindication to heparin, which is part of all forms of Gepatrombin.

Do not apply Hepatrombin to damaged skin.

Use with caution in renal and hepatic insufficiency, uncompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Absolute contraindication - age up to 5 years, t.on children for ethical reasons, no evidence-based studies to determine the level of safety.

In Gepatrombin C, there are fewer contraindications, since there are no corticosteroids in its composition, and the dexpanthenol substance is related to the integumentary tissues of the human body.

The instruction must be read carefully before use.

Method of applying ointments and suppositories Gepatrombin G for hemorrhoids

During the exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is allowed to apply Gepatrombin to the affected area up to 4 times a day. The cream needs to be smeared with a thin layer after hygienic treatment of the anal area.

Candles Hepatrombin with hemorrhoids put 1-2 times a day after defecation.

It is also often administered with hemorrhoids Hepatrombin in the form of a gel or ointment rectally. This is done with a special tip, which is screwed onto the tube, squeezing a small amount into a small depth inside the rectum. After the symptoms of hemorrhoids subsided, pain reduction, you can continue to inject the drug once a day for 7 days( to prevent relapse).

It should be applied carefully, trying not to affect the healthy area, it is better to remove excess immediately.

If improvement does not occur or if there are side effects, stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Storage of preparations is allowed at room temperature, the shelf life is maintained for 3 years. Must be protected from children.

Hepatrombin from hemorrhoids during pregnancy and lactation

The content of prednisolone makes it impossible to treat Hepatrombin G in the first trimester of pregnancy. As a rule, at this time the risk of hemorrhoids is minimal, since the uterus does not press on the vessels of the small pelvis, and the venous outflow remains in normal state.

After the birth, hemorrhoids can become worse. The use of Hepatrombin with preserved lactation is undesirable, but in certain situations it is possible. This issue should be addressed only with a doctor.

The use of external and rectal agents for the treatment of hemorrhoids can improve the condition, relieve the symptoms of exacerbation. But without changing the way of life, creating healthy habits in nutrition, performing feasible physical exercises that allow constipation and stasis in the blood vessels of the pelvic organs to be eliminated, it is impossible to solve the problem of hemorrhoids.

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